"Transfer factor (TF) has been used successfully over the past quarter of a century for treating viral, parasitic, and fungal infections, as well as immunodeficiencies, neoplasias, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Moreover, several observations suggest that it can be utilized for prevention, transferring immunity prior to infection - Thus, a specific TF to a new influenza virus can be made swiftly and used for prevention as well as for the treatment of infected patients." - Pizza et al., 2006*
Transfer factors are small chains of amino acids and bits of RNA that carry important information from immune system cells to other immune system cells. They are like post-it notes that deliver disease-related details to cells throughout the body. Existing and newborn immune system cells come across these post-it notes, read them, and then get to work. The information includes what threats to look out for (bacteria, viruses, parasites, or even cancer cells), what to do about them, and when to stop doing it.