December 2010
AAI E-News  
A quarterly e-newsletter from Advancement Associates, Inc.
In This Issue
Growing benevolent funds
Mennonite Foundation resources development officers
Social media, anyone?
Resuming a campaign
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March 10-13, 2011

San Antonio, TX

Our Team
Richard L. Gerig, MEd, Principal

Rebecca S. Drumm, CFRE,  Principal

Sherilyn R. Ortman, BA, Associate

J. Daniel Hess, PhD, Associate

Michael D. Wiese, PhD, Associate

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Growing benevolent funds becomes primary concern


elder careThe Samaritan Fund. The Sharing Fund. The Promise Partners Fund. The Future Care Fund. The Golden Cross Fund. The Home Endowment Fund. The Care Assurance Fund.
These are some of the names continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) are using to describe their benevolent care funds. Whatever the name, finding a way to enlarge these funds has become high priority for virtually every retirement organization. Read more.
Collaboration breeds creativity
How Mennonite Foundation is resourcing development officers
Bill Hartman "Two heads are better than one." That cliché reveals Bill Hartman's preferred strategy for gift cultivation. For the last 12 years Hartman has worked for Everence--formerly Mennonite Mutual Aid (MMA)--an overarching financial services and stewardship organization serving Mennonite Church USA and other denominations.

Hartman works extensively with charitable gifts, which are administered through Mennonite Foundation, an affiliate of Everence. The Foundation regularly partners with development officers to secure planned gifts for their organizations.

To learn more about how Mennonite Foundation can work with you, click here.
Social media, anyone? 

Does your organization use social media as part of its marketing strategy? If so, we'd like to know! Please take a few minutes to complete our online survey.

Ask the consultant


Q: We were in the middle of a campaign when the recession hit. How do we know if it's time to re-engage and, if so, how do we go about it? 


A: Restarting a campaign in a good way assumes that an organization has done its homework--i.e. maintained open communication and strengthened relationships with current and prospective donors and volunteers--in the interim.


Even then, resuming the process isn't simply a matter of picking up where one left off. Consider "patience" and "diligence" virtues. At the same time, assuming your case was strong at the outset, your needs cannot be put on hold indefinitely without, in some regard, compromising the service you're able to offer.


To read AAI's recommended approach, click here.

Do you have a question to "ask the consultant?" Email us!

Building relationships. Advancing your mission.