November 23, 2011 / Issue 99


Mrs. Green's World 

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Giving Thanks

I went back and forth about how to start this newsletter. Giving thanks? Thoughts on making your Black Friday green? Amazing feedback from the last newsletter? Giving thanks won but I've covered them all.


Hands holding eartIt is Thanksgiving tomorrow and I have sooooo much to be thankful for that at some point, it might sound like a bit too much. Let me give it a try anyway. Do you have any idea how grateful/thankful/appreciative I am for each and every one of you? For your comments? Your feedback? Your support? Your belief in the mission and vision of Mrs. Green? I would count the ways if I could. Every day I wake up with the belief that I am supposed to be Mrs. Green and that I am supposed to be doing everything I can to make our world a healthier place. Every comment, every "like", every share, every "I believe in you," every "great newsletter, great show, great Facebook post" keeps the energizer going in the bunny. Every day I give thanks because you are there and because you care. There are days of doubt and questioning - what do you think you are doing? Who made you the big green expert? And then that phone call or email or text or even face-to-face message shows up - you are Mrs. Freakin' Green and just keep doing what you are doing. And so I shall.


My family, my friends, my green team, my sponsors and advertisers, my followers on FB, twitter, blog and my listeners - thanks for making the wheels in this green bus go round and round. Keep me focused, keep me challenged and keep me engaged. And I will keep being thankful for all of it and for all of you. Happy, blessed, joyous, and wonderful Thanksgiving to each and every one of you!


Making your Black Friday Green

Where the heck did the phrase Black Friday come from anyway? Who made that one up and why? How come it is, in fact, the biggest shopping day of the year? Well, I found out it's actually a good thing. According to one source: "Black Friday, in its current usage, refers to the fact that this one day has a reputation for putting retailers "into the black." In the world of business, being in the black means you're making a profit. And if you're not making a profit on the busiest shopping day of the year, you're probably doing something wrong." I get it and I still wish we could change it. Don't you like green better? As in the money is flowing, the grass is greener because we are on the other side, because we have a green light brightly shining telling us to go and the worst is behind us? Oh well, I am not taking Black Friday on - yet!


There are, however, some really important things we can do to make it green. Think "buy local" in every way you possibly can. For your gifts, for your gas, for your dining out, for your health, wellness and beauty products, for a new camera, for your books, for your pets - all for the health of your community. Maybe you can only pull off a 10% shift. If that's 10% more than last year, hats off to you! Be creative and make it 20 or 30%! Maybe your prolific reader family member would rather get three times as many books from a used bookstore like Bookmans than one new book. Maybe your best friend hasn't eaten at the newest locally owned restaurant or hasn't been treated to a great massage from your miracle worker. Maybe someone you love would be delighted to see some gift certificates from Goodwill. Want to really stretch? Maybe you could give your son or daughter or sister or brother a check-up for their heating and cooling from someplace like Temco Air Environmental? A tune-up for their VW at Chapman? And if you REALLY want to make them happy, an overnight stay at Miraval????


Disclaimer? Nope. Everyone I named is connected with Mrs. Green's World in some way. And there are some supporters who I didn't mention so I don't lose you. This is my way of thanking them at this special time of reflection because if truth be told, without them Mrs. Green would have gone away a long time ago instead of flourishing, growing, inspiring!


Feedback from the Tribe on School Lunches

Wow comes to mind. I have never received this much feedback on a single topic. Just thought it would be fun and fabulous to share with you what some of YOU had to say. I am not sure where I am going to be able to take this school lunch issue but just raising awareness and getting people fired up did my heart good.


School lunches"Freakin' AMEN sister! Timely article...I was just debating how a Bosco stick could be considered lunch. What the hell is a Bosco stick, you ask? It's a cheese-filled bread stick that is generally dipped into more processed cheese when it is eaten. I swear that Ohio school children must eat at least one a week.


It isn't like I don't love a cheesy carbohydrates, but DANG. Just looking at them causes me to gain weight, become sluggish and amp up my ADD.


So, aside from the Crusades, what else is new with you? We're wrapping up a kitchen project here and I was thinking of you while I was Freecycling and Craigslisting (verbs?) all of our former kitchen stuff. Love, love, love your newsletters and videos and I'm thrilled to see that Jeannette will be on the show soon. Two of my favorites on one show! Hope all is well - Love to you!" -- Lisa (first show guest on Mrs. Green - The Original Bag Lady)


"Love it, Gina! I read the article when you posted on FB, and I love your response. Amazing what drives this country, isn't it?" -- Debbie - TriSports


"I so agree with you about this. Kids eat what they become accustomed to eating.  What's happening about this locally? How can I help?" -- Kate Maguire Jensen, University of Arizona (Kate - I am working on this one - stay tuned.)


"First, let me say I loved and hated your newsletter. I always love how you keep us informed of topics we truly need to understand, however, this topic of trying to improve the foods our kids eat at school agitated ME just as it did YOU. Nutrition should be our focus.. that is if we truly care about our children... our future as Americans. But NO, it has to boil down to large companies dumping huge amounts of money into the DEBATE solely to keep their specific products in our school lunches. Their objective: making money. Maybe they could use those dollars to improve the products they market to kids... I know, silly thought, eh?? And yes my son grew up eating spinach, broccoli, apples, and fresh peaches. And the majority of school days I packed his lunch! I do believe the movement towards better nutrition for our children begins at home. My son learned to eat veggies and fruits because it was part of our family's regular diet. But if we cannot convince parents to provide nutritional foods for their kids at home (yet another topic of agitation), school lunch may be the ONLY vehicle for some kids. Really, are we truly having serious debates over this?????? ....." from a mom in Tucson. -- Cathy Rankin Temco Air Environmental


"good rant" -- Linda Gee


"For many years I have expressed concern about school lunches and always heard " but the children won't eat if not served these foods." Too bad, they will eat when hungry. I was just having a conversation concerning how adult friends complain because they need to lose some pounds--------guess I'm too polite or else have found they really do not want advice. Stay away from fast food joints and plan healthy meals at home. It really is simple." -- Eileen


"Great article on school lunches. What a battle. I am sure in your research you also saw that this generation of kids will be the first to not outlive their parents because of health challenges." -- Theresa Bankert


Thanks for caring, thanks for sharing, thanks for letting me know you are out there!

It's Your Party and I'll Cry If I Want To! 
Family gatherings and holiday celebration times are here. What a great opportunity to waste not when entertaining. Our landfills are rapidly filling up, it's easier on our budgets and the Earth if we reduce and reuse, and we CAN make it fun. Please check out and share Mrs. Green's video.

It's Your Party and I'll Cry If I Want To: Green Parties

Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure!

The easiest way to propagate plants is with a clone machine, sign up to win Botanicare's Power Cloner 45 today! 

-- Brought to you by Sea of Green   


This is one of those times when you read this newsletter, when you can press pause and remember Sea of Green is one of those locally owned businesses, staffed with experts who can help you with your organic gardening needs and answer your questions. And you don't have to take a number! 

New Feature from Mrs. Green
A cool, green, healthy site you might not know about: Better Batter  
Upcoming Shows


Human Society of Southern ArizonaNovember 26

The Humane Society of Southern Arizona - Kerri Burns, Vice President, and Lyndsey Bruno, Public Relations Lead

Join Mrs. Green to talk about what might be the ultimate recycling - that of animals. Recognized nationally and internationally for her work in the animal welfare arena, Kerri will share with us her knowledge and understanding of the field's issues and innovations, as well as a contagious enthusiasm and determination to make substantive progress. Honestly? There is no end to what Ms. Burns has done in her work with animal welfare. And trust me when I say, Lyndsey Bruno is at the forefront of informing people of Kerri's contribution as well as successfully spreading the word about the myriad of programs and activities of this great organization. You will NOT want to miss this show. Sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


Debra DuneierDecember 3
Debra Duneier - Author of EcoChi
EcoChi has the power to change your life - but only if you let it! Here are a few things you should know that will make you want to listen live: Did you know that we spend about 98% of our time inside? Did you know that the design of a room can give you a certain vibe or alter your mood? The EcoChiŽ system that Debra easily describes in her book, brings nature's elements inside to create indoor environments that influence your senses and shape how you feel about yourself and others. This harmonious blend of Classical Feng Shui, Green and Sustainable Living and Environmental Psychology is the revolutionary wave of design. Bonus? I read the book and will share some personal stories. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Jeannette MareDecember 10
Jeannette Mare - Founder, Ben's Bells Project
The mission of Ben's Bells is to inspire, educate and motivate each other to realize the impact of intentional kindness and to empower individuals to act according to that awareness, thereby changing our world. Sound like a good fit for Mrs. Green? Ha! Jeanette is one of the most incredible human beings I have ever met. You really have to read their story and about how Jeanette and her family turned the sudden death of their son Ben (who was not yet three at the time) into an internationally recognized, acclaimed and phenomenal movement promoting kindness. Ben's Bells symbolize kindness and its power in healing. You really have to plan to listen to this show. You'll be very glad you did. Why not practice an act of kindness while you are at it - invite a family member or friend to listen with you? This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. 


Greg LivingstoneDecember 17

Greg Livingstone - Chief Marketing Officer, Fluitec International

In his executive role, he's responsible for product development and promotion of the company's technologies. Fluitec is an internationally acclaimed clean tech company that recently won "most promising technology" award at the 2010 NYC Clean Tech event. Whereas most technologies designed to improve a plant's environmental sustainability are costly, Fluitec's objectives are to merge environmental sustainability with economics by allowing industrial plants to lower their carbon footprint while increasing their bottom-line profitability. Their mantra: "Merging sustainability with economics." The concept is paying off. To date, the company has saved their customers the equivalent of millions of pounds of CO2 release, in addition to millions of dollars. We are going to find out lots more from Greg - he is a brainiac, a great husband, father and all around amazing human being. Can't wait to share Greg with you. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.  


Mrs. GreenDecember 24

Best of Mrs. Green Show

Because I will be spending time with family and friends making more wonderful, healthy, sustainable holiday memories, we will be broadcasting our wonderful show from last year. This show really is all about you. Listeners/followers called in to share with us their greatest, greenest holiday tradition. It was a fun, informative show and well worth listening to again - especially and even for me! This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. 


New YearsDecember 31

MADD National President Jan Withers and Discount Cab, Mike Wall

What better way to start the new year than with messages of drinking responsibly, not putting your life or the life of others at risk and about some of the options you want to make sure are in place as we welcome 2012. We will talk with Jan Withers about MADD, the progress they continue to make in reducing the number of deaths related to drunk driving and some thoughts on what you can do to help yourself and others keep it safe on the road. Mike Wall will share with us one of those ways - lining up your cab! Discount Cab is one of the largest cab companies in Arizona, all their cars are GREEN and fuel efficient. I look forward to both of these interviews and hope you will join me. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Story of StuffJanuary 7, 2012 
Story of Stuff, Allison Cook, Director of Special Projects 

"Our longest serving staff person, Allison joined the Project prior to the launch of The Story of Stuff in 2007."

What a way to start Mrs. Green's New Year. Straight from their website: "When Annie Leonard and her friends at Free Range Studios set out in 2007 to share what she'd learned about the way we make, use and throw away Stuff, they thought 50,000 views would be a good result for her '20-minute cartoon about trash.' Today, with over 15 million views and counting, The Story of Stuff is one of the most watched environmental-themed online movies of all time." As their longest serving staff person, Allison has been there, done that, and seen it all! Think I'm excited? And we will ask Allison about their new release: The Story of Broke. OMG - the things we will learn. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.  

Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 
Spread the Green Word!

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Mrs. Green welcomes your comments and feedback:

Mrs. Green's World