The Corby & East Northamptonshire by-election is an opportunity for UKIP to present itself as an alternative to the old parties in Westminster.


You see, it is only UKIP who can challenge New Labour in this by-election. Senior Conservatives have already admitted that they can't win here. 


UKIP has a strong local candidate, Margot Parker, in place. Margot believes in the things you and I believe in - our nation's withdrawal from the EU, an end to open-door immigration and an economy that creates jobs for our youngsters. You can read more about Margot here.


We can, however, only be successful in this by-election with your help. Even with the policies that the British public are crying out for and a strong local candidate, our campaign requires the feet on the streets and funds to compete with New Labour.

Campaign Manager Lisa Duffy has already set up our campaign base at 7 New Post Office Square, Corby NN17 1PB but she needs your help with stuffing and addressing envelopes and leafleting the targeted areas. You can call Lisa on 07890 110 225 if you have any questions about how you might help.

The campaign office is open every day, including Bank Holiday Monday, from 8am to 8pm. We'd love to see you there.

If you cannot make it to Corby, and even if you can, then you could also help by contributing to the campaign fund. 


Your donation, whatever the amount, will be put into fighting UKIP's corner in this vital battle. Frankly, without the money, we can't compete. With your generous contribution we have a chance.  

I hope I can count on your support at this crucial time in our nation's history.


Nigel Farage MEP
UKIP Leader