December 7, 2011 / Issue 100


Mrs. Green News - 100th Issue 

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Mrs. Green's Anniversary

When I mentioned to someone the other day that this will be my 100th newsletter, they said "that is a really big deal." At some level, it is. On top of that, the actual day I am writing this is my 61st birthday so I am feeling like it is, indeed, a special day and that I'd better come up with important, meaningful things to say! Pressure on.


It's kind of fun and interesting to look back over the past four years - to think about all I have learned, all you have shared, what I think are really important issues now vs. what I thought 4 years ago, and the beat goes on. Now if I can just keep it short - always the challenge for me.


Our oceansI have learned about things like fracking, about every kind of alt-fuel vehicle one can imagine, about fair trade and why we should care, about what green washing really is, about what bad shape we have put our oceans in, and about how much people disagree on issues like do we have a water crisis or not, and if humans should eat meat or stick to plants and vegetables or what kind of solar is best for a home. I have learned to care deeply about how the animals we do eat are raised. I have learned more about genetically modified food than I ever thought possible. I have learned about eating raw foods. I have started, this late in the game, to drink spinach and kale in my smoothies and feel so noble about it.


I have learned that shopping locally has changed my life. People in stores and restaurants know me, have answers to my questions, value my business, make great food, sell great stuff and haven't forgotten what great customer service means.


I have learned that when, in one year, your husband has a heart attack, your treasured cabin burns to the ground, you launch your own radio network and a new website, people come out in droves to help - it's called community. My amazing team stepped up and you all helped sustain me.


In tPlastic water bottlehat past four years, I have become steadfast in my belief that green is not a political issue and as long as people think it is, we are in deep and serious trouble.


I have learned how to throw paperless parties, take five minute showers, get by with less, do without straws, and take my own to-go containers to restaurants.


I continue to be amazed, after four long years, that people use plastic bags and plastic water bottles without giving them a thought, and that it drives me stark raving mad. I feel frustrated because I haven't made even a small dent in changing that.


I have learned, once again, that nothing great can be accomplished alone and that anything I have succeeded in doing is because of being surrounded by a GREAT, green team.


I learned so much from and am so grateful for my wonderful show guests.


I have learned that I don't want to tell anyone what to think, I just want them to.


I have learned how much what you think matters to me. Thanks for celebrating this 100th issue with me!

I'll Be Green for Christmas - You Can Count on Me

Sounds like a song, right? If you read my newsletter regularly or even sometimes, you probably know I am a big believer in green giving. There will be very little wrapping paper, many locally purchased gifts, some gift cards, trips to the Community Food Bank and lots of sharing special times with family and friends. Take the stress off your holidays. There are some great green giving ideas from YOU on my website.


Green Stories I Couldn't Make Up

Mr. Green and I have become quite the team on this journey of ours. There are times when he is clearly the one taking us to another level of green. And there are many times when I know he would rather I not share everything with the world. This may be one of them. It's about the neighborhood dumpster. Twice a year our HOA rents a huge dumpster and puts it on a vacant lot across the street. It motivates all of us to get rid of our landscaping waste, clean up our yards, trim the bushes, etc. Much to our dismay, people also throw things in there that should be on their way to Goodwill - not the landfill. Mr. Green recently removed a perfectly good set of metal shelving, a perfectly good bicycle except for flat tires and a beautiful, expensive flower pot. They are already at Goodwill because we really do care that our landfills are rapidly reaching capacity, because we want to leave our world better than the way we found it, and because places like Goodwill do great things for our communities - like find people jobs.


Part Two is that while Mr. Green was dropping off the above mentioned dumpster treasures at one of our local Goodwill stores, he made the rounds. For two years he has been in search of a Melitta one cup coffee maker. I have checked their website, done lots of Google searches, checked on eBay and Amazon - nothing! Well, lo and behold, we are now the proud owners of a BRAND new Melitta one cup coffee maker. And our daughter Emily is the proud owner of five "look like new" flannel shirts. She was thrilled and not one of them cost over $5.00.


We are walking the green walk at Mrs. Green's house. And it's fun.

It's Your Party and I'll Cry If I Want To! 
Family gatherings and holiday celebration times are here. What a great opportunity to waste not when entertaining. Our landfills are rapidly filling up, it's easier on our budgets and the Earth if we reduce and reuse, and we CAN make it fun. Please check out and share Mrs. Green's video.

It's Your Party and I'll Cry If I Want To: Green Parties

Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure!

Have a gardening or hydroponics question? Drop us a line here at any time and the experts at Sea Of Green will get back with you shortly.

-- Brought to you by Sea of Green   

Mrs. Green says Check It Out! 

If you think maybe there's not much going on in the world of green, scan/check out GreenBeat for a refreshing reminder. 

Upcoming Shows


Jeannette MareDecember 10
Jeannette Mare - Founder, Ben's Bells Project
The mission of Ben's Bells is to inspire, educate and motivate each other to realize the impact of intentional kindness and to empower individuals to act according to that awareness, thereby changing our world. Sound like a good fit for Mrs. Green? Ha! Jeanette is one of the most incredible human beings I have ever met. You really have to read their story and about how Jeanette and her family turned the sudden death of their son Ben (who was not yet three at the time) into an internationally recognized, acclaimed and phenomenal movement promoting kindness. Ben's Bells symbolize kindness and its power in healing. You really have to plan to listen to this show. You'll be very glad you did. Why not practice an act of kindness while you are at it - invite a family member or friend to listen with you? This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. 


Greg LivingstoneDecember 17

Greg Livingstone - Chief Marketing Officer, Fluitec International

In his executive role, he's responsible for product development and promotion of the company's technologies. Fluitec is an internationally acclaimed clean tech company that recently won "most promising technology" award at the 2010 NYC Clean Tech event. Whereas most technologies designed to improve a plant's environmental sustainability are costly, Fluitec's objectives are to merge environmental sustainability with economics by allowing industrial plants to lower their carbon footprint while increasing their bottom-line profitability. Their mantra: "Merging sustainability with economics." The concept is paying off. To date, the company has saved their customers the equivalent of millions of pounds of CO2 release, in addition to millions of dollars. We are going to find out lots more from Greg - he is a brainiac, a great husband, father and all around amazing human being. Can't wait to share Greg with you. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.  


Mrs. GreenDecember 24

Best of Mrs. Green Show

Because I will be spending time with family and friends making more wonderful, healthy, sustainable holiday memories, we will be broadcasting our wonderful show from last year. This show really is all about you. Listeners/followers called in to share with us their greatest, greenest holiday tradition. It was a fun, informative show and well worth listening to again - especially and even for me! This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. 


New YearsDecember 31

MADD National President Jan Withers and Discount Cab, Mike Wall

What better way to start the new year than with messages of drinking responsibly, not putting your life or the life of others at risk and about some of the options you want to make sure are in place as we welcome 2012. We will talk with Jan Withers about MADD, the progress they continue to make in reducing the number of deaths related to drunk driving and some thoughts on what you can do to help yourself and others keep it safe on the road. Mike Wall will share with us one of those ways - lining up your cab! Discount Cab is one of the largest cab companies in Arizona, all their cars are GREEN and fuel efficient. I look forward to both of these interviews and hope you will join me. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Story of StuffJanuary 7, 2012 
Story of Stuff, Allison Cook, Director of Special Projects What a way to start Mrs. Green's New Year. Straight from their website: "When Annie Leonard and her friends at Free Range Studios set out in 2007 to share what she'd learned about the way we make, use and throw away Stuff, they thought 50,000 views would be a good result for her '20-minute cartoon about trash.' Today, with over 15 million views and counting, The Story of Stuff is one of the most watched environmental-themed online movies of all time." As their longest serving staff person, Allison has been there, done that and seen it all! Think I'm excited? And we will ask Allison about their new release: The Story of Broke. OMG - the things we will learn. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.

Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 
Spread the Green Word!

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Mrs. Green's World