STAR banner 2011
STAR line banner

Thank you for taking the time to re-subscribe to the STARskaters newsletter.  We've made progress in all areas of every program and would like to THANK YOU for your support and participation.

This weekend is SLED HOCKEY weekend and you can read about all of the events in this edition, and come out and Try Sled Hockey FREE at Sugar Land Ice & Sports Center at 2:30pm Saturday November 19th.

And in this edition get details how you can receive $3 off AEROS tickets and FREE parking by mentioning STARskaters.

Also, we are preparing to print our 2012 STARskaters Brochure.  Last years printed and electronic distribution was in excess of 25,000 at rinks and other businesses around Houston.  If you would like to become a STARskaters sponsor, please contact us at

We hope the upcoming holiday season is a great one for you and your family and that we see you on the ice soon!

Oh, and as we look to rebuild our subscribers, please take a moment and click the link below to FORWARD TO A FRIEND.  Thanks!

Jim ONeill

Sled Hockey Weekend Events
Sled Hockey

There are four opportunities for you to see/try Sled Hockey this weekend.

Friday Nov. 18th
  •  - 7:30 AEROS game
  • See an in-game demo of Sled Hockey between periods of the AEROS and Texas Stars game.  
  • After Friday AEROS game - watch a one hour Sled Hockey game FREE with your Houston AEROS vs Texas Stars game at the Toyota Center.

Saturday November 19th
  • Give Sled Hockey a try - FREE
    • 10-11am at Ice Skate USA at Memorial City Mall.
    • 2:30 - 4:30pm at Sugar Land Ice & Sports Center.

For more information on Sled Hockey, visit

Therapeutic Skating News
New Web Site launched at

Therapeutic Skating
The Saturday morning therapeutic skating program continues to grow and recently was featured in this news article.

This program, offered every Saturday morning at 9:30am at Sugar Land Ice & Sports center offers the opportunity to achieve specified skills through a set of 14 carefully constructed levels.  

As the class grows, we are in need of volunteers both on and off the ice.  If you are interested in either participating, contact

Special adaptive equipment is needed to help provide balance and the ability to be upright on their own feet and legs.  Some of this equpment needs to be specially designed for each skaters particular need.  Of course as the class grows, so do our costs.  
If you would like to become a sponsor this very exciting program, contact us at

Donations can also be made via PayPal to

STARskaters at AEROS Games


Thanks to the Houston AEROS, STARskaters will have an exhibit table at most of their home games at the Toyota Center this season.


Visitors to the table can see a vintage sled hockey sled, and learn more about the various STARskaters programs.



And the AEROs have a special  offer for you.  Contact Josh Young at 713-361-7937, mention STARskater and get $3 off your ticket and a FREE parking pass.



Sponsors Needed
Sled Hockey, Therapeutic Skating, Brochures and Web

When you sponsor any of our programs for Sled Hockey, Therapeutic Skating and our STAR skates, we have
many ways that we can promote your business:
  • Web ads
  • Newsletter promotion
  • Event signage
  • Sled signage
  • T-shirt logos
  • Jersey sponsorship
  • Printed brochures
  • Electronic brochures
Any or all of these are available to you based on your level of sponsorship.  For more, contact

Therapeutic Skating Video
Therapeutic Skating Parents Education
US Figure Skating Video for Therapeutic Skating
The STARskaters therapeutic skating program is a model program which US Figure Skating would like to duplicate across the USA.  

The video above was produced and played for program operators across the USA to demonstrate the positive impact that the therapeutic skating program has on the skaters, their families, and even the instructors.  For more information on the program, contact

Ebay Fundraiser for STARskaters
Bid on our items, or hold your own eBay auction!
Many individuals and companies have generously donated items to help STARskaters raise the money needed to operate our programs.

These items are then listed on eBay to allow bidders from Houston and around the USA to bid on the items.

Items are generally sports related and are updated regularly online. 

If you'd like to see what's is currently available for bidding, go to:

If you'd like to hold your OWN auction on eBay to benefit STARskaters, CLICK HERE to learn more.

And, if you have an item you'd like to donate, contact us at

STARskaters Brochure
Online PDF available by clicking here

STARskaters Brochure
Sponsors are being sought for the 2012 version of the STARskaters brochure.

The brochure is distributed at area ice rinks, sponsor locations and the Toyota Center at the table at most Houston AEROS games.

Inside, you'll read about the history of Sled Hockey and learn more about STARskaters programs:
  • Special needs skating lessons.
  • Sled Hockey.
  • STAR Skate events.
You can also read more about how you can get involved in the STARskaters program as a volunteer, donor or organizing a STAR Skate for groups with special needs.

If you would like a supply of brochures shipped to you, contact
STARskaters mission is to provide an on ice skating experience for therapy and recreation for children and adults with any special needs, and to support SLED HOCKEY in Houston.

The program is open to anyone five years of age or older who would normally be unable to enjoy an on-ice skating experience due to their disability. is public charity registered in Texas as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Tax ID number 26-1657556. 

All donations are tax deductible.

Find us on Facebook

In This Issue
Sled Hockey Weekend
Therapeutic Skating
STAR @ AEROS games
Sponsors Needed
Skate Therapy Video
Ebay Auction Fundraiser
New STARskaters Brochure
Video, Audio & Social Media
STAR Supporter
STAR Volunteers
Sponsor Links



For more information, contact
Video, Audio & Social Media

Therapeutic Skating Lessons - Everybody is a STAR.


Video - What is Sled Hockey?  


Get Sledding - Sled Hockey Music Video  


Sled Hockey on KPRC 


Texas Sled Hockey on Facebook 


STARskaters Brochure - Download


STARskaters Mission Video   


STARskaters Radio Spot 


Video - Interview "Talking Sled Hockey" with James Dunham, USA Olympic Gold Medalist.



Find us on Facebook

STAR Supporter
Ice Skate USA at Memorial City Mall

Every Saturday morning at 10am thanks to a generous donation of ice time by Ice Skate USA, Sled Hockey players take the ice at Memorial City Mall.


This enables individuals interested in giving Sled Hockey a try and helps STARskaters continue to grow the sport of Sled Hockey in Houston.


If you know of anyone interested, please direct them to or invite them to join us on Saturdays.


And, be sure to consider spending some of your upcoming holidays at a public skate, watching the Nutcracker on December 9th, or give the gift of skating lessons.


Read more about all the programs at Ice Skate USA


And, be sure to thank Ice Skate USA GM Carl Sasyn and his outstanding staff for their support of STARskaters and Sled Hockey.


STAR Volunteers
STAR volunteers 2011
The STARS that make it happen!

There's a lot of equipment involved with sled hockey and every Saturday morning, a group of dedicated STARskaters volunteers unpacks the sleds, gloves, helmets, sticks, elbow pads and helps get the Sled players out on the ice.

The names and faces of the volunteers vary week by week, but one thing they all share is the satisfaction of helping new players enjoy the sport of sled hockey.

Shown above are just some of the group of volunteers, Corrie, Rich, AJ, Danny, Claudia and Joanie along with sled player Neil.

Not shown are the many other volunteers like Oliver, Margaret, Virgie, Lilia, Emma, Blain and several youth hockey players who have dedicated their time on Saturday mornings.

If you'd like to see upcoming STARskaters volunteer opportunities, click here.

And, if you'd like to get involved, contact us at
Quick Links




STAR Supporter Links





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