Being Green: Not ALWAYS Fun
Few things make me happier than being the voice of green - most of the time. When I read an article recently about a comprehensive study that found dangerous levels of lead in kids' juices and snacks, I knew I had to share it and I felt like Kermit - sometimes it's just not easy being green.
The study was done by The Environmental Law Foundation. It enlisted a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lab to screen 400 samples from 140 branded products specifically marketed to children, including grape juice, apple juice, packaged pears and peaches (and yes - including baby food) and fruit cocktail mixes. The results: 125 out of 146 products tested contained alarming amounts of lead.
I read on, it got worse. The offenders weren't just the usual suspects. I hate when that happens. Brands like Earth's Best Organic, 365 Everyday Value Organic and yes, even Trader Joe's were in the line up right alongside of Welch's, Minute Maid, Gerber, Del Monte and Dole.
What's so bad about lead? From what I can conclude, everything! I couldn't find a single scientist who didn't agree that there is no such thing as a "safe" level of lead exposure, especially when it comes to babies and young children. I'm sure there are some who think lead is harmless, I just couldn't find any. Lead is known to cause physical and developmental problems. In other words, our bodies just can't handle it.
There is some good news. Since I love Trader Joe's, I'm happy to report that the study found no lead in Trader Joe's Fresh Pressed Apple Juice all natural pasteurized, 100% juice. There were others and you can check the list out yourself.
My wish? To have my own research team to go down the research rabbit hole on topics like this and provide me/us with a balanced, research based, multiple sources summary of findings. Until then, I will share what I know, invite your comments and do everything I can to help all of us make healthier choices for ourselves and for those we love.
Who is Your Greenest of Them All?
We're approaching the final week of our " Greenest of Them All" contest. We have a wonderful prize for the winner thanks to Legendary World and the Mrs. Green team. Check out our nominees from all over the country, or nominate your favorite "greenie". And don't forget, you can vote every day!
One Week Left! If you live in Tucson, you can support the mission of Mrs. Green AND a wonderful Mrs. Green partner. During the month of July, when you make a purchase at any one of Cartridge World Tucson's 3 locations, Cartridge World will designate 5% directly back to Mrs. Green's EVER EXPANDING world. Big box store - or small business owners like Kathy and Chuck Sawyer? You decide.
Did You Know?
Did you know that Garment Graphics was one of the very FIRST locally owned businesses to support the mission and vision of Mrs. Green? Did you know that they helped the Mrs. Green team select and print the very first (and only) "Fragile: Handle with Care" organic cotton t-shirts that we still give away as prizes? And did you know that Garment Graphics' clientele of over 3000 includes all sizes of businesses, non-profits and private and public schools? Did you know that in addition to the myriad of promotional products they offer, Garment Graphics has an eco-conscious category and promo right on their home page which provides you with a link to all of their GREEN promotional items? And last but certainly not least, did you know that Scott and Holly Polston are wonderful human beings with a great family, great values, contribute to their community, and work together in the business? Glad you do now. |
Upcoming Shows
7/24Organic Gardening - Holly Hutchinson & Rich Johnson. The popularity and growth of organic gardening is unprecedented in the United States. Holly and Rich are in the thick of things and I doubt there will be a question I ask about organic gardening that they can't answer. How they compost, how they control pests, why having chickens helps, what some of the challenges are, and maybe even what you need to know to get started. These are some of the things I hope to cover with them as time flies while we are having fun. They may make a composter out of me yet - stranger things have happened to me along this journey. Please plan to join us.
7/31 UniSource and Tucson Electric Power - Paul Bonavia, CEO. There were two things that struck me about this man when I first heard him speak: his intelligence and his honesty. Paul Bonavia is a visionary and a realist when it comes to energy and energy solutions for our future - quite a combination. Since he assumed his new role in January of 2009, Paul has worked to expand the company's leadership role in renewable energy while maintaining safe, reliable service to over 600,000 customers across Arizona. Join me in learning about Paul's vision for the company, his thoughts on where we are going as a country in terms of solar, wind, and nuclear power. We'll also hear about his insights as to the challenges we face in moving forward. You will enjoy this informative, content rich show.
Melanie Lenart - author, environmental scientist & award winning journalist. People describe Melanie's book, Life in the Hothouse: How a Living Planet Survives Climate Change, as a book for the general reader that demystifies the science behind climate change. Her book makes the comparison between humans producing sweat to cool off on a hot summer day to the planet producing hurricanes, floods, wetlands and forests to cool its self off. Makes sense to me. Her book is one full of hope provided we, as humans, help the Earth with those natural defense systems. Sounds like a great match for Mrs. Green and the makings of a great, informative show. There may even be a special guest calling in to join Melanie - Randy Olson - producer of the movie: Sizzle 8/14 Eco-Healthy Design - Robin Wilson. Robin is the author of The Kennedy Green House which just reached #1 on Amazon.com's Best Home Makeover list. Robin Wilson is a nationally known eco-friendly and healthy home interior designer focused on sustainable, reusable, recyclable and non-toxic options from the 'foundation to the furniture'. Robin will share with us how she worked to transform the Kennedy home working with a team of people from the architectural plans to the selection of eco-friendly building materials and power sources to the retooling of the house with health promoting EVERYTHING! Robin will also give us some information and tips on how these changes can be implemented by any homeowner - from a complete renovation to simple, affordable replacements of common household items. We will all learn something to help us in our going green journey. And did I mention that she has been regularly featured in the news (CBS, ABC, PBS, NBC) and NOW on Mrs. Green? 8/21Robert Glennon, author of Unquenchable: America's Water Crisis and What To Do About It. I have heard Robert speak on two different occasions and have read his book. After you listen to what he has to say, the research he has done and the facts he presents us with, I doubt you will ever feel the same about water again. Robert's official title is Morris K. Udall Professor of Law & Public Policy. It sounds impressive and Robert will impress you even more. His book really is both frightening and wickedly funny. Be ready to hear some of Robert's shocking stories of extravagance and waste that are sucking the nation dry. Get ready with your questions. Robert has the answers. 8/28 Lon Huber & Mark Sholin - University of Arizona: Spotlight on Sustainability. This show will be a hoot! Mark and Lon are two young men that give me hope for the future and I guarantee you will feel the same way. They don't see problems, they don't see us "running out" - they see innovation, creativity and change. They invent "things" and solutions. They want to solve our nation's dependency on foreign oil. They are smart, intelligent and fun to be around. At this point I am not even sure everything we will talk about but I promise you a fun, action packed, thought provoking show covering topics we all care about! |
Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream's All Green Talk Radio Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream every Saturday at 12:05 p.m. PST on NEWSTALK 790 KNST AM or live, streaming on the internet at www.790knst.com.
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