May 9, 2012 / Issue 111


Mrs. Green's World  

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While We Were Sleeping...Part Two 

(On Endocrine Disruptors - Could I Make That Up?)

People seem to be asking me more and more lately about how I came to be Mrs. Green. It makes me think about this journey of mine and wonder how in the heck DID I become Mrs. Green. When I read an article about endocrine disruptors and then a blog about the article last week, I knew While We Were Sleeping - Part Two was a done deal. One small request? Don't think of this as bad news. It's not intended as such. It's really important to know just what is happening to us while we are sleeping - metaphorically of course. Remember - I don't want to tell anyone what to think, I just want us to.

So, reflections on the journey. Somehow, it started because I let facts, science, and research get in the way. I don't think it was actually the phrase "endocrine disruptors" that grabbed me. It was more family and friends getting cancer of all kinds, more front page news about autism, more info coming at me about harmful cosmetics - you get the picture. Since I believe that to know better is to do better, I wanted to know more so I could spread the good green word and inspire people to action.

If you just take the time to read even the first paragraph below, you will understand why articles like this grab my attention. I wasn't reading a science journal. It was an Op-Ed piece by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times, after all... "In recent years, the incidence of hypospadias, a congenital malformation of the penis, has doubled. Leading health experts blame this surge on a family of toxic chemicals called endocrine disruptors, which attack the hormone system." That got my attention!


After reading the entire article I checked to see what the Environmental Working Group had to say about it. If you are a long fact finder, you will want to follow this link, and I hope you do. But if you are short on time and counting on me to give you the Mrs. Green's Digest version, here goes:


  • Endocrine disruptors really are EVERYWHERE, and IMakeup mean everywhere - your ATM and gas receipts, canned foods, cosmetics, plastics, food packaging, popcorn bags, carpet cleaning solutions and so and so on, and yes - even in human breast milk and in the cord blood of newborn babies.
  • According to Kristof, last year alone eight medical organizations representing genetics, gynecology, urology and other fields made a joint call in Science magazine for tighter regulation of endocrine disruptors.
  • The EWG's take? Hope you read their entire response but I have to quote one paragraph: "No matter which party is in power, the White House and Congress should come together on this very serious and pressing public health crisis. A glass of water should be free of carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. So should toys, toothbrushes, countertop cleaners, infant formula and store receipts. That's something we can all agree on." You think?

Call to action from Mrs. Green? Get as passionate about this as we did about asbestos in our insulation and about lead in children's toys. Let's remember that it's for our children - the only future we have ever had. And I promise to write about good news in the next newsletter!


Life in Balance Spa at Miraval

Updates on Good Green News  

Good news item #1 - The new Life in Balance Spa at Miraval opened last week to rave reviews and is being called a game changer in the spa industry. So how can that turn into really good news in your life? Enter the eat well. be well. contest we co-created with Miraval and be entered to win a two night, three day stay at this heaven on earth resort. All you have to do is answer an easy question about Miraval every week for the next six weeks. Once a week, one person who answers correctly will be selected to win Miraval's just released cookbook: Mindful Eating. Please let me repeat: anyone who submits the correct answer to the question each week will be eligible to win the grand prize. It's that simple. Is it too clich� to ask: what are you waiting for?

Eat well. Be well. Contest

Good news item #2 - are you ready for this one? Golden Eagle Distributors and Budweiser's Grow One, Save a Million campaign in support of World Environment Day on June 5th is alive and growing. Pun intended. The purpose? Saving water. The fun? Men not shaving for one month - thus the grow one, save a million message. Lovers of beards and the earth - ready to stand behind this one? I hope so. Do you know what I would give for people to send some pictures to me? Seriously! Send your beyond-five-o'clock-shadow snaps to [email protected].

Mrs. Green talks Aquaponics
Mrs. Green talks Aquaponics with St�phane from Local Roots Aquaponics. The benefits? Water conservation and food security, among others.

Mrs. Green Talks Aquaponics 
Update on the Sea of Green Event 

Mr. and Mrs. Green DID join Sea of Green at their Tucson location last Saturday to celebrate 20 years of being in business and a green business at that! We thoroughly enjoyed it, learned lots and had fun. What a great group of human beings.

Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure!

Pharmpods are an exciting plug and grow, portable grow room made from reused shipping containers.

-- Brought to you by Sea of Green

Mrs. Green says "Check It Out!"

Thanks to my friend Norma Gentry for sharing this info. These are green and adorable. HandMaid for Mother's Day?   

Upcoming Shows


William deBuysMay 12

William deBuys, Author of A Great Aridness: Climate Change and the Future of the American Southwest 

I had the honor of actually meeting Bill when I served as a moderator for a panel at the Tucson Festival of Books. He takes a complex, controversial, detailed subject as it applies to the American Southwest. Author of 7 books and finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in 1991 for his book River of Traps. I say without hesitation that he had his audience from hello and he is a gentleman AND a scholar. We will also have special call-in guest Simon Marxer, Spa Director, Miraval, telling us about Miraval's new Life in Balance Spa. Please plan to join us. This show is sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


Rob ParsonsMay 19

Rob Parsons, Executive Assistant for Environmental Concerns Office of the Mayor (Wailuku, HI)

Remember Mrs. Green goes to Maui? It was indeed an informative, inspiring trip as Maui became a metaphor for the challenges many cities face as their own "islands" relying on shipping and importing things in for their very survival. Maui passed one of the first plastic bag ordinances in the country and they have never stopped. From biofuels to solar installation to the growth of organic farming, Rob knows what is happening on his island and on the planet. Exciting, informative, and fun. Call to action? Join us! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


UA-Institute-of-the-EnvironmentMay 26

Institute of the Environment, UA - Jonathan Overpeck and Diana Liverman 

Not sure if I will be comfortable calling him "Peck" as everyone I know seems to but Jonathan and Diana are two of the most influential and knowledgeable individuals on climate change on the planet. Co-directors of the University of Arizona Institute of the Environment, will one hour give us time to cover the following: climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, climate change and food security? It could take an entire show to just read their bios and accomplishments. But we will get to the green heart of some of these topics and quickly. Please plan to listen. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


Chris JordanJune 2 

Chris Jordan - Internationally Acclaimed Photographer 

Perhaps more than any single person, the works of Chris Jordan  have impacted my work as Mrs. Green. His photographs are life changing, daunting, depressing, and yet at the same time inspirational. Chris is a game-changer and a one of a kind messenger who boldly, and at times brutally, helps look at man's impact on Planet Earth. From waste to greed to international connection with our planet, Chris Jordan is helping to build a quiet revolution - one in support of world peace and one in which we all live consciously. I am honored to be interviewing him. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.

NRDCJune 9

Dana Gunders & Andrea Northup - Natural Resources Defense Council 

It's all about the food. Dana is a food scientist and Andrea started a school lunch revolution in the D.C. area. FYI, the NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of 1.3 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals. Big steps, big impact? Please plan to join us. This show is sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


Peter EllsworthJune 16

Peter Ellsworth, Entomology Specialist, University of Arizona College of Agriculture & Life Sciences

It's all about the bugs and I don't even know where to begin. Ellsworth and his team have gone from facing a pest plague of biblical proportion to creating an award winning pest management center. Making pest control more eco-friendly and less dangerous to human health is something we should all care about. Join me to find out just what they've done and how they have done it. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Patrick GrahamJune 23

Patrick Graham, Arizona State Director, The Nature Conservancy

As the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people, there will be no shortage of questions to pose to Peter. We will talk about the most urgent conservation challenges facing both the planet, our country and the State of Arizona and how the Nature Conservancy is engaged in solutions. This show is sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


Kelly KingJune 30
Kelly King, Vice President, Pacific Biodiesel
Pacific Biodiesel is a leading pioneer and advocate for the establishment of community-based biodiesel. I first heard about this great company when I visited Rob Parsons from the Office of Environmental Concerns in Maui (yes, Maui!) As early adopters and now global leaders, we'll learn about about constructing and operating biodiesel processing plants and make it fun AND informative. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.

Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 
Spread the Green Word!

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Mrs. Green welcomes your comments and feedback:
[email protected]