February, 2008

Greetings and welcome to the seventh monthly issue of Revere eNews.

This newsletter is filled with information to keep you in touch with the Revere Academy. As a community of metalsmiths and jewelers, there is always a lot going on. This issue of Revere eNews includes select articles, tips, news and advice to help you on your path to success making jewelry.

Be sure to check out the new classes, books, business resources, and opportunities for 2008.

Best wishes for the New Year!

- Christine Dhein
  Assistant Director
In This Issue
Revere Grads Earn Diplomas and Awards
Bench Tips from Alan Revere - Paint Job
Jewelers Resource Bureau Offers Jewelers Expert Advice
New Classes Added in Winter / Spring 2008
Revere Grads Earn Diplomas and Awards
gaffney box ring
The Revere Academy recently awarded Jewelry Technician Diplomas to 22 graduates of the Fall 2007 JT Intensive program. During each JT Intensive students are guided through the process of designing, planning and executing a very individualized Box Ring, a project from Fabrication 3. Staff and students vote, and then Otto Frei donates gift certificates to winners. We congratulate these winners: Gaffney Barnett for Best Design, Sasha Selle for Technical Excellence, Gazelle Walker for Most Marketable, Micah Blank for Most Innovative, and Altana Frantz for Most Popular.

sasha box ringgazelle box ringmicahaltana box ring 
Bench Tips from Alan Revere
Paint Job
paint job
Do you have a drawer full of loose needle files? Do you find it frustrating to paw through the pile of files, looking for just the righ one? Not only is this a waste of time, but it's also poor maintenance of your files, which aren't benefiting from being rubbed up against each other all the time. Here's a tip that will make it easy for you to spot just the right file for every job.

Go to any store that sells cosmetics and pick out a half a dozen colors of nail polish. Get bright, primary colors: red, blue, ornage, black, yellow, green, etc. When you get back to the shop, assign each color to a different file shape and paint the handles of the files accordingly. For instance, paint the ends of the round files red, triangle files turquoise, and so on. When painting, use stripes of color to idicate the cut. For example, paint two stripes for cut #2, four stripes for cut #4, and so on. (You will probably need to apply more than one coat of nail polish to get bright, clear stripes of color.) And to remind you which color goes with which shape, paint a "key" around the base of your file can; for example, paint a red circle to represent the round files.

This system can also be used for larger "hand" files as well as gravers. Assign colors to different shapes, and paint dots of color on the handle to indicate the width of the tool: start with one dot for the narrowest and add dots as they get wider. This makes it a snap to pick out the right tool, whether your gravers are spread out on your bench or neatly stacked in a rack.

By color-coding and sorting your small toos, you can save time and avoid unnecessary frustration. It is amazing how quickly you learn to spot your colorful new tools.

This tip is an excerpt from 101 Bench Tips by Alan Revere, published by MJSA. Illustration is by Sean Kane. Order now!
Jewelers Resource Bureau Offers
Expert Advice for Designers
cindy edelstein The large number of students that enroll in our Marketing classes indicates that there is a real need for information and help marketing designer jewelry. If you are unable to attend our class or if you have specific questions or if you want more in-depth information, you should know about JRB.

The Jeweler's Resource Bureau was founded in 1991 to support jewelry designers and their products in the market place, as an art form and as a community. JRB offers detailed information on all the marketing resources needed to run a jewelry design business, for those who were not trained in business. "Designers go into this business because they love making jewelry - not making business," says Cindy Edelstein of Jeweler's Resource Bureau LLC. "So people who are basically artists, have to learn to be their own publicist, sales person, marketing manager and CFO - all at once, usually with very little preparation or training. That's where we can help."

JRB's site, Jewelersresource.com, is filled with up-to-date resources, articles, charts, forms, samples, interviews and expert tips. There are document prototypes, recorded video interviews, data banks of vendors in 40 important categories and more. A growing market research section archives trademarked names, slogans, designers and a selection of notable designs for future generations. Up-to-the-minute marketing information can also be found on Cindy's blog.

"Joining JRB is like hiring your own marketing expert, who is always in the next room working for you," says Cindy, a former editor of JCK magazine and a long time designer advocate.

JRB is offering a special membership package. Check it out.
Also, take advantage of free training with JRB's 10-session e-course. Register from the pop up window or send an email.
New Classes Added in Winter / Spring 2008
fab1 earrings
Our fabrication classes are more popular than ever! We added a new section of Fabrication 1 and Fabrication 2 in February and another section of Fabrication 1 in May. The May Fabrication 1 class is perfect for those coming from out of town to take the spring JT Intensive program.  Classes are all filling quickly, so act today! Register on-line or call 415-391-4179. If you want a class that is already full, call or submit a registration form on-line and you will be put on the wait list. Have questions about which classes are right for you? Glenda, our registrar, will be happy to help you create a schedule to fit your goals and needs.

February - New Classes!                       May - New Classes!
Fabrication 1-E, Feb 15-17                                Fabrication 1-D, May 1-3
Fabrication 2-C, Feb 18-20                     
The Revere Academy is a professional jewelry school where master craftsmen pass on their skills and knowledge to students at all levels. Beginners and hobbyists as well as experienced working bench jewelers come for dozens of short, intensive classes (just 3-days!) and diploma programs lasting 2-4 months. I hope you will be able to join us for a class soon!

Christine Dhein
Assistant Director
Revere Academy
Past Grauates Win Awards
brook niche ring
Revere Graduate Belle Brooke Bauer's piece, "Canoe Ring" has been selected as a 2008 Niche Awards Finalist.

adorna bella logo
Revere graduate Natalee Thomas is the proud owner of Adorna Bella, a
San Francisco boutique celebrating it's second year in business with the Best of Citysearch 2007 Audience Choice Award for the Best Place to Shop for Jewelry and Accessories.

Revere Faculty Exhibitions
cooperman at velvet
The work of Revere Faculty, Christine Dhein, and Suzanne Pugh, along with Masters Symposium Instructors Deborah Lozier and Andy Cooperman, and staff, Emiko Oye is featured in New West Coast Design, at Velvet da Vinci until February 17th.

"Vespa" Brooch
by Andy Cooperman
Join Our Mailing List
Don't miss these upcoming opportunies:

Ethical Metalsmiths seeks entries for Composting Good and Evil: Redesign for Sanctimonious Sinners
Digital exhibition at the SNAG Conference, Savannah, GA.
Deadline: February 10, 2008 More details...

Pre-SNAG Conference Professional Development Crosscurrents: Navigating Toward New Markets 
Seminar covers important topics for artists.
 Savanna, GA
March 5, 2008, 2-6 pm
More details...

SNAG Educational
Endowment Scholarship

Three scholarships of $1,000 will be awarded.
Deadline: March 15, 2008
More details...

B W Simon's Bench Jewelers Passion Award Design Competition is open to all professional Bench Jewelry Artist and Designers actively involved in the design and production of jewelry. 
Deadline: March 15, 2008
More details...

MJSA's 2008 Vision Awards will be offered in Distinction categories including Platinum, Palladium, Enamel, Natural Color Diamond, CAD/CAM, Laser, Mokum�-gane, and Reactive Metals.
Deadline April 13, 2008
More details...
Revere on the Road
Alan Revere will teach Design and Bench Tricks and lecture on the Art of the AJDC for the Pennsylvania Society of Goldsmiths in Pennsylvania, April 4-6, 2008.
Email for more details.
Alan Revere on CraftCast.com
Download a podcast interview with Alan Revere. Listen as he discusses his passion for gold, design and creativity.
Revere Faculty
 in Print
Just Released!
Masters: Gemstones,
 the first volume in the new Masters series by Lark Books, curated by Alan Revere
masters gemstones
The jewelry of Revere instructor, Michael David Sturlin, will be featured in the second book in the Masters series, Masters: Gold
to be published in spring 2009.