The Works Gear Up For Spring Break!
The sun is shining, the weather is getting warmer... it looks like spring might come, after all! And with spring comes spring break. How are YOUR kids spending their spring break? Would they like to mix chemicals, experiment with electricity, or design and build an amusement park ride? They can do this and more with The Works' fun and educational spring break classes.
And if they just can't get enough hands-on science and engineering, check out our great summer camps! Registration is now open - see below for details.
We hope to see you soon!
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Sign Up For Spring Break Classes! March 29th and 30th - there are still spots available
Who: Any child currently in grades 1-4 Cost: Each camp is $55 per student. Optional before and after care are $5 each per student ( pre-registration required) How: To register, call Emily at 952-848-4857 or click here.
Discover Engineering Build a mini catapult to launch
marshmallows. Pull apart cabbage and experiment with color-changing
acids and bases. Then hook up circuits and make a steady hand game. When: Monday, March 29 from 10am - 3pm (optional: before care is available starting at 9am; after care is available until 4pm - pre-registration required)
Fun Park Rides Learn engineering skills as you use motors, wires and other materials to build a unique, twirling amusement park ride. End the day with a festive carnival. When: Tuesday, March 30 from 10am - 3pm (optional: before care is available starting at 9am; after care is available until 4pm - pre-registration required)
March Family Activity: Circuit Play Free with admission. Available every Saturday in March from 1-3pm Hook up batteries and wires to power light bulbs, motors, and more. Discover the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit. Already know the basics? Then you're ready to tackle the Ultimate Circuit Challenge!
And come back next month for our
April Family Activity: Sound Sandwich
Visit Techville and Save the Integrated Circuit!
Who's Jack Kilby? W  hy, the inventor of the integrated circuit, of course! Integrated circuits are a tiny but essential part of every modern electronic device. Without integrated circuits, we wouldn't have cellphones, computers, mp3 players, digital cameras, or many other important appliances. In short, our systems of computing, communications, manufacturing and transport would not be able to function. But now the invention of the integrated circuit is in danger! Only you can stop the course of history from going disastrously awry. Visit Techville, the fictional home of Jack Kilby, and solve the mystery before it's too late! Click here to play the game.This fun and educational game is part of the large collection of fun and educational games at the official website of the Nobel Prize, Check out more of their great games here.
Summer Camp 2010 Registration is now open
been waiting for it, and it's finally arrived. Registration is now
open for all of The Works' fun and educational summer camps.
Mix up some goo, launch a rocket, design a house with working lights, and fling marshmallows with a catapult you build yourself!
Works' summer camps are ideal for girls and boys going into
kindergarten through grade 7 who love to explore, discover, design and
build. Campers have fun and learn how things work with hands-on
projects in many areas of science and engineering.
Works' camps are very popular, and many of them fill early.
Be sure to reserve your spot today. For descriptions of all the camps,
prices, and registration information, click here.
Spring Hours Engineering fun at The Works! Bring your family to The Works:
- Thursdays, 3-7
- Fridays, 12-4
- Saturdays, 10-4
General admission is only $5.00 for adults and children ages 3 and up.Extra Open Days and Hours:
- March 29 & 30 from 12-4
- April 1 from 12-7
- April 5 & 6 from 12-4
- April 8 from 12-7
Group Visits
The Works is open for group visits Monday through Friday by reservation only.
Parents- be sure to tell your child's teacher about our programs.
Teachers- book your group now while space is still available.
Learn about Group Options.
Groups can make reservations by calling us at 952-848-4848 or completing our online form. | |
The Works
Engineering Fun for Kids 5701 Normandale Rd Edina, Minnesota 55424 952-848-4848