June 25, 2010Issue 62    
Mrs. Green's World
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Don't Drink The Water (Eye Opener for You?)

I never worry about content for this newsletter. So indulge me as I write, again, on one of my favorite topics: plastic bottles. They haven't gone away and I give you my word that when they do, you will never hear another peep out of me on this subject.

The long and short of it - a scientist named Peter Gleick has written a book called Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water. Newsflash: he says the water industry is exploiting us. Ya think?

Here are some highlights as reviewed by Aileen Wong:

It's Expensive - bottled water is thousands of times more costly than tap.

It's Falsely Advertised - Snow-capped mountains may be on the label, but the water comes from a public water system 40 PERCENT OF THE TIME!

There's NO Indication It's Safer - We assume bottled's better because we pay for it but tap water is monitored much more frequently.

It's Bad for the Environment - (I have to SCREAM out here - not shout - is there any living, breathing human being who does NOT know that?) Millions of plastic bottles don't get recycled - they are in our landfills forever.

Two Words:  Drinking Fountains - They're disappearing because of bottled water. They should be everywhere.

Mrs. Green's comments: Please, stop using them. To my friend Carol - I am with you on Aqua Chill and reversed osmosis with refill stations all over the country. How do we start the wave in Tucson? Gotta start somewhere.

Mrs. Green In the News - Literally
If you read my newsletter, you know it's all about the mission - and the more exposure, the broader the impact. Mrs. Green goes to KOLD News 13 starting July 6th at 5:00 pm, sharing helpful, informative energy saving tips that are green AND easy. This all came about through a creative, collaborative effort with Tucson Electric Power, KOLD and Mrs. Green. We are making it happen!

And a bit more good Mrs. Green news. Check out wonderful articles in BizTucson, including one about your's truly. I am honored to be in such great company.
Warm Welcome Back
Even though not a person from the Mrs. Green team ever considered them gone, a warm welcome back to our friends and advertisers, Cathy and Marshall from Temco Air Environmental. They have been supportive of the Mrs. Green mission and vision from day one. They are locally owned, their staff is awesome and reliable, and you can trust them. As a company and as individuals, Temco's owners and staff give back to the community in ways too numerous to articulate. And did I mention GREAT service? The whole green enchilada!

Tucson Residents: Take Note
If you live in Tucson, we have an easy way for you to support the mission of Mrs. Green AND a wonderful Mrs. Green partner. During the month of July, when you make a purchase at any one of Cartridge World Tucson's 3 locations, Cartridge World will designate 5% directly back to Mrs. Green's EVER EXPANDING world. Big box store or small business owners like Kathy and Chuck Sawyer? You decide.

Rosie on the House Tip
Did You Know?
Did you know that Wells Fargo was ranked NUMBER ONE among banks and insurance companies - and thirteenth overall - in Newsweek magazine's inaugural Green Rankings of the country's 500 largest companies? Did you know that Wells Fargo has provided more than $5 billion in financing to environmentally beneficial businesses? And that they are one of the FIRST companies to earn precertification from the U.S. Green Building Council for LEED? Did you know that they have green teams that are organized within the company to help drive sustainability? (Green from the inside out) Did you know that almost everyone I know personally who works in management serves on various community boards to help give back? And did you know that even though they are a large corporation, every branch you visit feels like a community bank?  Well, now you do. Proud to have them as one of our sponsors!

Upcoming Shows

Verdant Earth Technologies6/26 
Verdant Earth Technologies - Myles Lewis & Josh Hottenstein. Want lots of hope for our future? Tune in this Saturday when I will interview the very young and brilliant founders of this amazing company. They are two graduates from the University of Arizona who have developed the concept of A Farm in a Box - a cutting edge method of growing crops with very little water & NO harmful chemicals - among other things. I actually visited their farm "lab" and saw examples of how they grow lettuce from seed to full head in 45 days with less than a gallon of water. You will love hearing this story.

Local First Arizona7/3
Local First Arizona - Kimber Lanning and Lisette De Mars will be in studio to share information with us about this statewide organization. Local First Arizona is a nonprofit charitable organization. Its mission is to educate consumers about the economic, environmental and cultural benefits of shopping locally. In addition, they work with city and state governments to ensure the interests of local businesses are fairly and regularly represented. You will learn how they help independent business owners gain consumer visibility, how they create opportunities for their members to support one another via Networking Activities & Public Events. Please join me!

Wells Fargo7/10
Larry Finuf - Wells Fargo - Finally, Mrs. Green will get to share with listeners the cutting edge sustainable practices solidly in place at Wells Fargo. In September of 2009, Newsweek magazine ranked them #13 overall and #1 bank in the magazine's inaugural Green Rankings of the country's 500-largest companies. I will ask Larry to share with us how they did it, what's new with Wells Fargo in southern Arizona and around the country, and what their sustainability and environmental stewardship practices look like for the future. As a proud customer of Wells Fargo for over 35 years, I have been looking forward to this interview and hope you will tune in and get your questions ready.!

M. Scott Johnson7/17
Defenders of Wildlife - M. Scott Johnson, Arizona Senior Outreach Representative. This group is one of the country's leaders in science-based, results-oriented wildlife conservation. They stand out in their commitment to saving "at-risk" wildlife and championing the Endangered Species Act. They are truly dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities. They also work to resolve conflicts, crossing international borders and educating the public. Hopefully, Scott will be able to give us some insights on the true impact of one of the most damaging oil spills in history - still pouring out in the Gulf at press time. This will be a good one!

Organic Gardening - Holly Hutchinson & Rich Johnson.  The popularity and growth of organic gardening is unprecedented in the United States. Holly & Rich are in the thick of things and I doubt there will be a question I ask about organic gardening that they can't answer. How they compost, how they control pests, why having chickens helps, what some of the challenges are, and maybe even what you need to know to get started. These are some of the things I hope to cover with them as time flies while we are having fun. They may make a composter out of me yet - stranger things have happened to me along this journey. Please plan to join us.

Paul Bonavia7/31
UniSource and Tucson Electric Power - Paul Bonavia, CEO. There were two things that struck me about this man when I first heard him speak:  his intelligence and his honesty. Paul Bonavia is a visionary and a realist when it comes to energy and energy solutions for our future - quite a combination. Since he assumed his new role in January of 2009, Paul has worked to expand the company's leadership role in renewable energy while maintaining safe, reliable service to over 600,000 customers across Arizona. Join me in learning about Paul's vision for the company, his thoughts on where we are going as a country in terms of solar, wind, and nuclear power. We'll also hear about his insights as to the challenges we face in moving forward. You will enjoy this informative, content rich show.

Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream's All Green Talk Radio Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream every Saturday at 12:05 p.m. PST on NEWSTALK 790 KNST AM or live, streaming on the internet at www.790knst.com.
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