Beat Tom and Bill - Beat Cancer Friday May 21, 2010
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Dinner - Silent Auction - Wheel of Meat - Baskets - Live Auction - Fun, Friendship!    Still time to Sign Up Now!
Last year, the Wheel saw it's inaugural spins.  This year we'll have more. 
More Meat! 
More Spins! 
Did I say More Meat!  More Kangaroo, Summer Sausage, Ostrich, Turkey Legs, Spam, etc,  
The Wheel even has it's own Theme Song! 
You don't want to miss this!   

Wheel of Meat 

While Golf is SOLD OUT we've got unlimited space for Dinner! 
Over 220 Golfers are registered - A record Attendance!  Which means the evening will be
an event to remember!     
Friday, May 21, 2010.  Indian Lakes Golf Course.  Bloomingdale, IL
Golf!  Dinner!  Raffle!  Wheel of Meat!  A great time will be had by all! 
And you'll be helping the families of Cody Neilson, Karen Burde and Sharon Charalambous who are suffering from the financial stress of their loved ones cancer battles - along with Sally's Art Studio and The Cancer Care Foundation. 
For more information - to sign up - or to donate, please go to: 
Looking forward to seeing you next Friday!  
Tom and Bill Latourette
Overnight at the Hilton - Indian Lakes
Just mention the Beat Tom and Bill outing
Special Rate of $99
Booking for special rate Extended! 
 Call before May 18th!   
Fantastic Auction Items!    

We've got over 100 items for the Auctions and Raffles! 
You'll want them all! 
Signed Memorabilia - Ozzie! Lou! Frank Thomas! Stan Makita! Savard! BlackHawks! Cubbies!  Dave Casper!  Mark Teahan! Many More!    
One Week Stay in a 1-Bdr Condo - ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!  (except Hawaii)
Golf at Kemper Lakes!  On the Field for Batting Practice at a Cubs Game!   
Cubs vs. Sox!  Cubs Tickets!  Sox Tickets! 
27 + Baskets!  This year's Basket Table will contain many unique and exciting  items!