March 28, 2012 / Issue 108


Mrs. Green's World  

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Your Green Filling Station

It sounds really weird but I wake up pretty much every morning with green/sustainable thoughts and ideas to put on Facebook, tweet about, write a blog about, an idea for a show guest, another chapter I think I should add to my book. After close to four years, one might think I would be running out of ideas. Green Filling Station

Not to worry - not happening. Think of me as your official, totally green, eco-friendly filling station.


What I do want to share with you, however, is that the passion and urgency to spread the good, green word by every means possible continues to grow and thrive with every passing day, hour, moment. But spread the word about what? CFLs? Solar? Alt-fuel vehicles? Great, green people? GMOs? Safe Cosmetics? Organic Gardening? Green books? Safe seafood? Earth Month activities? The 3 R's (as in reduce, reuse, recycle?)


The answer is D - all of the above. The number of topics and consequently the number of challenges we face as a planet seem infinite. But here's the thing. My purpose is not just to spread the word. My purpose is to get YOU excited too. It's about igniting your passion in whatever areas of your life you want to move in a greener direction. It's about making you laugh, making you think, and hopefully inspiring you to act. It's about getting you to think about how important it really is to shop locally, to change out that light bulb, to put your reusable bags in the car, to make sure your next vehicle is a fuel efficient one. It's about helping all of us to look at small shifts in every aspect of our lives. I like to call it integration and living consciously. It's about a call to action. It's about small steps, big impact. It's about us all moving forward together (and did I say having fun while doing so?) In other words, visiting the green filling station often and shifting the planet.


Three final thoughts to share: 

  1. I always love to hear from you. What do you want me to write about? What would you like to learn more about? What's confusing to you about this entire sustainability shift? What guest would you like me to interview on my show?
  2. My continuing education is critical because what I read and learn about, I want to share. If you want to go the "deep thoughts" route for just a bit, here is a great article I read about what this author calls "transformative sustainability." 
  3. I think I needed a green brain drain with this issue. The committee members in my head have all been talking at once.

Thanks for being a part of my world and please be in touch about what inspires you.

Welcome PAG - A New Mrs. Green Partner

In the coming months, you will be hearing more about Pima Association of Governments (PAG) via Mrs. Green's platforms. I hope that you will read about and listen to all of their initiatives, activities, events and their commitment to making our world a better place. From the great Clean Cities initiatives and accomplishments to their fun Sun Rideshare programs to what they are doing about saving water, PAG's partnership with Mrs. Green's World is indeed something to celebrate. Stay tuned...  

Battle of the Bulbs: CFLs vs. Incandescent
Still wondering about those CFL bulbs? Mrs. Green breaks it down in this fun and entertaining video. Get your green on!

Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure!  

From bulb recycling to terrarium building to everything you need to know about indoor, outdoor and organic gardening, please connect with the great folks at Sea of Green. There is never a dull green moment at any of their locations or on their website.

Check out Sea Of Green's favorite organic fertilizer and soil list.

                                             -- Brought to you by Sea of Green 
Mrs. Green says Check It Out!

What seafood to eat and what not to? Check this out and thanks to Mike Lieberman, the Urban Organic Gardener, for the share.


That Green Call To Action Thing... 

Can you tell I want to stress and reiterate that I would LOVE to know what questions YOU would like me to ask my guests? Please take a look at the VERY exciting lineup for April and May and email so I can get them answered.

Upcoming Shows


Lori Popkewitz Alper March 31

Lori Popkewitz Alper - Groovy Green Livin' 

From Lori's own twitter page: environmental lifestyle blogger, green living educator, social media consultant, recovering attorney, mom of 3, triathlete, cyclist, runner, foodie. Fun, informative talk show says Mrs. Green! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.  


Green Fest 2012April 7

Sheila Kressler-Crowley - Greenfest 2012

Why spend months organizing a green, community event? Why gather local businesses and non-profits together to educate a community about organic, recycling, important community and government sponsored programs - when you are a bookstore? Because the sponsor of this show and of the entire event, Bookmans Entertainment Exchange, is a leader in sustainability for Arizona and for the country. Hear about their mission, their reason for hosting this event, and the impact they hope to have. And did I mention that Sheila is wonderful? This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies


Andrew RevkinApril 14

Andrew Revkin - Senior Fellow for Environmental Understanding, PaceAcademy for Applied Environmental Studies

Sound impressive? He is. Andy is passionate, informed and fearless when it comes to telling it like it is about anything. Short excerpt from his blog tells it all: I'm on the run in Portugal supervising 13 students shooting a documentary on the forests that are the source of the cork sealing billions (not a typo) of wine bottles a year. Andy writes about environmental issues from Siberia to suburbia in his blog. Questions for Andy? Please let us know. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson 


Earth DayApril 21

At press time we had not yet confirmed the name of the guest from but we will announce it in plenty of time. What better organization to interview the day before the official Earth Day than someone from the founding organization. Joining us for a call-in will be one of our all-time favorite human beings - Mr. HabiStore himself - Terry Dee! The show will definitely be one that asks us all to think, not tell us what to think. Of any day this year, I hope you plan to join me live for this one and hope you email us some questions. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


WenonahHauterApril 28

Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director,

Their vision? "We envision a world where all people have access to enough affordable, healthy, and wholesome food and clean water to meet their basic needs - a world in which governments are accountable to their citizens and manage essential resources sustainably." What a concept. We will also have a special call in guest from Miraval Resorts. Please join me. I will be glad you did. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


MichaelThompkinsMay 5

Michael Tompkins, President & General Manager - Miraval Resorts

Down to earth? Brilliant? Fun? Informative? Well-respected internationally both in and out of the spa industry? I don't know if I have ever met anyone quite like Michael - ever. This show promises to inform, delight and give you an insight as to why Miraval is one of the most top rated resorts in the world and why you will want to live your life in balance. Do I sound excited? This show is sponsored by Miraval.


William deBuysMay 12

William deBuys, Author of A Great Aridness: Climate Change and the Future of the American Southwest 

I had the honor of actually meeting Bill when I served as a moderator for a panel at the Tucson Festival of Books. He takes a complex, controversial, detailed subject as it applies to the American Southwest. Author of 7 books and finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in 1991 for his book River of Traps. I say without hesitation that he had his audience from hello and he is a gentleman AND a scholar. Please plan to join us. This show is sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


Rob ParsonsMay 19

Rob Parsons, Executive Assistant for Environmental Concerns Office of the Mayor (Wailuku, HI)

Remember Mrs. Green goes to Maui? It was indeed an informative, inspiring trip as Maui became a metaphor for the challenges many cities face as their own "islands" relying on shipping and importing things in for their very survival. Maui passed one of the first plastic bag ordinances in the country and they have never stopped. From biofuels to solar installation to the growth of organic farming, Rob knows what is happening on his island and on the planet. Exciting, informative, and fun. Call to action? Join us! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


UA-Institute-of-the-EnvironmentMay 26

Institute of the Environment, UA - Jonathan Overpeck and Diana Liverman 

Not sure if I will be comfortable calling him "Peck" as everyone I know seems to but Jonathan and Diana are two of the most influential and knowledgeable individuals on climate change on the planet. Co-directors of the University of Arizona Institute of the Environment, will one hour give us time to cover the following: climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, climate change and food security? It could take an entire show to just read their bios and accomplishments. But we will get to the green heart of some of these topics and quickly. Please plan to listen. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies

Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 
Spread the Green Word!

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Mrs. Green's World