March 2, 2011Issue 80  

Mrs. Green's World

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Reminder: The First "R" Is Reduce

Besides being a wonderful human being, my friend Barbara Eiswerth posted something on my Facebook page this weekend that really gave me pause and made me stop to think about the first "R" - reduce:


"Mrs. Green how about challenging your readers? How long do they hold on to things? My sister has a Volvo station wagon that has 311,000 miles on it that she drives daily when she is not walking, biking or golfcarting places. The average car ownership is rising according to New York Times (feb 25th). What about cell phones and computers and TVs? Necessity vs. compulsion."


It's really up to each of us to answer the question: how long do we hold on to things? Did I really need a new phone? And then a charger for my house, one for the car, and another for our cabin? No. Because then I had to figure out what to do with all those same things from my "old" phone. I don't need a new car thanks to Chapman. I did need a new computer because mine was crashing but I passed on my old one (with all its accoutrements) to someone who says it's fine for her use. And then there's the new TV I had to get because I couldn't see the smaller screen on the old one. Yes, we disposed of it properly but clearly that is not Barb's point. What about those shoes I bought last week because I "needed" some different shades of brown and a black dressy shoe. Some might even call it compulsion. Okay - enough said. We all have to have at least one or two vices or challenges to meet. Mine? Shoes - clearly a work in progess.


On the upside and for YOUR thinking pleasure: I have crossed over to reusable bottles, I NEVER use plastic bags, I don't buy "stuff" for the house anymore because I just don't need it and I have promised my family to not purchase any more candles until the supply has dwindled. I would give myself a "fair" on that one but moving in the right direction. Would love to hear your thoughts. Now I am off to reduce my food intake.


Who IS the Greenest of Them All?

We Need You


Who's the Greenest of Them All contest


Last edition, we proudly announced our second annual "Who's the Greenest of Them All?" contest. Please consider that person in your life who is walking the sustainable walk and nominate them. We want to know about them, we want to honor them, and we want to share their story with everyone in Mrs. Green's ever-expanding world! If you can't think of anyone (hard to imagine), please vote for your favorite greenie. Voting begins this Friday (March 4) and ends March 31. 


   Rosie on the House Tip

Did You Know?
Did you know that Chapman Tucson has a green team? Did you know that Mrs. Green meets with them monthly and that we are experimenting with one Chapman dealership to see if stainless steel reusable bottles will work to replace plastic water bottles? It's not as easy as one, two, three. Did you know that Chapman has placed colorful recycling bins prominently in every showroom throughout their dealerships? Did you know that some of the sales team members now have recycling bins under their desks for paper recycling? Did you know that I checked my mileage from my Honda Insight to and from a trip to Phoenix, AZ last week and I consistently got 45 MPG? Did you know that since I have had this car I have only needed one oil change and the car told me when? Did you know that Chapman dealerships represent sometimes as many as four of the top ranked "greenest cars in America?" And did you know that Chapman walks the walk in terms of giving back to the community by supporting numerous local charities and the University of Arizona's sports programs? Chapman doesn't just sell cars - they provide you with the best ownership experience possible!

Upcoming Shows
Doris Rapp3/5/2011

Dr. Doris Rapp, M.D.

Dr. Rapp has dedicated her entire life to providing information, sensible solutions, and research for those affected by both the typical and atypical forms of allergies. She is all about prevention and natural solutions and is the author of the New York Times best seller: 32 Tips That Could Save Your Life. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to let the questions begin. I hope you will join me. This show sponsored by VerVe Salon Lifestyle.


Tucson Festival of Books3/12/2011

Tucson Festival of Books

Billed as one of the top four most successful Book Festivals in the country, this year's TFOB is clearly going to be yet another exceptional success. Please join Mrs. Green at the University of Arizona Bookstore for a live broadcast. I will interview Alison Hawthorne Deming and David Foreman - contributors to the book Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril. It will be an exciting day and a content rich, informative interview. This show sponsored by Miraval Resort.


Plant Smart3/19/2011

Matthew Glen - CEO of Plant Sense

Can you imagine a device which would guide you in every conceivable aspect of gardening, including indoors and out -- where to plant, what to plant, when to plant and even one that can provide you with information on why what you planted isn't doing so well? And by Zip Code? Well, I couldn't either until I was sent Plant Smart and tried it myself. Tune in to hear CEO Matthew Glen inform us about this incredible instrument which uses the same technology as that of the probe used for exploration on Mars. You are not going to believe this one! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


University of Arizona3/26/2011

Recycle Mania

Mrs. Green takes to the road one more time for a live remote broadcast to participate in the University of Arizona's Residence Life's Recycle Mania. Did not have the name of the guests at press time but rest assured we will have fun, learn about the particulars of this program and why the UA residents take this on to help prevent hundreds of pounds of waste from going into the landfills. Gotta love it.


Mrs. Green's World All Green Talk Radio Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:05 p.m. PST on NEWSTALK 790 KNST AM or live, streaming on the internet at 
Spread the Green Word!

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