October 29, 2010Issue 71    

Mrs. Green's World

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Green Reflections

Not to worry - this won't be a long, sentimental trip down memory lane. But as the third anniversary of Mrs. Green's debut draws near, there have been pivotal moments. This section of the newsletter is one third reflection/one third humorous reminder/one third serious reminder.

One third reflection:  Chris Jordan's photographs changed my life. Seeing the art on his website was honestly a defining moment. Processing the factual content in the captions was both challenging and painful. It lit my fire. Subscribers from day one: take that quick trip down memory lane and click on Chris's site. Ye shall forever remember where my loathing of plastic bags was born. How could a person not change this one habit? It is such an easy one for me. New subscribers: get ready for what I believe will be a life changing moment for you. Check this out and brace yourself. Any doubts left in your mind about our being one planet, all connected? If so, consider a complete psychological exam.

One third humor: those big blue balls - for the dryer of course. Writing about them makes me laugh and usually gets people's attention. Dryer sheets are unnecessary because static cling is not really a criminal offense - it's just annoying. They are also coated with chemicals, some of which are known carcinogens. They are expensive and they create waste. Dryer balls, on the other hand, can be used over and over and over, do not cause allergic reactions and are MUCH less expensive to use. We haven't worn out our balls in almost 3 years. Even if the manufacturing of them is not 100% sustainable, using them is far better than toxic coated, waste producing, allergy inducing dryer sheets.

One third serious reminder: anti-bacterial soap. I say get it out of your house. It kills the good with the bad and some bodies of research suggest that the chemicals in these soaps increase bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Researchers, I have come to respect and trust, advise us to get rid of them. I did - over two years ago. The FDA, on the other hand, just recently decided to study them. I might not live long enough to read the outcome of their research. Translation? Trust level low on my part.

Warning: more sentimental trips down Mrs. Green's memory lane possible in the weeks to come.



Mrs. Green's

Arizona's Greenest Workplace Challenge


Congratulations, kudos, cheers to Golden Eagle Distributors from Tucson, Arizona, for winning this challenge. The challenge ended on October 15th with 3,493 votes submitted towards 28 different workplaces. Golden Eagle Distributors, Inc. placed first with 1,230 votes. Please read about this company's outstanding commitment to sustainability in every conceivable way - green from the inside out and making a difference for all of us. You can also read about the laudable efforts of our second and third place winners, the Westin La Paloma and Sam Levitz Furniture. I admit that I was surprised and delighted to learn what these two great leaders in sustainable practices are doing to make a difference as well. Take the time to read all about them!



Rosie on the House


Did You Know?
Did you know that I will be on the second day of a five day retreat when you read this? Did you know that I will be getting MY green on and focusing on where to take Mrs. Green's world and message next while on this retreat? Did you know that I take being the spokesperson for Mother Earth very seriously and believe that as Mrs. Green's community grows, we can make a bigger difference in a shorter period of time? And did you know that even if I do believe living green IS fun that I also believe we need to speed things up - lots. Now you know more than you probably ever wanted to but I just had to tell ya!

Upcoming Shows

James Gentile10/30
Mrs. Green will be proudly re-broadcasting a "Best of Show" featuring James M. Gentile, PhD, President, Research Corporation for Science Advancement. Research Corporation's mission: Empowering early career scientists to address global issues through transformative research since 1912 - yes that's 1912. I encourage you to visit Research Corporation's website for two reasons: to read Jim Gentile's bio and to read about the 2010 Scialog Conference that was held at Biosphere 2 October 12-15. There honestly isn't an abbreviated way to describe the scope, magnitude and importance of some of the greatest scientific minds gathering to discuss solar energy conversion. You will just have to tune in to get a better understanding of this cutting edge "special stew of diversity and interaction that generates creative energy." This is a great show - trust me!
Ed Begley Jr.11/6
Ed Begley, Jr. - Actor and Activist. Yes, you read it correctly. Ed Begley, Jr. was truly one of the first actors in Hollywood to totally embrace sustainable living - I mean totally. Turning up at Hollywood events on his bicycle, Ed has been considered an environmental leader in the Hollywood community for many years. He has served as chairman of the Environmental Media Association, and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. AND our friend Mayor Bob Dixon will be calling in on the second half of the show to give us an update on how things are going in Greensburg, Kansas - the town devastated by a tornado in 2007. It's no secret that Bob is one of my favorite guests EVER on Mrs. Green and I have lots of great guests.
Biosphere 211/13
Travis Huxman & Bob Logan - Biosphere 2. Biosphere 2's mission is to serve as a center for research, outreach, teaching and life-long learning about Earth, its living systems, and its place in the universe. Travis Huxman is a genius & Bob Logan is the Director of Development for the College of Science, is an old friend and a total crack up. I can promise you a mix of information, exciting developments about the Biosphere 2 combined with plans for the future and lots of fun. Please plan to join us.

Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream's All Green Talk Radio Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream every Saturday at 12:05 p.m. PST on NEWSTALK 790 KNST AM or live, streaming on the internet at www.790knst.com.
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