The Works Try a Floating Design Challenge!
Greetings! Flowers are blooming and the weather is getting warmer. Summer is on its way! That means that now is the perfect time to register your child for a fun and educational summer camp (or two). See below for more details.
While you're waiting for summer, there's plenty going on here at The Works. Stop by and try your hand at making a ball of clay float any Saturday this month - except Saturday, May 15, when you can participate in our What Floats Your Boat? Challenge!
We hope to see you soon!
What Floats Your Boat?
 Put your creativity to work in this fun, floating design challenge. Build a boat using assorted materials and test how much weight it can hold before it sinks. What: An engineering design challenge. When: Saturday, May 15. The activity will be ongoing from 10-12 and 1-3, and the museum will be open from 10-4. Where: The Works, 5701 Normandale Rd, Edina. Cost: Free with admission to The Works. Why: Because it's fun! Are you up for the challenge? PLUS, get a free Facewarp print-out just for participating. See you there!
May Family Activity: Clay BoatsFree with admission.  Available every Saturday in May from 1-3pm (except May 15 - see above for details) Why don't boats sink, since they are often so heavy? Come find out for yourself in this hands-on project.
And come back next month for our June Family Activity: Magnetic Structures
Summer Camp 2010 Register Today!
Mix up some goo, launch a rocket, design a house with working lights, and fling marshmallows with a catapult you build yourself! 
Works' summer camps are ideal for girls and boys going into
kindergarten through grade 7 who love to explore, discover, design and
build. Campers have fun and learn how things work with hands-on
projects in many areas of science and engineering.
Works' camps are very popular, and many of them are already full.
Be sure to reserve your spot today. For descriptions of all the camps,
prices, and registration information, click here.
Find Us On Facebook
 It's easy to stay in touch with The Works through Facebook. Just visit and click on "Like." That way, you'll be the first to hear about events, special offers and deals!
Spring Hours Engineering fun at The Works! Bring your family to The Works:
- Thursdays, 3-7
- Fridays, 12-4
- Saturdays, 10-4
General admission is only $5.00 for adults and children ages 3 and up.Summer HoursStarting on June 14, The Works will be open Monday through Saturday from 10-4.
The Works will be closed on Monday, July 5.Group Visits The Works is open for group visits Monday through Friday by reservation only.
Parents- be sure to tell your child's teacher about our programs. Teachers- book your group now while space is still available. Learn about Group Options.
Groups can make reservations by calling us at 952-848-4848 or completing our online form. |
The Works
Engineering Fun for Kids 5701 Normandale Rd Edina, Minnesota 55424 952-848-4848