Fear of Fall-ing: Inner Shopper Beware!
Fall has actually begun to show its beautiful face here in our city. It feels great. And for some sick, strange reason, every change of season makes me want to shop. Stay with me. I pretty much believe everyone has their "inner shopper" that needs to be controlled. For some of us it may be shoes (never too many in one color) or jackets (huge temptation for Mr. Green and we live in a HOT climate) or maybe just that one more Halloween decoration that would look so cute on the coffee table. This newsletter is to encourage you to have a talk with your Inner Shopper and control your fear of Fall-ing as the cool weather sets in.
Halloween Fall-ing Fears to control:
Don't buy ANY candy corn. I am convinced it has a secret addictive ingredient, it has NO nutritional value, and human beings are incapable of passing it by without grabbing a handful. It is the devil tempting you. If you already bought it, go throw it out. You will be forgiven for wasting food because it really isn't food in the first place. - Don't be tempted to buy those last minute cute PAPER napkins, plates or cups. Use the real ones you have and instead maybe buy another cute pumpkin, cut the top off and put some cute flowers in it. Then it can go into the compost pile. Guilt free and beautiful decorating.
- Don't be tempted to run out and buy a last minute costume from a retail store. Your local Goodwill, Savers, Buffalo Exchange or any thrift store has EXACTLY what you are looking for. Guilt free shopping and you have what it takes to avoid this FALL!!!
Thanksgiving Fall-ing Fears to control:
This most special holiday is just around the corner and planning has begun - at least in Mrs. Green's family. How about a list of "dos" instead of "don'ts" for this round?
Do plan your food menu. Don't fall into the over buying trap. Order only one of each pie. If a small group, beware of "fall-ing" into the trap of more choices are better. Pick one and savor every bite.- Do plan to use real plates, napkins, knives and forks. Fear of fall-ing down the paper rabbit hole can be tempting. Don't fall! It's cheaper, prettier, nicer and more sustainable to give thanks on Thanksgiving by not producing more waste for Mother Earth to deal with. No brainer.
- Do plan to send people home with leftovers. Don't fall into a scarcity mindset or fall into the "We can eat ALL the leftover turkey sandwiches with stuffing, cranberry sauce and mayo" trap - or you will be fall-ing into a bigger size pants.
- And no matter what - do plan a group walk, even two or three short ones throughout the day. Easy to fall onto the couch to watch football or a movie.
My final pearls of green wisdom are these: conquer your fear of "fall-ing" now and you will be more than ready to have the most stress-free, joyous, conscious holiday season ever. You can be certain I will have lots of great thoughts to share with you on holiday joy and holiday giving. A great place to start is planning with your heart!
Sharing a Mrs. Green Dream
I feel moved to share with you a dream that is coming true. When I launched my radio network in July of this year, I knew it would be a risk, I knew there would be challenges (and, yes, there have been many) and I knew I had to face my fears and do it anyway. The Mrs. Green team did it and we will continue to make it better every week in every way we can. Time for the next dream, right? I also dreamed that I would add a daily radio show with a name like "Spotlight on Tucson" featuring all the great, green, exciting, sustainable happenings in my own city. Hope to make that dream come true early in 2012. Simply need to put the package together and find sponsors. Now to the "dreams come true" part. I knew I would like to add another "Tuesday Night Special". Aptly named "Down to Earth with Mrs. Green", my idea for this was a half hour, no commercials, live show on a Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. featuring a timely, fun, out-of-the-ordinary radio content mix. Last night I had the sheer joy of hosting two young men (I mean really young - 6th graders Konrad & Alex) who delightfully shared their teaming up to create a green haunted house. Konrad actually called me about the concept, approached his school principal, got his Mom to help (trust me when I say Konrad knew EXACTLY what he wanted help with) and Down to Earth with Mrs. Green became a reality. If you have an idea for a half hour, fun, green, sustainable topic you want to shout out to the world or even simply chat about, Mrs. Green has a seat and a microphone waiting for you! Coley? Kristen? Cassandra? Madison? Payton? I know you are out there and I can't wait to hear from you! |
Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure!
Stop by your local Sea Of Green to get all the information you need for plant propagation: Get your garden started today!
-- Brought to you by Sea of Green
Three Things You Should Know About aPriori International
- I am about 100% sure you did NOT know that members of the aPriori team have been Mrs. Green's professional and business coaches in some form or fashion since 1992. (I was in my early forties and had started my first company.)
- Did you know that aPriori has consistently coached my teams (with 3 companies) to turn our natural strengths into a powerful offer that is ours and ours alone? Might want to read this one twice!
- Did you know that their executive coaching option is unique in the marketplace and is used worldwide by both Fortune 100 companies and individuals and entrepreneurs? No client/company is too big or too small for aPriori. They give you their all.
And since I only get three, this personal testimonial doesn't count. Many of my dreams would not have come true without the support, clarity, insights and, at times, "hard for me to accept" coaching I have received from aPriori International. Want to get to the next step with your team? Your business? Yourself? Contact them. You will thank me.
Upcoming Shows
October 29
Diana Dehm - Radio Green Talk
Trust me when I say Diana Dehm is a one woman wonder whose intention is to create a global collective for a sustainable planet - one shared idea, one solution, one conversation AND one laugh at a time. Her show brings awareness around the green economy and Diana is right at the heart of all of it. You can imagine my delight when we first connected and she talked about "pumping up the volume." Heard that one before? I cannot wait for this interview and I know that we will all walk away with a greater understanding of her mission, her vision and her impact. Please join me. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
November 5
Tishin Donkersley, Editor-in-Chief and Dorie Morales, Associate Publisher, Green Living Magazine
Please join me as I interview these two women about Green Living. This publication is described as an eco-conscious lifestyle magazine centered around daily life and the way we express ourselves as we LIVE GREEN, WORK GREEN, and PLAY GREEN. Their vision is to bring an eco-conscious and contemporary perspective to our community and our world. Is this not a perfect fit for an interview with Mrs. Green? I am certain Tishin & Dorie will bring a great deal of substance and excitement to this show. I've got lots of questions and I am sure Dorie and Tishin will have lots of answers. Please plan to join us so we can GROW GREENER together. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
November 12
Terry Dee - Habitat for Humanity's HabiStore, and Laura Fairbanks - Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department
This show is all about bringing awareness to communities about green programs, green practices and green living. Every year a group of individuals work diligently to hold the Green Living Fair. Information about energy saving, water saving, rainwater harvesting, green plumbing, waste management, healthy eating and so much more is made available to the Tucson community. Tune in to find out what this great group is up to and maybe even learn enough to start a Green Living Fair in your community. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
November 19
Peter Arpin, radio show host of Renewable Now, president of The Arpin International Group
What is the fourth generation of Arpins doing running a company started by his great grandparents AND running his own radio station AND show? You will have to tune in to find out. Peter started Arpin Broadcast Group (ABN) in 2008. It is the first web-based television network dedicated to the moving and storage industry. He is an entrepreneur, a person dedicated to reducing the Arpin Groups carbon emissions (among their many accomplishments) and Peter will have a vast array of exciting, green, cutting edge things to share with us. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
November 26
The Humane Society of Southern Arizona - Kerri Burns, Vice President, and Lyndsey Bruno, Public Relations Lead
Join Mrs. Green to talk about what might be the ultimate recycling - that of animals. Recognized nationally and internationally for her work in the animal welfare arena, Kerri will share with us her knowledge and understanding of the field's issues and innovations, as well as a contagious enthusiasm and determination to make substantive progress. Honestly? There is no end to what Ms. Burns has done in her work with animal welfare. And trust me when I say, Lyndsey Bruno is at the forefront of informing people of Kerri's contribution as well as successfully spreading the word about the myriad of programs and activities of this great organization. You will NOT want to miss this show. Sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
December 3 Debra Duneier - Author of EcoChi EcoChi has the power to change your life - but only if you let it! Here are a few things you should know that will make you want to listen live: Did you know that we spend about 98% of our time inside? Did you know that the design of a room can give you a certain vibe or alter your mood? The EcoChiŽ system that Debra easily describes in her book, brings nature's elements inside to create indoor environments that influence your senses and shape how you feel about yourself and others. This harmonious blend of Classical Feng Shui, Green and Sustainable Living and Environmental Psychology is the revolutionary wave of design. Bonus? I read the book and will share some personal stories. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
December 10 Jeannette Mare - Founder, Ben's Bells Project The mission of Ben's Bells is to inspire, educate and motivate each other to realize the impact of intentional kindness and to empower individuals to act according to that awareness, thereby changing our world. Sound like a good fit for Mrs. Green? Ha! Jeanette is one of the most incredible human beings I have ever met. You really have to read their story and about how Jeanette and her family turned the sudden death of their son Ben (who was not yet three at the time) into an internationally recognized, acclaimed and phenomenal movement promoting kindness. Ben's Bells symbolize kindness and its power in healing. You really have to plan to listen to this show. You'll be very glad you did. Why not practice an act of kindness while you are at it - invite a family member or friend to listen with you? This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. Spread the Green Word!
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Mrs. Green welcomes your comments and feedback: info@mrsgreensworld.com