March 27, 2011

         Issue 89

The Fishwrap     
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
2535 E. Broadway, Pearland TX 77581

8:00 am:   Rite I with organ
9:15 am:   Christian Education
10:30 am:  Rite II with band
In This Issue
Year of Connection
New Singles Group
Quick Links

Phone:  281-485-3843

Fax:  281-485-4936


Joe O'Steen- Associate

Jenn Neitzey- Youth Minister
Jamie Martin Currie- Parish Administrator and Children's Minister

Anne Harland- Director- The Academy at St. Andrew's

Jeanette Cooper- Membership Secretary

Allison Curl- Contemporary Music Coordinator

Beth Bishop- Bookkeeper

Tom Lusk- Minister of Fun

Karen Sampson - Receptionist



Welcome new church members Tony and Kim Barton


Zachary William Broughton, baptized Sunday, March 20, 2011


Church Wireless


Want to access the church wireless network for the web when you are on campus?


Here's what you do.


Please pick out the "Guest" wireless account


The password is  IAmAGuestHere


The password is case sensitive

Let Us Know


Whenever you or someone in your immediate family participates in something special or achieves something special, let me know. We want to share our good fortune with others.

[email protected]


I am now putting my devotions and a few other things on a Blog.    



Important Dates Coming Up - Place in your date book  


April 17  Palm Sunday


April 21  Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00 pm


April 22  Good Friday Noon & 7:00 pm


April 23 Egg Hunt & BBQ  5:00 pm


April 23  Easter Vigil 7:00 pm

April 24  Easter


July 11-15 Vacation Bible School 


July 28 Episcopal Night at the Astros   

Oxford Comes to Houston!


Reforming the Church, Reforming Society: a Christian Leadership Conference in Houston on April 1 and 2 


 Renowned theologian Rev. Dr. Michael Horton, author of The Gospel-Driven Life and Christless Christianity, will join faculty from Wycliffe Hall, the Anglican seminary within the University of Oxford, and Rice professor Michael Lindsay for a teaching conference on Christian Leadership at St. John the Divine Church in Houston.


Details can be found at


Submit Article

[email protected]

Office Hours


Monday - Thursday

8:00 am - 12 Noon

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm




Join Our Mailing List

Renew your Kroger Card and Support St. Andrew's 


Support St. Andrew's through your shopping at Kroger.


Click this link.



We earned over $2,500 last year by linking our Kroger Cards to St. Andrew's. A percentage of each purchase went to fund our ministries. Each year, we must relink our Kroger Card. If you haven't linked your Kroger card, click the link above and follow the directions.


Thank you for supporting St. Andrew's in this way.


facebookWe now have a presence on the popular social networking website, Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, just click on the links below to become a fan of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.

If you do not yet have your own profile on Facebook, you can get started in just minutes.


To set up a Facebook account 

To go to the St. Andrew's page Click Here    


Cans - Room 114 or the recycle bin next to the drink machine in the Worship Building
Ink Cartridges - 3 recycle boxes on campus
Eye Glasses- Collection bin in entryway of the Worship Building
Cell Phones - Bring to the office
Batteries- Bring to the office
Paper - We have 2 collection bins in the west parking lot 
Year of Connection


2011 will be the Year of Connection for St. Andrew's. 2010 was the Year of Outreach, where we focused on reaching those in the community who needed God help and love. This year, we will Connect.


        Connect with God

        Connect with Our Neighbor

        Connect with One Another


Why? Because God asks us to be deliberate in pursuit of each. In fact, all of God's Law can be summed up in Connection.


God - "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment."    Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV)


Neighbor - 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Where our neighbor is defined as all those around us and not just those we like or are close to)    Matthew 22:38(NIV)


One Another - There are over 80 "one another" passages in the Bible, urging us to strengthen our Connection with other Followers of Christ - church members

In fact, we cannot separate these Connections. They are intertwined.

            'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of

            these brothers and sisters ofmine, you did for me.'  

                                                               Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and

sister.                                         1 John 4:21 (NIV)

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.                      Hebrews 13:2 (NIV)


Dedicate your year and yourself to being Connected.

Campaign of Kindness Collections


Upcoming Campaign of Kindness Collections:

  • Sunday, March 27          Undie Sunday - collecting new, packaged underwear for Lord of the Streets (Episcopal Church for Houston's homeless community)
  • Sunday, April 3             Board Games for DePelchin - collecting new board games for the children served by DePelchin's Children's Center
  • Sunday, April 10           Teddy Bear Sunday - collecting NEW stuffed toys for the children at Shriner's Hospital for ChildrenSunday, April 17           T-shirt Sunday - collecting used t-shirts for Open Arms which employs refugee women in the Austin area who create one-of-a-kind products from repurposed t-shirts
  • Sunday, April 24 (Easter)         VIsion Sunday - collecting new and gently used reading glasses for the poor and homeless served by Episcopal Homeless Intiative
Homeless Ministry to Start


We are excited that we will be able to offer wonderful assistance to families that are homeless and in need of a hand up to establish themselves during this difficult economic time.

Area churches are now poised to begin offering the ministry to families with children beginning this summer.


Clear Lake Baptist, Clear Lake Presbyterian, First United Methodist Church Pearland, Friendswood United Methodist Church, Saint Andrews Episcopal Church, and Southeast Church of Christ are just six of the area churches that are willing to host families in their facilities overnight for a week at a time, four times per year.  As a Host Church they will be relieve the families of these worries:  Where will I and my children sleep tonight?  What will I feed my family? Where will I store my possessions? 


Clear Lake United Methodist Church has taken on the year-long role of being the location of the Day Center.  The youth of the church have graciously given up part of their classroom as the location of the office for the day center.  In the day center families will meet with the director and be assisted in finding a job, a place to live, a school for children and a place for childcare.


In addition to those aids the day center will be a place the families can store in a individual closet personal possessions and clothes, wash clothes, take showers, play on the play ground, use the phone, use the computer, receive messages, and made deposits in a saving account.


A total of 13 churches will serve as Host Churches.  We are expecting that all churches interested will be committed by April. We are presently compiling a list of volunteers who will help in a variety of ways.


Jim+ is the current Family Promise President

Debbie Allensworth is the Past President and Fundraising Chair

Debbie Mayfield is the Board Secretary


Go to

The Bible, Why Bother? 


Do any of these opportunities fit your gifts and interests?  If so, please email Jim+ at [email protected].

o        Where does the Bible fit in my life?

o        Am I having trouble wrapping my head around the Bible?

o        What about the weird stuff people say about the Bible?


In a meeting. At dinner. On the golf course. No matter when or where you hear the familiar "ding" on your cell phone, a text message gets your immediate attention. You're compelled to pull the phone out of your pocket and read it.  

But what if God sent you a text message?


God has sent you a message-- the Bible. In this amazing collection of writings, you'll find poetry, prophecy, biography, war, sex, and betrayal. Most importantly, you'll find the story of a loving Father who goes to incredible lengths to redeem his children. The message is waiting. Have you read it?


Please join me on a three week Sunday morning trip at 9:25 am starting on 3/27. You can do this.


[email protected]


Become a Daughter of the King  


We are a group of Christian women striving to fulfill the promises of our Baptismal Covenant.


We promised at confirmation to pray, work and give for the spread of Christ's Kingdom.  We are women to whom parishioners can look for love and for help in time of need, loneliness or strangeness.  We seek to walk with God as our guide. Prayer is the foundation from which our service grows.


We find the Order of the Daughters of the King to be a safe place in a busy world where we can be together and support each other in Christ's love.  The Ruth Chapter of The Daughters of the King meets the First Saturday of each month (except July) at 10 a.m.  in Room 102.   


Please join us.  If you have questions, please contact Barbara Kinsey, at 281-450-0821. 

Golf Tournament to benefit RISE School  


Calling all Golfers!   

Do you Golf or do you know someone that does?  Support the RISE School and St. Andrew's. Our Annual Pamela Rushing Golf Tournament will be at:


Clear Creek Golf Club

Friday April 8th

8 AM.

Shotgun start.

Continental breakfast and lunch.

Spots are filling up fast - Contact [email protected]


Sponsor a T-Hole for only $200.00 and get a sign with Family or Business Name at the Hole and recognition on back of shirts and in St. Andrews Newsletter - The Fishwrap

Editor: there is link for RISE School

The Way of the Cross Service

Sisters and Brothers,


I am looking for a few children and youth to have reading parts in the 4/3 Sunday morning worship service. We will be tracing the last hours of Christ in the service, The Way of the Cross.


Any child 3rd grade and up as well as any youth may volunteer in this annual service lead by the youth and children of St. Andrew's.


Please contact me to help with names and ages.


[email protected]  

Ladies' Bible Study


Begins Thursday, April 7th - 7:00pm - at St. Andrew's!


We are going to do a shorter, lighter study by Beth Moore called 'Living Free' that does not include a video.  It will last 6 weeks.  There will be five days of study each week, and it sounds like less study time will be required than there was for 'Esther'. 


We will do the home study on our own during the week, and  then will meet to discuss it as a group, or groups.  Each week's discussion will probably last around 1� hours, allowing us to leave a bit earlier than in the Fall. 


See below for an overview of 'Living Free'.


The cost of the study book is $10.  Please email as soon as you can (at least before Friday, March 11th) to let me know if you plan to join us so I can order the books.


Childcare will be provided.  Please tell me in your email if you will be using childcare, and the number and  ages of children that will be coming.


I have read that this is a good study to do either before or after Beth Moore's 'Breaking Free' which is another longer study of hers with a video to watch each week.  If we like 'Living Free', I think it would be great to start 'Breaking Free' next Fall.  I can't wait to meet with you ladies again - I miss you!  Of course, please invite any friends you can think of who might like to join us.


Jennifer Sitton

[email protected]


Living Free: Learning to Pray God's Word by


Beth Moore provides a personal study experience for five days a week for six weeks of Bible study. Beth explores the somewhat-radical idea that we cannot please God by being perfect. The study begins by defining false strongholds, then focuses on five key benefits for every believer, including how to find satisfaction in God and experience God's peace. Participants can learn how to develop a Godward focus in life, while beginning to incorporate the key benefits in their lives through practices of prayer

 and Bible study.


Participants will look at the nuts and bolts of the matter of pleasing God and answer the questions:


How can we overcome persistent, defeating, devastating 

     patterns of sin in our lives?

How can we become so nonself-centered that we no longer focus

     on our own performance?

How can we become so God-centered that we no longer want to

     pursue things that displease Him?


Lenten Madness!

Can God Rocks! overcome top seed Financial Peace?  Will the Vestry be "one and done" against Head Start Christmas?  Has Andrew's Academy peaked too soon, only to fall toThe Stations for the Cross in the First Round?

  • Competition starts 3/20/11 at both services
  • Must be present to vote. 1 point per vote. 
  • One vote per person (you may worship twice and get two votes;)
  • Bracket? Go to Lent Madness  
  • Some really tough draws for a few ministries


Best regards,

[email protected]
Singles Group



Please join our Meetup group to see the Impressionist & Post-impressionist exhibit at MFAH on Saturday, March 26, at 3:00 PM to be followed by dinner at a restaurant. Our first meeting on February 18 was quite a success. For more information about this ministry to singles, please go to: and sign up.


Best regards,

Elizabeth Fields


Benefit for Baby Nathan Hightower 


Sunday, March 27

12 Noon - 4:00pm

Knights of Columbus Hall

2320 Hatfield Rd., Pearland, TX 77584


Food, Drinks, Silent Auction and Raffle, Family Entertainment


Proceeds benefit the Pearland family of Nathan Hightower who was born with a rare and serious genetic disorder in July 2010. 


For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Kim Ambro at 281-412-5146. 


Vacation Bible School - Save the Date!    


 vbs image

The next annual Vacation Bible School will be held July 11-15, 2011.


Katie Cordes  

[email protected] 

Fusion (Youth) News 

YES is a weekend retreat for youth 7-9th grade that affirms God's love for us and allows you to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in a unique way.

Happening is a weekend retreat for youth 10 -12th grade that encourages participation in one's own parish and youth group and helps answer many of today's questions of how Christianity is relevant to youth today.

YES and Happening dates for this school year:

April 29 - May 1

For more information, go to

You can find forms for registration here: Registration Forms

Jenn Neitzey

Finances - January 31st, 2011


Don't know if you are current in your giving?  Contact me at the email address below and I'll be happy to send you a statement.

                    Actual            Budgeted          Difference


Disbursed    $ 30,535         $ 35,994           $ 5,659 under budget


Receipts      $ 33,779         $ 38,281            $ 4,502 over funded


Long Term Debt $381,124.26


Operating bank balance 1/1/2011 was $23,843.47


You may combine your giving into one check if it is more convenient for you.  Just be sure to mark the breakdown on the memo line so I know how to properly enter it.  All undesignated checks go into operating to cover general budgeted disbursements.



Beth Bishop [email protected]