March 14, 2012 / Issue 107


Mrs. Green's World  

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Life Is But a Stream

(And a dirty one at that)


Very hard to believe that the tsunami was only one year ago. On the one hand, we can honestly say that for most of us, life has gone on. It is sad but very true. The daily reminders are "over there." We feel bad when reminded but the tragic event is not top of mind.


But then my friend Jim Godwin sends me a video and it's like smacking me up the side of the head. Of course the tsunami happened "over there" but, depending upon which news source you look at, up to 20 million tons of waste washed into the ocean in one tragic fell swoop. And guess where it's starting to show up? In Hawaii and soon on the west coast. Note to self and all readers: remember that we are all one, that there is one ocean the trashed washed into and that life on earth really is but ONE stream - that sealed envelope, one planet thing I talk about, write about and yes, even fret about quite a bit.


Before I go on, I encourage/ask you to take 2 minutes to watch this clip so the rest of my newsletter makes sense.


Plastic water bottles from Japanese Tsunami 

One of the most troubling quotes from the clip is what brings it right home for me. One of the scientists quoted says what bothers him the most are "the parts of everyday living - the plastic forks, spoons, plates and cups that were swept up during the tsunami and are now heading towards us." Another scientist says it concerns him because the fish are confusing the waste with food, consuming toxic plastics and you know where I am going with this - people are eating the fish. Life is but a polluted stream in some cases?


Here's what caused me the most angst, what made me want to scream (if I screamed in the forest and nobody was there, would that have been okay? I didn't want to scream AT anyone.) and jump up and down and act like a crazy woman about getting rid of plastics. Why are they still parts of our everyday living? Why do companies who tout their green products hand out plastic water bottles when they greet you at the door or hold an event? Why do we continue to keep on doing what we are doing when it comes to plastic consumption? Because it's easier? Ultimately it is not. Because it's cheaper? Again - not really. Why don't people stop for a single second before purchasing plastic anything or entertaining using plastic everything or going to the grocery store without their reusable bags, to think about the manufacturing costs, the foreign oil used in production, the shipping costs, the recycling costs and ultimately, the cost to the planet? (Like ending up in our ocean, lake and river streams.)


Of all the changes I have made in my journey as Mrs. Green I can honestly say that this area is the one which has resulted in the most change in our lives. Plastics are NOT a part of life in any significant way. I realize that real cups, real forks, real knives and real spoons are healthier for us, less expensive to use because of their reuse, and are actually much nicer to use. I realized that I could buy very nice glasses for entertaining from Goodwill Industries. I realized people like it when I use small glass and ceramic plates for entertaining. It begs the question: is there someone, anyone out there who would actually try to convince me that investing in reusable everything is more expensive, over time, than buying plastic? Bring it on, I say with love and respect!


Let's row, row, row our boats GENTLY down the streams.

No More Tears: Safe Personal Care Products
Mrs. Green invites you to "get your green on" and think about what you put on your body every day. Are your personal care products good for you? Good for the planet? Mrs. Green offers tips and resources to help you take better care of yourself, and the environment.

No More Tears: Safe Personal Care Products 
Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure! Win a complete organic plant fertilizer package from Sea Of Green.
                                             -- Brought to you by Sea of Green 
Mrs. Green says Check It Out!

Want more factoids on just what shape our oceans are really in? Check it out. WARNING: reading it may result in saying no to plastic or taking your last bite of fish from the sea.   


Special Request from Mrs. Green -- Update 

Thank you so much to dear friend and #1 Mrs. Green supporter Cathy Rankin for your question of Betty Stamper, my guest this coming Saturday. "Please ask Betty if it's true that if even a small section of a solar panel is shaded, say by a tree branch, the entire panel does not operate properly? I have heard this from several sources and I wanted to clarify for those who have solar panels. Also, should one expect to realize their ROI on solar before the solar equipment reaches its expected end of life?" You will have to tune in to find out the answer or download the podcast after we air this week.


I would LOVE to know what questions YOU would like me to ask my guests. Please take a look at the lineup for the rest of March and April and email [email protected] so I can get them answered.

Upcoming Shows


Solar One StopMarch 17

Solar One Stop - Betty Stamper 

Tune in to hear about how one government agency created a national model on streamlining the solar installation process. Working with multiple entities and agencies, a group of committed individuals figured out how to turn the red tape into green. Result? More solar on more structures in a shorter amount of time. No down side. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Ken PennerMarch 24

Ken Penner - VerVe Lifestyle Salon & national trainer for Aveda 

One of my favorite topics and most passionate beliefs? Safe cosmetics. I will literally pick Ken's brain about what makes Aveda a standout for the environment and why VerVe is an outstanding example of sustainable beauty in every way possible. Got questions? Please email us! This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


GroovyGreenLivinMarch 31

Lori Popkewitz Alper - Groovy Green Livin' 

From Lori's own twitter page: environmental lifestyle blogger, green living educator, social media consultant, recovering attorney, mom of 3, triathlete, cyclist, runner, foodie. Fun, informative talk show says Mrs. Green! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.  


Green Fest 2012April 7

Sheila Kressler-Crowley - Greenfest 2012

Why spend months organizing a green, community event? Why gather local businesses and non-profits together to educate a community about organic, recycling, important community and government sponsored programs - when you are a bookstore? Because the sponsor of this show and of the entire event, Bookmans Entertainment Exchange, is a leader in sustainability for Arizona and for the country. Hear about their mission, their reason for hosting this event, and the impact they hope to have. And did I mention that Sheila is wonderful? This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies


Andrew RevkinApril 14

Andrew Revkin - Senior Fellow for Environmental Understanding, PaceAcademy for Applied Environmental Studies

Sound impressive? He is. Andy is passionate, informed and fearless when it comes to telling it like it is about anything. Short excerpt from his blog tells it all: I'm on the run in Portugal supervising 13 students shooting a documentary on the forests that are the source of the cork sealing billions (not a typo) of wine bottles a year. Andy writes about environmental issues from Siberia to suburbia in his blog. Questions for Andy? Please let us know. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson 


Earth DayApril 21

At press time we had not yet confirmed the name of the guest from but we will announce it in plenty of time. What better organization to interview the day before the official Earth Day than someone from the founding organization. Joining us for a call-in will be one of our all-time favorite human beings - Mr. HabiStore himself - Terry Dee! The show will definitely be one that asks us all to think, not tell us what to think. Of any day this year, I hope you plan to join me live for this one and hope you email us some questions. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


Food and Water WatchApril 28

Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director,

Their vision? "We envision a world where all people have access to enough affordable, healthy, and wholesome food and clean water to meet their basic needs - a world in which governments are accountable to their citizens and manage essential resources sustainably." What a concept. We will also have a special call in guest from Miraval Resorts. Please join me. I will be glad you did. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


MiravalMay 5

Michael Tompkins, President & General Manager - Miraval Resorts

Down to earth? Brilliant? Fun? Informative? Well-respected internationally both in and out of the spa industry? I don't know if I have ever met anyone quite like Michael - ever. This show promises to inform, delight and give you an insight as to why Miraval is one of the most top rated resorts in the world and why you will want to live your life in balance. Do I sound excited? This show is sponsored by Miraval.

Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 
Spread the Green Word!

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Mrs. Green welcomes your comments and feedback:
[email protected]

Mrs. Green's World