No Green Eggs and Maybe Even No Ham (The story of the rotten eggs)
This might be the shortest newsletter I have ever written, but the point I am hoping to make is that God (Creator, Spirit, Lord) is sending us a message. We have to pay attention to what we eat because our lives depend on it - literally. First it was spinach (not a problem for me), then it was peanut butter, and now it's eggs - LOTS of eggs. Some of you may be old enough to remember the commercial "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature." My belief has always been if you don't listen to what God has to say, He just talks louder. I think He may be screaming. We are not being nice to Mother Nature and all of God's creatures - especially the chickens.
WARNING: this information might make you sick to your stomach but you will get over it and if you read it, you might not get salmonella.
Fact: The USFDA's report details the filthy conditions that these eggs were produced in. (finally????)
Fact: Manure piles 8 feet high were blocking doors, manure pits were overflowing
Fact: flies and maggots were too numerous for them to count
Fact: the owner of Wright County Egg and Quality Egg, Jack DeCoster, has a long history of being a habitual, chronic offender (and did I say a multi-millionaire chronic offender?). If you can stomach it, click through to this article and see just HOW chronic - very!!!
Fact: the good book says we are to be good stewards of the earth. There weren't any exceptions noted.
Opinion: the horrific, unconscionable ways in which chickens are raised defy description. No one even bothers to debate it. This is an easy one, folks, because there really is just one thing we can do to stop it and it's easy. Start buying organic eggs. Period. End of story. The chickens will thank you, Wright County Egg will go out of business, you will be healthier and God will calm down. Phew...It doesn't matter if they are more expensive because your life depends on it and we all have something else we can give up. Or you can start raising your own chickens. Thousands of people are starting to.
End of rant.
Moments of Wellness with Mrs. Green
 Want to have some good green fun AND have a ladies/Moms night out? We hope so and we hope you will join the Mrs. Green team at VerVe on September 30th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. VerVe is Mrs. Green's salon of choice because they are an Aveda Pure Privilege Lifestyle Salon. Aveda is an outstanding leader in sustainable practices in the world. You HAVE to make an appointment as space is very limited. All the fun details are just one click away. We would LOVE to see you there! Mrs. Green's "Arizona's Greenest Workplace Challenge" Well On Its Way!
The Mrs. Green team has been much more than thrilled over the response to Arizona's Greenest Workplace Challenge! It is not too late to submit. The entries we have received to date are up on the website and they keep on coming.Call to action? Starting September 7th, you can vote every day for your favorite. And/or you can submit your workplace or contact green companies you know of to help continue the good, green buzz.
Did You Know?
Did you know that Janie & Barrie Herr, from Long Realty Company, have a website called Green Homes Tucson which proudly bears NAR's (National Association of Realtors) Sustainable Property Designation? And did you know they have been living and working in Tucson since 1975? Did you know that they have been GREEN since Barrie founded and operated the Arizona Waste Exchange (could I make that up?) which kept industrial waste out of out landfills way back when and that he is a charter member of Tucson Clean and Beautiful? Did you know that Barrie is the originator of the RUMBA competition - Re-Used Materials Becoming Art - which has gone city wide into schools? And did you know that Janie has earned and holds accreditations in real estate that put her in the TOP 4% of realtors nationwide? What you should know is that Janie and Barrie are two outstanding human beings who make the world a greener, healthier, better place. I hope they will be your first thought if you are moving to and/or buying/selling a home in Tucson. |
Upcoming Shows
9/4 The Best of Mrs. Green - Mrs. Green will be out of town living green this weekend and we will be broadcasting a best of Mrs. Green show. Due to popular demand, we will re-broadcast Paul Bonavia's interview. Paul is the CEO/President of UniSource/Tucson Electric Power. He is a visionary whose message about the world's energy options is important, on-point and honest. People loved this show so we are bringing it back in case you were not able to tune in.

Stevie Mack - The Future of Print for the Small Business Owner with guest host Scott Caddow from Legendary World! Going green/greener can present tremendous challenges to the small business owner who is committed to more sustainable practices. How do you convert your advertizing from a proven, snail mail, catalogue format to a greener, web-based one without losing business? How do you know your clients are ready for that and that you won't lose them? Stevie will share with us some of the things she had to consider when she wanted to move her company in a greener direction and how her customers are adapting to the change. Stevie and Scott are two business owners with challenges, solutions and commitment to change.
Phillip Greene - author of Running on Empty: A Handbook for Understanding and Surviving the Energy Crisis. Phillip was moved to write this book because of the lack of leadership and action by the past four Federal Administrations to break the stranglehold of a few oil producing countries, large oil companies and auto manufacturers on our supplies of energy and our very way of life. His search of information in books and on the Internet revealed that there was no single book that explained what was happening today in the field of energy in a clear, understandable way, and how the energy crisis came to be. So he wrote one! Please join Phillip Greene and me as we discuss how he answers the questions concerning our energy supply and a look at what the future might bring. Solar powered crystal ball?
Susan Preston - general partner, CalCEF, Clean Energy Angel Fund. When my friend Cindy & I heard Susan speak at a conference last Fall, we waited around til the crowds died down to introduce ourselves - because she was that good. Susan is an experienced angel investor and world-recognized expert in angel financing. She is also an author of numerous articles, white papers and books on angel financing. She has been and continues to be a national and international speaker on economic development, angel and venture financing. Noteworthy: I googled Susan because she really impressed me and I wanted to know more. She received her JD, cum laude, from Seattle University School of Law and her BS, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, in Microbiology and Public Health from Washington State University. |
Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream's All Green Talk Radio Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream every Saturday at 12:05 p.m. PST on NEWSTALK 790 KNST AM or live, streaming on the internet at www.790knst.com.
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