The Growth of the Green Consumer: Pink Slime & BPA in Plastics
Two issues really set me off in the past two weeks: one was all of the publicity and controversy about pink slime in our beef and the other was all the hoopla about BPA in plastics. My series of reactions to both were predictable - shock, indignation, disbelief, extensive googling and then a kind of green celebration. I arrived at the green celebration place because of hope. Hope for our future, hope for our health, hope for the planet. It is so clear that the conversation among consumers is changing. Topics like pink slime and BPA in plastics are making national news, getting national attention and in the case of pink slime, consumers are being heard. More and more, people want to know what's in their food or what poisons they are being exposed to and to what extent and then they want to decide what to do about it. I think we call that choice.
So what actually is pink slime? Here is the best definition I could find and it was on Wikipedia: Pink slime, also known as lean finely textured beef (LFTB) and boneless lean beef trimmings (BLBT), is a beef-based food additive that may be added to ground beef and beef-based processed meats as an inexpensive filler. It consists of finely ground beef scraps and connective tissue which have been mechanically removed from the fat. The recovered material is processed, heated, and treated with ammonia gas or citric acid to kill E. coli, salmonella, and other bacteria. It is finely ground, compressed into blocks and flash frozen for use as an additive to beef products. The term "pink slime" was coined in 2002 by Gerald Zirnstein, who at that time was a microbiologist for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service.
If you want to go down the pink slime rabbit hole and check out all the references, here is the link. Warning: reading all about it may be hazardous to your mental health but remember that to know better is to do better. Whether you decide that pink slime is detrimental to your health or not is up to you. Let us simply celebrate that as consumers we are demanding, more and more, that suppliers disclose what is actually in our food so that we can choose whether to eat it or not.
And if you REALLY want to read a great article explaining this issue in plain English, here is yet another link. Well worth the read.
Making the top two on the "things that set me off" list is the FDA's ruling (or lack thereof) on banning the use of BPA from food packaging. BPA is a controversial chemical - Bisphenol-A. It probably would be impossible for me to rant enough about this to feel better.
Here is a great line from their statement: "while the agency is concerned about BPA, there wasn't enough evidence yet to justify radical action. FDA is pursuing additional studies to address the uncertainties in the findings," the agency said. I beg to disagree but, hey, they didn't call me to ask me what I thought.
 Again, I don't claim to be a scientist nor an expert on BPA. But I can tell you this: I have probably read at least 50-60 research studies (including from such radical organizations as the Breast Cancer Fund - sarcasm intended) that have indicated the following: BPA has been found in the urine of pregnant women; it has been associated with a wide range of negative health effects later in life including breast cancer; and it has been found in breast milk. Ready for more? Exposure to this nasty chemical has also been linked, in lab study after lab study, to prostate cancer, infertility, early puberty in girls, obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I have also read study after study labeling BPA as an endocrine-disrupting chemical that can affect children's hormonal systems during development. More studies? I think not.
I think the FDA was dead wrong, I believe BPA is a nasty chemical and it angers me. I ask you - how could it not? The whole thing stinks. Call me an angry environmentalist or call me someone who cares about my health, the health of our children and the health of the planet. I answer to all of them.
So why such hope on my part? Because it made national news, because some great organizations, concerned medical professionals and concerned citizens are not close to letting this one slide. Hats off to the NRDC, to Lori Popkewitz Alper (Groovy Green Livin') and many more for fighting the good fight. We've only just begun.
Green Cleaning Products
What do olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar and baking soda have in common? They can all be used to clean your entire house! Mrs. shares tips on how to make your own environmentally-friendly cleaning products for a healthier you, and a healthier planet.
Special Happenings at Sea of Green
Doesn't it make you feel great when ANY company celebrates 20 years in business? Does your heart good, right? So hats off, kudos, congratulations and high praise to Sea of Green for their 20th anniversary! They have five stores located throughout the state of Arizona and have been the number ONE hydroponics and specialty gardening store for Arizona growers. Even though most of their staff members were about twelve when Sea of Green was founded, trust me when I say they know what they are doing, they are eager to share their knowledge and expertise, and their enthusiasm is contagious if you really take the time to listen to them. Please check out the Mrs. Green's World events page for all the great fun events they have scheduled, and plan to celebrate with them if you live in Arizona.
Mrs. Green says "Check It Out!"
Upcoming Shows
April 14
Andrew Revkin - Senior Fellow for Environmental Understanding, PaceAcademy for Applied Environmental Studies
Sound impressive? He is. Andy is passionate, informed and fearless when it comes to telling it like it is about anything. Short excerpt from his blog tells it all: I'm on the run in Portugal supervising 13 students shooting a documentary on the forests that are the source of the cork sealing billions (not a typo) of wine bottles a year. Andy writes about environmental issues from Siberia to suburbia in his blog. Questions for Andy? Please let us know. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson
April 21
At press time we had not yet confirmed the name of the guest from EarthDay.org but we will announce it in plenty of time. What better organization to interview the day before the official Earth Day than someone from the founding organization. Joining us for a call-in will be one of our all-time favorite human beings - Mr. HabiStore himself - Terry Dee! The show will definitely be one that asks us all to think, not tell us what to think. Of any day this year, I hope you plan to join me live for this one and hope you email us some questions. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
April 28
Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, FoodandWaterWatch.org
Their vision? "We envision a world where all people have access to enough affordable, healthy, and wholesome food and clean water to meet their basic needs - a world in which governments are accountable to their citizens and manage essential resources sustainably." What a concept. We will also have a special call in guest from Miraval Resorts. Please join me. I will be glad you did. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
May 5
Michael Tompkins, President & General Manager - Miraval Resorts
Down to earth? Brilliant? Fun? Informative? Well-respected internationally both in and out of the spa industry? I don't know if I have ever met anyone quite like Michael - ever. This show promises to inform, delight and give you an insight as to why Miraval is one of the most top rated resorts in the world and why you will want to live your life in balance. Do I sound excited? This show is sponsored by Miraval.
May 12
William deBuys, Author of A Great Aridness: Climate Change and the Future of the American Southwest
I had the honor of actually meeting Bill when I served as a moderator for a panel at the Tucson Festival of Books. He takes a complex, controversial, detailed subject as it applies to the American Southwest. Author of 7 books and finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in 1991 for his book River of Traps. I say without hesitation that he had his audience from hello and he is a gentleman AND a scholar. Please plan to join us. This show is sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
May 19
Rob Parsons, Executive Assistant for Environmental Concerns Office of the Mayor (Wailuku, HI)
Remember Mrs. Green goes to Maui? It was indeed an informative, inspiring trip as Maui became a metaphor for the challenges many cities face as their own "islands" relying on shipping and importing things in for their very survival. Maui passed one of the first plastic bag ordinances in the country and they have never stopped. From biofuels to solar installation to the growth of organic farming, Rob knows what is happening on his island and on the planet. Exciting, informative, and fun. Call to action? Join us! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
May 26
Institute of the Environment, UA - Jonathan Overpeck and Diana Liverman
Not sure if I will be comfortable calling him "Peck" as everyone I know seems to but Jonathan and Diana are two of the most influential and knowledgeable individuals on climate change on the planet. Co-directors of the University of Arizona Institute of the Environment, will one hour give us time to cover the following: climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, climate change and food security? It could take an entire show to just read their bios and accomplishments. But we will get to the green heart of some of these topics and quickly. Please plan to listen. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. Spread the Green Word!
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