Are You Playing Enough?
(And why it's green)
As I have said before, I seem to have an infinite number of topics to write about every other week when newsletter time comes around. Is Green Whirling Dervish Brain an official diagnosis? What popped up most for me for this newsletter is PLAY and how important it is to remember that sustainability is an inside job. (Coming soon as the last chapter in my book...) I don't have to conduct a major research project to know that, in general, we don't play enough.
Please stay with me. First of all, I am reading a book called Finding Your Way in a Wild New World by Martha Beck. My friend Kathy Sawyer literally called for an emergency face-to-face so she could give me the book. Once the mission was accomplished, I dug in. The book was filled with yellow-stickies, along with an array of exclamation points, smiley faces and check marks, lovingly made for me - all in green highlighter of course. Since Martha Beck is literally an advisor to Oprah, she had instant credibility with me. Little did I know what I was in for, but I digress.
I hope you will buy the book and read it because it's life changing. Here's my take on what Martha has to say about play. "To thrive in our wild new world, you'd be well advised to play until you can't think." She talks about how as adults most of us tell ourselves that playing is a "leisure time" activity, NOT to be confused with productive work, NOR to be taken to excess. She cleverly uses Peter Pan & Captain Hook as an example of how Peter's refusal to grow up ultimately led to his defeating Hook. Ms. Beck takes it a bit deeper and talks about real play actually being a wildly creative application of deep practice - like picking something hard and doing it at a level that's almost too difficult. Like building your own radio studio and launching an internet radio show perhaps?
Here is my request: while you are reading this newsletter, press pause, right here. Ask yourself if you are playing enough? Do you sing in the car like you ARE your favorite singer? (I do) Do you EVER dance like no one is watching? (I do) When was the last time you called in to work for a play day? You can't say that to some employers but good, progressive ones encourage mental health days and insist that employees take their vacation time. (Getting better at this one and letting my team know when I am going off the grid.) When was the last time, if ever, you said to your kids "no school today, we are taking a road trip and going on a picnic"? When was the last time you picked one day and didn't even LOOK at your to do list? You get the picture.
Here's my very personal share. When my friend Mary told me about a month ago to try taking my oars out of the water, to stop rowing so hard upstream to expand Mrs. Green's reach, and to just allow, I felt like someone had thrown ice cold water in my face -- in a really good way. If I don't stop to play, to read, to have fun, to practice intentional acts of girlfriend time, to go to Heavenly Feet, to make it a great and FUN day at VerVe getting a pedicure, how can I be a voice for sustainability? I have to sustain me first so I can help with this big thing I have said yes to.
And guess what is happening? My creativity level is high. My team is more relaxed. My book is almost finished. Our contest with Miraval was successful beyond belief. Our tribe is growing. New partners are appearing and getting excited about co-creating. Bookmans Entertainment Exchange is making one of my dreams come true - stay tuned for The Silent Killer (plastic bags.) Some of my friends and I have come up with a code for spontaneous, late afternoon gatherings. MMAR - meet me at Renee's. Our most recent gathering lasted three hours. It renewed my soul. I am also meeting new friends and getting the hit that our relationships are all part of finding our way together in this wild new world. I hope this doesn't sound narcissistic because I don't believe it's all about me - ever. But I want you to know I am walking the walk and I hope you will join me. To playing!
And the Winner Is...
Our contest with Miraval exceeded our expectations at every level. It was a long contest (6 weeks) with a record number of entries. We had winners from all over the country and received really nice emails from everyone who won the Mindful Eating cookbook. People rave about it as do I. My favorite quote from one friend who actually bought the cookbook was "I love it that they have recipes for cocktails in it!" I was thrilled that Miraval shared their chocolate chip recipe. And I have to admit that I was ecstatic when I got the call that Kelly Medvec was the winner. I know her personally so they let me make the call. She was thrilled beyond belief (and who wouldn't be over the moon to win a 2 night/3 day stay at Miraval?) and said she never wins anything. What a first!
Find out who the cookbook winners are and about Kelly's GRAND prize by visiting Mrs. Green's World. We'll keep the information up until Friday.
Red, White and Green: Eco-friendly Party Tips from Mrs. Green
As the 4th of July approaches, Mrs. Green wants to remind you about some really simple green party tips that will make your Independence Day gathering the talk of the town.
Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure!
Grow responsibly in the desert, use 70% less water with hydroponics.
-- Brought to you by Sea of Green
Mrs. Green had the pleasure (might be classified as playing) of visiting the Tempe store about a week ago. If you follow Mrs. Green on Facebook, check out my photo album. I had a blast taking pictures of the living wall they built, the bags of organic bat guano, and visiting with the young, informative fun staff. I heart Sea of Green. |
Mrs. Green says "Check It Out!"
I realize that by including this in my newsletter, I run the risk of violating the "short attention span" syndrome but I am going to include it anyway. Take a deep breath and maybe even count reading this as play time!
Since we have started our partnership with Pima Association of Governments (PAG), I have learned lots of really interesting and important things about why I should care about clean air and what role can I/we play in being a part of the solution to maintaining or improving air quality. So of course I want to share with you so you can care too. Here goes.
- Did you know the average person inhales about 20,000 times per day? This equates to about 2,500 gallons of air entering your lungs every 24 hours. Hope that grabs your attention about why it's so important to keep our air clean. (Live in Pima County? Most of the time, the air in Pima County is healthy and we want to keep it that way.)
So what can we do to make sure our air stays healthy no matter where we live?
ON THE ROAD: Motor vehicles are responsible for approximately 60 percent of the air pollution in our region and many other regions through-out the country.
Small changes in driving habits will help keep our air clean:
- Driving less, combining errands into one trip
- Carpooling, using public transit, biking, walking for short trips
- Reduce idling, drive the speed limit, avoid 'jackrabbit' starts and aggressive driving
Routine vehicle maintenance can increase gas mileage, save money and reduce air pollution. Some useful tips:
- Monthly tire pressure check and airing up when needed (Use the vehicle manufacture's recommendations on the door jam or in glove box; not the pressure listed on the tire.)
- Changing the air filter regularly
- Remove excess weight from inside the vehicle and in the trunk
IN YOUR HOME: Utility companies create pollution when they generate electricity. Water pumping and delivery requires a great deal of electricity. Reducing electricity use and conserving water will help our air stay clean. A few suggestions:
- Raise the thermostat temperature a few degrees in the summer and lower it in the winter to save money and energy. If buying a new thermostat, get one that's programmable
- Make sure you have a full load before you run the clothes and dishwasher. Use cold water for laundry and hang your clothes outdoors instead of using a dryer.
- Unplug chargers and seldom used electronics; plug electronics into a power strip to make switching off easier
- Turn off the water when brushing your teeth and shaving and take shorter showers
- Plant native trees on the east, west or south side to shade your home and reduce water and energy use.
(Remember, Clean Air Starts with Me! For more tips and information, visit www.PimaCleanAir.com and like their Facebook page. Clean Air should matter to everyone no matter where you live.)
Upcoming Shows
June 23
Patrick Graham, Arizona State Director, The Nature Conservancy
As the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people, there will be no shortage of questions to pose to Peter. We will talk about the most urgent conservation challenges facing both the planet, our country and the State of Arizona and how the Nature Conservancy is engaged in solutions. This show is sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
June 30 Kelly King, Vice President, Pacific Biodiesel
July 14th - Sally Malanga - President of Ecco Bella - When Sally started Ecco Bella (http://www.eccobella.com/) over 20 years ago, she wanted to protest the use of animals for testing on cosmetics. Her mission then expanded to creating natural beauty products from organics AND to be known for having "Activist Eyes" on every aspect of her company since its inception. Sally will share with us how she has kept true to her mission of using products that are water, gluten, dye, GMO, slaughterhouse and preservative FREE. I will also talk with Sally about Ecco Bella's important work with animal shelters and their commitment to the four-leggeds. Special call in from our friends at Miraval (http://www.miravalresorts.com/) will complete our commitment to spreading the good green word locally AND globally. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson. Pacific Biodiesel is a leading pioneer and advocate for the establishment of community-based biodiesel. I first heard about this great company when I visited Rob Parsons from the Office of Environmental Concerns in Maui (yes, Maui!) As early adopters and now global leaders, we'll learn about about constructing and operating biodiesel processing plants and make it fun AND informative. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
July 7 David Johnson, Director of Corporate Marketing, Rain Bird Corporation Mrs. Green's World's One Year Anniversary show! Ever hear of the Intelligent Use of Water? You will. Please join me as we learn about the leading manufacturer and provider of irrigation products and services in the world. Rain Bird believes in developing products and technologies that use water efficiently. Most impressive? They have been doing so since 1933. We will learn how Rain Bird is helping sustain healthier landscapes thus contributing to a healthier planet. What a great way to celebrate our anniversary - talking about the world's most precious resource: water. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
 July 14 Sally Malanga - President of Ecco Bella When Sally started Ecco Bella over 20 years ago, she wanted to protest the use of animals for testing on cosmetics. Her mission then expanded to creating natural beauty products from organics AND to be known for having "Activist Eyes" on every aspect of her company since its inception. Sally will share with us how she has kept true to her mission of using products that are water, gluten, dye, GMO, slaughterhouse and preservative FREE. I will also talk with Sally about Ecco Bella's important work with animal shelters and their commitment to the four-leggeds. Special call in from our friends at Miraval will complete our commitment to spreading the good green word locally AND globally. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. Spread the Green Word!
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Mrs. Green welcomes your comments and feedback: info@mrsgreensworld.com