Oh The Green Places We'll Go in 2012
As I was driving back from our wonderful holiday trip this past Monday, I was thinking quite a bit about the newsletter. I said to myself "this first one for 2012 really has to be a big WOW!" And then I thought some more. This newsletter has to be just like all the rest of them - written authentically from my very green heart. I have never written for a wow. I just write, and the thoughts just keep on coming.
Here's what I came up:
#1 - Mike Franks. I have no clue why Mike popped up - he just did. What I thought about is how Mike Franks from Seaver Franks has been an advertiser with Mrs. Green almost since day one. Besides helping sustain the Mrs. Green journey, Mike is a friend, a fellow Rotarian, a great husband and father, and he cares about his community. That's one of the green, sustainable pieces.
Here's another one. Seaver Franks is a highly respected locally owned business. They are proud of their reputation for regionally responsive architecture that reflects both the lifestyle of the client AND the characteristics of the site and surroundings. In other words, they think about and care about how their structures will fit in with the environment in which is it being built. What a concept. Added bonus? Seaver Franks Architects has been LEED accredited since 2006.
Needless to say, any business connected with real estate, building, development, has been greatly impacted these past several years. Mike continued to support us in good times and bad and for that, I am truly grateful - as I am for everyone who has been part of this journey. Here's to a booming 2012 for all of us.
#2 - Big Blue Balls. Seriously. I haven't written in forever about how much I dislike Bounce and any other artificially created dryer sheet or fabric softener that makes clothes smell (dare I say stink?). About three years ago I read several articles on why Bounce is really bad for you, your skin, and the environment. There are even warnings printed on some towels advising the buyer to not use dryer sheets because the "coating" could impact the absorbency of the towel. Can this be a good thing?
We act like static cling is a moral lapse, but I admit, I don't like it. So we dumped the chemicals, went to Target and bought two big blue dryer balls for about $8.00. We still have them. We have saved money, our clothes don't stink, and I believe we have made a difference for the planet by taking this one small step.
#3 - Nature. On our way back from Taos, Mr. Green indulged me and we made a side trip (tacked on to a very long driving day) to a place outside of Elfrida, Arizona, to see the gathering of the Sandhill Cranes. My friend Cassandra raved about their experience earlier in the week so I felt the call to check it out. OMG - there were literally thousands of them. We couldn't believe it. We ended up staying over two hours during which time we observed hawks hunting, found a brown bat inside a barn structure, saw some other kind of gorgeous black birds with bright yellow breasts (can you tell we are not "birders?") and just thoroughly enjoyed being out in the fresh air and sunshine.
We made a commitment to each other to get out in nature more. It feeds your soul and reminds you how important fresh air and sunshine are. I invite you to put visiting some of your favorite outdoor spots on your places to go in 2012 list - regularly!
#4 - Junk Mail. I thought I had made lots of progress but when we got home after having been gone just one week, the amount of junk mail we received made me sick. It was awful to see it all in one pile. I am recommitting to visiting catalogchoice.org to once again get my name removed from a bunch of catalog lists. I honestly don't know what to do about the 7-10 weekly 0% interest credit cards offers. If anyone knows of a way I can stop them, please, please, please email me or post it on the Mrs. Green Facebook page. Junk mail is a waste of paper, water, gas, ink, and my time! Let's try to all get back on this one.
#5 - Read. This is my last whirling dervish brain thought for feeding our souls in 2012. I read three books on this trip. Yup - three books, and am half way through another one. First of all, there was no TV where we stayed - bonus number one. And, yes, I was on vacation so reading until 1:00 a.m. was an option. But I realized how much I love reading, how much it quiets and expands the brain, and how much watching almost any TV show feeds nothing but my frustration level.
So - happy, blessed, healthy, prosperous and joy-filled New Year! I wish there was some way of adequately letting you know how grateful I am for all of you. Thank you for continuing to be a part of this journey and I so look forward to the places we'll go in 2012.
Mrs. Green Says "Just Say No to Plastic Water Bottles!"
Get your green on with Mrs. Green as she reminds us why too many plastic bottles is a bad thing. This video includes amazing (and disturbing!) photos from environmental photographer Chris Jordan.
Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure! When growing your own vegetables don't forget to flush the salt build up out of your crop for the last week or so for better taste! Read more.
Mrs. Green says Check It Out!
Instead of linking you to a cool, fun, unique, hip website, I am going to reflect here for a minute. January 8th marks the one year anniversary of the tragic shootings that occurred here in Tucson. On the one hand, it's hard to believe a year has gone by. On the other hand, it's still hard to grasp the impact it has had on our community, our country and our world. I invite you to remember and somehow honor the people whose lives have been forever changed as a result of this tragic day.
I want to send a special thanks to my friend, Terry Dee, from Habitat for Humanity's HabiStore and to fellow green team member, Kelly King, who were with me that day, offered their love and support and helped me hold it together enough to make it home safely.
Upcoming Shows
January 7, 2012
Story of Stuff, Allison Cook, Director of Special Projects What a way to start Mrs. Green's New Year. Straight from their website: "When Annie Leonard and her friends at Free Range Studios set out in 2007 to share what she'd learned about the way we make, use and throw away Stuff, they thought 50,000 views would be a good result for her '20-minute cartoon about trash.' Today, with over 15 million views and counting, The Story of Stuff is one of the most watched environmental-themed online movies of all time." As their longest serving staff person, Allison has been there, done that and seen it all! Think I'm excited? And we will ask Allison about their new release: The Story of Broke. OMG - the things we will learn. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
January 14, 2012 Gulf Monitoring Consortium - Guests from SkyTruth, SouthWings & Waterkeeper Remember the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Lots of us do. This consortium is an innovative partnership that is systematically monitoring oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico with satellite images and mapping, aerial reconnaissance and photography, and on-the-water observation and sampling. This unique effort led by three non-profit organizations is collecting and publishing images, observations and sampling data of the Gulf of Mexico. They are positioned to rapidly respond to reported and suspected oil pollution incidents. No wonder I can't sleep the night before the show! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson. January 21, 2012 Joe Abraham, Director, Office of Sustainability, University of Arizona Joe Abraham has a big job, big dreams and a big personality. The Office of Sustainability was established in October 2010 as part of a larger reorganization of UA Campus Sustainability to improve the coordination of environmental sustainability programs across the university. The Office coordinates students, faculty and staff to ensure the University of Arizona is a top-ranked institution among its peers for leadership in environmental sustainability as it pertains to campus design, student engagement, operations, education, research, and outreach. Like I said, big job. This show is sponsored by PopCycle. January 28, 2012 Linda Powers, Engineering Professor & Bio5 Institute Member, University of Arizona Linda Powers spent part of her summer biking around Tanzania testing wells for bacteria using a unique instrument designed at the UA. As you know, I am obsessed with the fact that 1.5 billion people go without clean water every day. You are not going to believe what she and doctoral student Aminata Kilung accomplished as they were out cycling and testing for as much as 15 hours a day. In this case, hearing will be believing because I doubt this kind of excursion is in my future, but one never knows. Again, can't wait. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona. |
Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. Spread the Green Word!
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