March 30, 2011Issue 82  

Mrs. Green's World

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Should We Call It Green Building? Or Better Built?

One should probably not start a newsletter spouting off about how annoyed one (that be me) is about a certain "green" topic. But I am annoyed and writing about it will help me get it off my chest. With Earth Month just around the corner, it's probably good to write about this. I didn't JUST get annoyed. It's been building up. Maybe if I share it, it will annoy you too - in a good way of course. And the world will change. It's about the word "green" as it applies to green building.


In doing my research to better articulate, permit me to share with you the following which I read on a green building website:


The purpose of green built programs is to encourage homebuilders, multi-family builders, architects and developers to use technologies, products and practices that will:


· Provide greater energy efficiency and reduce pollution

· Provide healthier indoor air

· Reduce water usage

· Preserve natural resources

· Improve durability and reduce maintenance


Really? Standards that high? Sarcasm intended. Get where I am going with this? Shouldn't these things be the standard for every home that is ever built and not just a GREEN home? Should builders be able to build homes that aren't energy efficient? They do - like crazy. Should they be able to build homes that don't have HEALTHY indoor air quality? What does that even mean? Why should GREEN homes provide healthier indoor air? Should builders be able to build homes that don't conserve on water, like installing inefficient shower heads and plumbing that isn't water saving? Shouldn't high efficiency plumbing be standard and not GREEN? Should builders build homes that waste natural resources of which there is NOT an infinite supply? And that last bullet point REALLY annoyed me: improve durability and reduce maintenance. Do you see where I am going with this? How long SHOULD a home be built to last? Why shouldn't ALL of the above be the standard? WHY ARE THESE THINGS CONSIDERED GREEN? Oops. Sounds like I am shouting...


Disclaimer: I am not a builder nor an architect nor a developer. But I am a person who was raised with a core value of anything worth doing is worth doing well. I don't remember any exceptions like "except when it comes to building houses." When did we, as a society, stop demanding that our homes be built well and be built to last? So as the self-proclaimed Queen of Green, might I encourage you to reframe your thinking to associate green building with better building? And to demand that our homes are "better built." There, I feel better just getting all of that out. Now I will go back to doing everything else I can to preserve the planet. I like that better anyway. 


Who IS the Greenest of Them All?


Who's the Greenest of Them All contest


Since this newsletter will be out before the final results are in, let me share just a few thoughts about the contest. It was a roller coaster ride and we learned lots. On the up side, ALL of the candidates are wonderful and deserved to be nominated. Also on the upside, people from around the country were engaged and really got behind the voting. We had record numbers of votes and voters. We loved it. The "challenging" side of this ride was our discovery that we didn't build in enough walls to prevent the voting from being compromised. There are "stuff the ballot" programs out there that people were inspired to implement in order to vote for certain candidates multiple times a day. Flies in the face of "sustainable" if you ask me. But alas - we discovered the glitch in the matrix and literally spent hours deleting the rogue votes. Kudos, thanks and praises to ALL of the nominees and to all of the honest, vote once a day people. There are thousands of you. Can't wait to see who wins at finish time! 



   Rosie on the House   

Three Things You Should Know about Goodwill Industries

I have decided to change my "Did You Know" segment to the above. Three things are easier to remember and I hope you do! 

  1. Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona is NOT just about thrift stores
  2. Their business is about changing lives through training and employment
  3. Ready for this? In the past YEAR, Goodwill kept 18,847,890 pounds out of landfills. Now there's a number for you!

You can read all about them, their wonderful programs and the great work they do at:


Queen of Green
Mrs. Green at Goodwill 1st Ave location wearing the Cindy Smith's winning crown entry in the Crowning of the Queen of Green contest

Upcoming Shows  


GreenFest 2011 - sponsored by Bookmans4/2

GreenFest 2011
On the road again and really excited about this, Mrs. Green will be broadcasting live from Tucson Village Farm. Whether you tune in or come out and join the fun, they will have great exhibitors, vendors, live performances, hands-on kids' activities and lots more. If you are tuning in, you will want to learn all about the fabulous Tucson Village Farm and what they are doing to make a difference for the planet. This show sponsored by Bookmans.


Ed Begley Jr.4/9

Ed Begley Jr.
Yes, you read it right! We finally booked Ed who truly lives, eats, sleeps and breathes the green life! He is an actor, an activist, an environmentalist, an author, has a Facebook page called Living with Ed and is an all-around wonderful human being. Treehugger rated his most recent book, Living Like Ed, as their NUMBER ONE green book. Honestly? I have so much to ask him after reading this book that I am hyperventilating just thinking about it. Waiting to exhale. Hope you will join me. This show sponsored by Big John the Toilet Guy.

Renee Kreager4/16

Eclectic Pizza - Renee Kreager
You will finally get to hear why Mrs. Green and many of her friends and family rave about Eclectic Pizza and why I am so proud to have Eclectic Pizza as a sponsor. As a family owned business, this family does everything possible to walk the organic, locally sourced, freshest ingredients, and TRULY gluten free walk. Get ready for Renee and I to interrupt each other as we have been known to spend hours together and never complete one sentence. But we will inform AND have fun. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Lisa Frack4/23

Lisa Frack, Environmental Working Group (EWG)
One of my most reliable sources since the beginning of Mrs. Green is EWG. They publish research about The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen (organic food choices) and they publish information about food safety in general and about safe cosmetics. They care about the health of the planet and they actually help to get bills passed to protect us. Can you tell I can't wait for this one?  This show sponsored by Tucson Electric Power Company

John Smith4/30

Big John - The Toilet Guy
Mrs. Green is live at the Children's Museum Tucson for their Earth Day celebration. I will interview my good buddy and fellow world changer, John Smith. The biggest challenge for this show will be trying to cover all the great, green things John, the first certified green plumber in Arizona, has to share with us. We will do our best. This show sponsored by Big John The Toilet Guy


Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:05 p.m. PST on NEWSTALK 790 KNST AM or live, streaming on the internet at 
Spread the Green Word!

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