May 28, 2010Issue 60    
Mrs. Green's World
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Chapman Tucson
 Tucson Electric Power
 The Fairfax Companies
 Wells Fargo
 VerVe Salon

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 The Arizona Green Plumbers
 Clean Cities Tucson Regional Coalition
 Food Conspiracy Co-op
 Geo Innovation
 Sahuaro Girls Scout Council
 Green Homes Tucson
 Sea of Green
 Seaver Franks
 Shaffer Dry Cleaning and Laundry
 Spartan Arizona
 Tucson Green Times


The Blame Game? Nope!
No shock to anyone that Mrs. Green would write about the oil spill. How could I not? Have no fear -- I am not interested in playing the blame game. I am sure that there were enough lawyers lined up on all sides before the reality of this tragedy barely set in. I hope BP is held accountable in a big way but that's something I have no control over. I'm happy to leave that to the courts. Not very happy about how much money will be WASTED on that battleground - money that could be well spent cleaning it up.
Now a few thoughts from Mrs. Green:  Does anyone remember that 11 people were killed? That their bodies were not recovered? Was there a national pause for that and for their loved ones or did the blame game start immediately? What if we can't stop it? Ponder this from David Roberts, Grist on May 25th:

"We are, however, drifting toward a whole different kind of place. Tomorrow BP is attempting the "top kill" maneuver -- pumping mud into the well. If it doesn't work, well ... then what? Junk shot? Top hat? Loony stuff like nukes? Relief wells will take months to drill and no one's sure if they'll work to relieve pressure. It's entirely possible, even likely, that we're going to be stuck helplessly watching as this well spews oil into the Gulf for years. Even if the flow were stopped tomorrow, the damage to marshes, coral, and marine life is done. The Gulf of Mexico will become an ecological and economic dead zone. There's no real way to undo it, no matter who's in charge.

I'm curious to see how the public's mood shifts once it becomes clear that we are powerless in the face of this thing. What if there's just nothing we can do? That's not a feeling to which Americans are accustomed." (I know I'm not!)

To me, with my resilient, fighting Irish, never-say-die spirit, it begs the question: so what CAN we do? I am not sure but I have to do something. I hope everyone who takes the time to read this newsletter feels the same way. I cannot live without hope, without believing that there is a huge lesson here, without making a commitment to being a part of the long term solution in my walk as Mrs. Green. Our team has decided to support the efforts of a truly great organization - The Nature Conservancy. Their mission statement? To preserve the plants, the animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.
Whether you choose to share what they are doing with others, donate to their cause, be a volunteer, or find another cause you believe in, this is the ultimate call to DO JUST ONE THING. And keep doing it.

Now About That Good News...
Delightful email from Amy Kaminski - our April contest winner:

"We just got home from Bookman's where the kids spent their gift cards. Eloise wears the pendant with pride and Oliver loves the new water bottle "with the better top". The guys at Elastek were super helpful and kind. Thank you so much! What a great surprise to find the box on our doorstep when we got home that day." 
It's not too late to enter the May contest. The prizes are really awesome - including one of the most popular items we have EVER featured: The WeBe bag! You will thank me and then I will thank you!
Welcome Sunflower Farmers Market
We are proud to welcome Sunflower Farmers Market as a member of the great, green, growing list Mrs. Green advertisers. No matter where their stores are located through-out the country, they are true community partners. They carry quality products, employ friendly, helpful staff and have a solid reputation for being good stewards of the planet. In Tucson, they were awarded Best Organic Produce by the Tucson Weekly. Very good to know. Stay tuned for more information about them on Mrs. Green's Facebook and twitter. Welcome.
Mrs. Green on YouTube
People, readers, Mrs. Green's World tribal members - Please go to Mrs. Green's World and click on WATCH: YouTube videos. There is a new one up about Mrs. Green's trip to VerVe. If it doesn't reflect just how far I would go to get my message across about using safe products on your hair and skin, feel free to share with me what would...Does anyone actually remember Groucho Marks?

Rosie on the House
Did You Know?
Did you know that Mrs. Green experienced technical difficulties with her computer while writing this newsletter and was on the phone with tech support for over 2 hours? Did you know this was her window for researching this week's featured guest? Well, now you know why there will be no Did You Know this edition!

Upcoming Shows

Gas Hole5/29
GasHole - Mrs. Green will interview filmmakers Jeremy Wagener and Scott Roberts, who will talk about their documentary: GasHole. The two have joined forces to bring the history of oil prices and future alternative fuels into focus. Concerned with American dependence on foreign oil and curious as to how America could go from the largest exporter of oil to the largest importer, Wagener and Roberts sought out the opinions of such experts as U.S. Department of Energy officials, Alternative Fuel Producers, Alternative Fuel Consumers, Professors of Economics, and congressional leaders from both the Democratic and Republican parties. If you buy gas, you will want to tune in as Mrs. Green seeks some answers to the questions that many American consumers would like answers to. AND we will have a special interview with Mayor Bob Dixon from Greensburg, Kansas - the town destroyed by a tornado in 2007. Mayor Dixon will give us an update on what is planned in Greensburg to celebrate the anniversary of the Midwest town that was literally too tough to die!
Jeffrey Smith6/5
For the first time EVER Mrs. Green will be airing two "Best of Mrs. Green" shows consecutively. Why you ask? Because Mrs. Green will be in HAWAII for the first time ever. The June 5th show will be a re-broadcast of Jeffery Smith - author of Seeds of Deception, discussing genetically modified foods


The choice for this "Best of Mrs. Green" shows is Jeffrey Schlegel from Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP).
Sustainability in Practice6/19
This Saturday's show is all about great wines and healthy vineyards. Please tune in as I interview Kris O'Connor, Executive Director of Sustainability in Practice - more commonly known as SIP! This Vineyard Team, a local network of farmers, has been dedicated to sustainability for 15 years. In the vineyard, they strive to protect the resources valuable to their farms and communities. At home, they strive to consume a bit less, create a healthy home and lifestyle for their families, and give back in small ways. How GREAT does that sound? So tell a friend, grab a glass and get ready to hear about the good life. Tune in at noon!

Verdant Earth Technologies6/26
Verdant Earth Technologies - Myles Lewis & Josh Hottenstein. Want lots of hope for our future? Tune in this Saturday when I will interview the very young and brilliant founders of this amazing company. They are two graduates from the University of Arizona who have developed the concept of A Farm in a Box - a cutting edge method of growing crops with very little water & NO harmful chemicals - among other things. I actually visited their farm "lab" and saw examples of how they grow lettuce from seed to full head in 45 days with less than a gallon of water. You will love hearing this story.
Local First Arizona7/3
Local First Arizona - Kimber Lanning and Lisette De Mars will be in studio to share information with us about this statewide organization. Local First Arizona is a nonprofit charitable organization. Its mission is to educate consumers about the economic, environmental and cultural benefits of shopping locally. In addition, they work with city and state governments to ensure the interests of local businesses are fairly and regularly represented. You will learn how they help independent business owners gain consumer visibility, how they create opportunities for their members to support one another via Networking Activities & Public Events. Please join me!
Wells Fargo7/10
Larry Finuf - Wells Fargo. Finally, Mrs. Green will get to share with listeners the cutting edge sustainable practices solidly in place at Wells Fargo. In September of 2009, Newsweek magazine ranked them #13 overall and #1 bank in the magazine's inaugural Green Rankings of the country's 500-largest companies. I will ask Larry to share with us how they did it, what's new with Wells Fargo in southern Arizona and around the country, and what their sustainability and environmental stewardship practices look like for the future. As a proud customer of Wells Fargo for over 35 years, I have been looking forward to this interview and hope you will tune in and get your questions ready.

Personal note from Mrs. Green: I appreciate your support and your understanding of the need to repeat two shows. To be perfectly honest, I don't like doing pre-records (and do them only when necessary) nor do I like to have repeats. But alas, I continue to strive to find the balance in my life so.... Hawaii - here I come! 

Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream's All Green Talk Radio Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream every Saturday at 12:05 p.m. PST on NEWSTALK KNST 790 AM or live, streaming on the internet at
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