February 2, 2011Issue 78    

Mrs. Green's World

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Green Bay = Green Super Bowl?
(Or "It's YOUR Party and I'll Cry If I Want To")


Okay, so I admit it's a stretch but you can't blame me for trying. The real question is: How green will your Super Bowl party be? I know what the big dogs are doing (read below) but I could shed a few tears when I think about the collective waste from the millions of smaller parties planned for Super Bowl XLV.


A few facts about the big party in Dallas:


· The event will require about the same amount of energy it would take to power 1,500 homes for a year.

· Through the use of renewable energy certificates (RECs) and the efforts of Just Energy, the National Football League (NFL) and the North Texas Super Bowl XLV Host Committee all carbon emissions from power usage at major Super Bowl XLV venues will be offset. (Does this REALLY help?)

· 2011 Super Bowl is being billed as the greenest on record.

· Tree planting events, dubbed the "Super Grow XLV" at local schools, parks and playgrounds will rely on efforts coordinated by the Texas Trees Foundation and Texas Forest Service, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service.

· Biofuels will power buses in the transportation fleet and generators on the field when possible.

· Recycling will be encouraged at Cowboys Stadium, the stadium compound, media center and Super Bowl headquarters.

· Prepared food that is not consumed at Super Bowl events will be donated to local food banks, shelters and community kitchens.

· Leftover decorations, office supplies and equipment will be donated and, if possible, upcycled into new products with the help of the Salvation Army.


Collectively, it is good news. We are making progress.


But it begs the question: how many of the millions of other Super Bowl parties being planned through-out the world are even thinking "green" with the exception of Green Bay Packer fans? I am sure I don't want to know the answer to that. All I can do is ask that those of you who read this do your best to make your party as green as possible. Here are my suggestions:


· Use real plates, cups, knives, forks and glasses (renting them might be less expensive than you think and less work.)

· Shop at locally owned stores for everything you possibly can - especially if you are ordering take-out.

· Serve pitchers of water with slices of lemon vs. putting out water bottles.

· Think healthy, flavorful treats like homemade salsa, fresh veggies, "healthy" pizza, dark chocolate treats, fruit and fun green salads, baked chips.

· Minimize decorations that you will just dump into the trash and ultimately into the landfills once the party is over. Get creative and use things you already have or visit places like Goodwill to find your team's colors!

· Have recycling bins VISIBLE for beer bottles, wine bottles, beer and soda cans. Recycle everything you possibly can - even if it means putting on the good old rubber gloves and going through the trash.


Two final foods for thoughts: Isn't Mother Earth worth the effort? And do you really want to make Mrs. Green cry?




   Rosie on the House



Did You Know?
Did you know that the owners of Shaffer Dry Cleaning & Laundry are constantly updating their NINE facilities, operations and practices to be able to offer the finest cleaning service in the most eco-friendly manner possible? Did you know that Shaffer Dry Cleaning has been "perc" free since 1998? "Perc" (which has a really long official name - perchloroethylene) is a commonly used solvent that is not only extremely toxic but there is compelling evidence that it is a carcinogen. Did you know that Shaffer adopted one of the most eco-friendly cleaning processes available - the Green Earth process - that is both environmentally AND garment friendly? (Does it get any better than that?) And that you can bring all of your hangers to Shaffers for recycling? And that all of their stores are drop off centers for Big Brothers Big Sisters? Did you know that on the Shaffer Dry Cleaning website, there are some great articles in the "environment" section about the different types of processes used in dry cleaning and the pros and cons about each of them? And did you know that Bake and Patricia might strangle Mrs. Green because I write about ALL of the charity events they support including Angel Charity for Children's annual Bags, Baubles and Ball Gowns event? Because at the end of the day, I know they are great people, raising two wonderful kids and that they just want to do the right thing. And now you know too.

Website Contest
And the winner of Mrs. Green's World's "What's Your Green New Year's Resolution" contest is... Angela Burton, Director/Art Instructor of Young Rembrandts of Tucson. Here's her entry: "My business (Young Rembrandts of Tucson) joined up with TerraCycle to upcycle all of our markers and inkjet cartridges and more! I didn't know they had a brigade to recycle markers and I'm so happy about that! We go through so many markers and now we can keep them out of the landfills while earning $ for scholarships for less fortunate kiddos to be able to take YR classes. Yay!"

Sincere thanks from the entire Mrs. Green team for everyone who made the time and effort to enter and for those of you who visited our website to read the submissions. Take a look at all of the great things people have committed to do to get their green on in 2011!

Upcoming Shows 

Food Conspiracy Co-op2/5/2011 
How Green is Your Superbowl?
Join Coley Ward and Mrs. Green live from the Food Conspiracy Co-op on 4th Avenue. Mrs. Green will discuss ways to green your Super Bowl including ideas for how to prepare healthy snacks with guest Amie Sue Oldfather from Nouveau Raw, how to reduce or eliminate waste, which "green" companies to purchase from and what to recycle. Also get an update on what's happening at one of Tucson's healthiest places to shop for food! This show is sponsored in part by New Belgium Brewing Company and Eclectic Pizza. (Find New Belgium Tucson events on Facebook.)


Miraval Resorts  - Michael Tompkins
When I visited Miraval last summer, I found myself at a loss for words (a rarity) to explain the experience. It's not a "stay." Their tagline is "You won't find you anywhere else." Between Michael and me, I am hopeful that we can explain why men, women, young and old, should make the experience of Miraval one they will plan on for sustainability of the mind, body and spirit! And did I say it was really, really fun? This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson


Lost Landscapes and Failed Economies2/19/2011
Dr. Thomas Michael Power
I will interview Dr. Thomas Michael Power, a research professor at the University of Montana and author of the book: Lost Landscapes and Failed Economies. What really is sustainable employment and what's not? Tune in and find out! This show sponsored by Bookmans Entertainment Exchange

Reuse Connection2/26/2011

ReUse Connection - Ian Moises
What do 57,089 followers on a certain Facebook page have in common? The ReUse Connection. Their FB page reads: An international community promoting the re-use of materials and items by providing a platform for people to share and discuss re-use examples. . . and by supporting eco-entrepreneurship. First show of this kind for Mrs. Green ever. I can't wait - can you? This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Mrs. Green's World All Green Talk Radio Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:05 p.m. PST on NEWSTALK 790 KNST AM or live, streaming on the internet at www.mrsgreensworld.com 
Spread the Green Word!

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