Bridge to Home                                         Bridge Mural
   A weekly publication about Bridge by PTA volunteers
          April 4, 2011                                                                           Vol. 15, Issue 33

Bridge Elementary School
55 Middleby Road, Lexington, MA  02421
(781) 861-2510
Web Site: 
Upcoming Events

April 4, Mon 7:30 pm at Cary Hall 

Bridge/Bowman Renovation Article 13a Vote at Town Meeting: Please come and show your support!

April 5, Tues 7:00 pm at LHS Science Lecture Hall

Internet Safety Presentation 


April 6, Wed

SRS Walking Wednesday 


April 6, Wed

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast  - 2nd and 3rd Grade  


April 6, Wed All School Assembly

ACT Presents: Hawaiian Kumu Kawika Alfiche and Hula ensemble Halau 'o Keikiali'i


April 6, Wed   

Parent/Teacher Conferences, 1/2 day for Students


April 7, Thurs

Parent/Teacher Conferences


April 7, Thurs 6:30 pm

METCO Fundraiser at Buca Di Beppo  


April 8, Fri

Parent Placement Forms due 


April 12, Tues 3:30 pm   (note change of date)

Talent Show Rehearsal


April 13, Wed

ACT Presents: Darden Smith's Be An Artist workshop for 3rd grade 


April 14, Thurs 1:30-2:30 pm at Cary Library

Chess Class Begins (see below) 


April 14, Thurs 6:30 pm 

Bridge Talent Show     


April 15, Friday

Hat Day in support of Japanese relief effort (see below)


April 18-22

April Vacation -- No School  


April 27, Wed

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast  - 4th and 5th Grade


May 3, Tues 7:30 pm

Concert given by 5th grade in support of Japan (see below)  


May 10, Tues

MCAS Testing Begins 

Jokes of the Week
Q: Why did the hummingbird hum?
A:  It forgot the words.

Q: What do you call a cow eating grass?
A:  A lawn moo-er. 

Important Reminder 

Don't forget that all Parent Placement Forms are due to the office by April 8th, 2011.
Archived B2H
Starting with the 8/6/2010 issue, past Bridge to Home issues are now archived on the Bridge Web site.  
Next B2H Deadline
NEXT DEADLINE:  Thursday, April 7, 5 PM  

Please submit by email (preferably in text format only)
to Aimee Burstein at  Articles are subject to approval by Principal Colella or must be from authorized Bridge School and/or PTA sources. 

Please note: there will be no issue published on 4/18/11 (April vacation) so plan accordingly.  Thank you.

In This Issue...
Principal's Corner
A Note from the Health Office
Bridge Students Win Bookmark Contest
FUNdraising News
Internet Safety Presentation on 4/5
ACT All School Assembly 4/6
Teacher Appreciation Breakfasts Continue 4/6
METCO Fundraiser 4/7
Bridge Annual Talent Show on 4/14
Bridge Chess Club Forming
Hat Day 4/15 to Benefit Japan
Concert to Raise Funds for Japan 5/3
International Festival Memories
Oh, What a Night!
Student Absence Line

call (781) 861-2510
press 6, then press 1

Parents should call Bridge School by 8:30am when their child is going to be absent or late.

Cafeteria Info.
Lunch: $3.25
Milk only: $0.75

View this month's menu from Chartwell's

Safety Procedures  

For student safety, please review recent changes to the drop-off and dismissal procedures.  Please especially note the changes to parking rules, as parents should now park ONLY in the front of the building, not on the side where the buses load and unload.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Please Help With Drop-off

We still need one or two volunteers to help with morning drop-off on Tuesday mornings, about 8:25 until 8:45am.  You simply need to ensure that cars pull up as far as they can before dropping off and help any children getting out of their cars who need help.

If you can help, either weekly or every other week, please contact JJ Krawczyk at


Subscribe to receive weekly B2H e-mail


Principal's Corner 

Renovation Update 

Over the past few weeks the parent representatives on the Renovation Committee (Brigitte Steines and Cindy Darcy), parent representatives from the Site Based Council and three PTA members (Justine Wirtanen, Rebecca Moore, and Stephanie Mitzenmacher), among others, have worked in conjunction with Bowman parents to determine how best to discuss and share the Bridge and Bowman Renovation plans with the community.  They will be contacting families and will work with you to keep you updated.  


As most of you know, the vote on the Bowman/Bridge expanded scope for the renovation project takes place on Monday April 4, 2011.  At this town meeting, discussion of the project will occur and a vote will be taken.  While only town meeting members can vote, residents may have opportunities to speak.  Resident non-town meeting members are welcome to view the proceedings and have an opportunity to speak from the balcony of Cary Hall.


I will continue to update you as more information becomes available.  Please feel free to contact the above mentioned people with questions or for more information.


Dismissal Update

Thank you again for your continued efforts in ensuring the safety of our students at Bridge.  Dismissal is running smoothly and the students have become accustomed to the new procedures.  Please continue to keep us informed of any concerns or suggestions.


Outside Lighting

As you may have noticed, the outside lighting at Bridge has been a challenge. We are very pleased that four new lights were installed this past week  in the front parking lot.  We are hopeful that this lighting will help to ensure adequate lighting during our many evening events.



The swing area of the playground has been closed until mulch can be delivered.  The mulch is crucial to ensure the safety of the students while playing in that area.  The mulch should be delivered in the next few days.   


Parent/Guardian advice:  Race to Nowhere
The Lexington High School PTSA is sponsoring viewings of Race to Nowhere in late April.  Families are strongly advised to pay close attention to the PG13 rating of Race to Nowhere because there are sensitive scenes that may be inappropriate and upsetting to children of ANY age, but most specifically, to children ages 13 and under.  Children 13 or under MUST be accompanied  by a parent or guardian.

Meg Colella

A Note from the Health Office

A number of students at Bridge have recently had strep throat.  The following information is shared to help reduce the spread of this bacterial infection.

Please take these precautions:
1. Watch your child for signs of sore throat and other signs of strep (headache, fever, stomachache, rash, swollen and tender neck glands).
2. If your child develops a sore throat and any of these other signs, please see your health care provider, tell her or him that another child in the program has strep, and ask to have your child tested for strep throat.
3. Tell us if your child has been diagnosed with strep infection.

Information about strep throat:
What is it? Strep throat is an infection caused by streptococcus bacteria. People with strep throat usually have a very red, painful throat, often with fever, and sometimes with headache, abdominal pain, and nausea and/or vomiting. Most sore throats, however, are caused by viruses and are not treated with antibiotics.

How do you get strep throat? Strep throat can affect persons of any age but is most common in children. The bacterium is spread person-to-person through secretions and is easily passed in households. It takes 2-5 days to become ill. People with strep throat are generally most infectious when they are sick. They continue to be infectious until they have received treatment for a day or so.

How is it diagnosed? A laboratory test, such as a throat culture or a rapid test is needed to confirm a strep infection.

How is it treated? Strep infections are usually treated with an oral antibiotic, starting either with characteristic symptoms or after a strep test is positive. Sometimes an injection of antibiotic may also be used to treat strep.

Why is it important that your child receive treatment? There are two main reasons:
  1. Treatment reduces spread. If not treated or not treated long enough, your child may continue to spread the infection to other members of your family or to other children.
  2. Treatment with antibiotics can usually prevent rheumatic fever or other rare, but possibly dangerous complications. Rarely, some children with strep throat can develop complications like blood infections or rheumatic fever, which can damage the heart or joints.
When can your child come back to the program? Children with strep infections may return to school after taking medicine for at least 24 hours and their fever is gone.

How do you stop the spread of strep throat?
  1. Thoroughly wash your hands and your child's hands after wiping noses and before eating or preparing food.
  2. Wash dishes carefully in hot, soapy water or in a dishwasher.
  3. Do not allow the sharing of food or allow children to share cups, spoons, or toys that are put in the mouth.

Diane L Celi RN BSN                       
School Nurse                 

Bridge Students Win Bookmark Contest

Bridge Elementary School has very artistic students. For the third year, we submitted the nine winners in the Bridge School Bookmark contest to the statewide contest sponsored by MSLA (Massachusetts School Library Association), and again this year Bridge School students were winners. The theme of this year's contest was 'Think. . . Create. . . Share. . . Grow.'

 2011 MSLA winners

Anna Schroeder, a Kindergartener, was chosen as the statewide winner in Division 1. Her bookmark design was chosen by a panel of notable authors and illustrators as the best design submitted by all K through 1st graders in the state. 3rd grader Andrea Martinez was awarded an Honorable Mention for Division 2 (grades 2-3) and 5th grader David Yi was awarded an Honorable Mention for Division 3 (grades 4-6). This was a tremendous honor for all of the students and they are understandably proud of their work.


The MSLA awards ceremony was held at the State House on March 28 as part of Library Legislative Day. Attending the ceremony with Anna, Andrea, and David were 10 family members, Mrs. Allen, and Margaret Colella, Bridge School principal.


To view the winning bookmark designs go to the MSLA website:

Bridge School FUNdraising News

The Bridge PTA is pleased to announce the net proceeds from our Winter Ball were $14,664!  A huge "thank you" to the hardworking FUNdraising Committee and volunteers, generous Bridge families, and amazing local businesses.  All of their contributions helped make the event fun and a huge success.  The proceeds from the Ball were enough to grant all of the staff's eligible Wishing Well wishes.  Check out our Bridge website for a complete list of the wishes granted this school year.
Additionally, the Winter Ball raised enough funds to order 4 ELMO Document Reader Projection systems for our Bridge teachers.  The PTA received special approval from the School Committee for this high priority technology purchase. Our 3rd and 5th grade students' wish for a concert by Johnny the K, educator and entertainer extraordinaire, will also be granted on April 11th.
We look forward to continuing the Wishing Well program for the 2011-2012 school year.  If you are interested in joining the Wishing Well or FUNdraising Committees, kindly contact Justine Wirtanen ( or Rebecca Moore (, PTA Co-Presidents.
A special thank you to Bridge student, Max Simon.  Max sold lemonade at his stand and thoughtfully gave some of his proceeds to our Wishing Well.  You are a true Bridge Patriot, Sam!
We also received a surprise donation from New York.  A former Bridge staff member, Patricia Master, heard about our Wishing Well program and sent in a donation in honor of former assistant principal, Violette Davis.               
Thank you to all!  

Internet Safety Presentation for Parents of Elementary School Children on 4/5

Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 7:00pm at the LHS Science Lecture Hall
Speaker: Cris Clapp Logan, Internet Expert from Enough is Enough

Don't miss this PTA-sponsored presentation on Internet Safety geared towards parents of elementary school children.  You will learn how to deal with cyberbullying and how to protect your children from other Internet dangers.  This event is co-hosted by all 5 Lexington elementary school PTAs, as well as LexFUN and the Lexington METCO Parent Group.
We are very fortunate to feature guest speaker Cris Clapp Logan, from the Washington DC based non-profit agency, Enough is Enough (EIE).  EIE is frequently sought after by the media, educators, policy makers, law enforcement officials, and industry leaders for their expertise and solutions to ensure that children have a safe and rewarding experience online.  Enough Is Enough staff regularly provide interviews to leading national news broadcasts as trusted experts on Internet safety issues.   EIE's mission is to make the Internet safer for children and families.  They emerged as a national leader in Internet safety in 1994, and have pioneered efforts to raise public awareness about the dangers of Internet pornography, sexual predators, cyberbullying, and other Internet threats.
EIE has been featured on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Dateline, The Today Show, Oprah, 20/20, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Washington Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The San Jose Mercury News and People Magazine, among others.
We hope you will all join us for this informative and interesting evening!

ACT All School Assembly 4/6

Halau group
During the 4/6 All School Assembly, Hawaiian Kumu Kawika Alfiche and Hula ensemble Halau 'o Keikiali'i will honor the deep relationship between New England and Hawai'i in an enchanting presentation of traditional and modern hula dance and music.


Teacher Appreciation Breakfasts Continue

During the year, each grade co-hosts a breakfast for our amazing Bridge School Teachers and Staff. This is a wonderful way to express our appreciation for all of their hard work!  Our next breakfast will be held on Wednesday April 6th and will be sponsored by second and third grade families.
We need volunteers from second and third grade families to contribute food, drinks, paper goods, as well as set-up and clean-up.  Please visit  the sign up website to find the item you would like to bring and/or task you'd like to do, then click on the box to sign up. Items need to be dropped off in the teachers' lounge between 7:30 am and 8:00 am on April 6th. 

Looking ahead, the last teacher appreciation breakfast will be:

4th and 5th Grades: April 27 -- sign up here
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Smith at or 781-863-0665.  Thanks so much for your support!

METCO Fundraiser at BUCA DI BEPPO 4/7

As many of you know, our METCO students have benefited from the new academic support programs put in place this year.  We hope that these students can continue this type of academic enrichment into the summer.  To make this possible, the Making a Difference Club at Lexington High School and the METCO Office are holding a fundraiser on April 7 at 6:30 at BUCA DI PEPPO.  So ditch the cooking, come enjoy a yummy pasta meal with your family (complete with appetizers and dessert) and help provide some great summer opportunities and college textbook money for our Lexington METCO students.  Tickets are $25 for adults and $12.80 for children (checks payable to METCO).   


Contact Deborah Ramirez at or 781-454-7525 to purchase tickets, contribute an item for the silent auction, or simply to make a donation.  For further questions, please contact Bridge Parent Deb Sabin at or 781-652-0608.

Bridge Annual Talent Show on 4/14

Bridge School Annual Talent Show

Thursday Evening, April 14, 2011 at 6:30 pm 

in the Peter Chamberlain Gymnasium

Rehearsal:  Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 3:30 pm (note change of day)

You may leave after you have performed at the rehearsal.

Sing, dance, play an instrument.

Bring your talent.


Please return the bottom portion of this notice by Thursday, April 7 to the basket in the front lobby labeled "Talent Show!"


I, ______________________  give permission for my child, ___________________ to perform in the talent show.

Child's full name    ____________________________

Teacher's name    ________________      Grade______

Performance    _______________________ 

Medium Needed    _______________________

Bridge Chess Club Forming

Learn Chess from New England's Best Coach Kent Leung
Join the Bridge School Chess Club! This club is appropriate for all levels. Each student has the opportunity to hone their chess skills from a professional chess coach.  It is a great opportunity to learn to play chess or raise your game to the next level.  Kent has coached the most state and national chess champions in New England for the past 7 years. This includes coaching 7-state champions, 2-national championship teams, and 3 players to place top 3 in the national championship.
Chess Class: Think Like a King
Great chess players are great thinkers. The strategy and understanding that children learn from chess allows them to have higher intellect, improved self-esteem, and better concentration. Chess helps them to make better decisions in all aspects of their life, and, most importantly, children have fun while learning.  Classes will be taught using an interactive approach combining lessons with peer to peer chess games.  Registration forms are available at the PTA Table.


Meeting Times: Every Thursday 1:30-2:30pm, April 14-June 28 (no class 4/21)

Location: Cary Memorial Library (Large Meeting Room, Basement level)
Cost: 10-week Session is $100

All checks should be payable to the International Chess Institute.  

Hat Day 4/15 to Benefit Japanese Relief Efforts 

As part of a fundraising endeavor for the devastation in Japan, we are asking students to come to school wearing a hat -- a tall hat, a small cap, a baseball cap, a pirates hat, or any kind of hat they wish to wear and donate a dollar (or any monetary contribution that families feel is reasonable for their child(ren)) to be donated to a fund to support the efforts in Japan.  More information will come next week!

Humanitarian Concert to Raise Funds for Japan 5/3

On Tuesday, May 3 at 7:30 pm, the fifth grade invites the Bridge community to a performance of their concert which will include drumming and music from Japan as well as music from other cultures around the world.   Please consider coming to the concert to support the 5th graders in their effort to raise funds for such a devastating crisis.

Memories of the Bridge International Festival 2011

Come check out the photo poster for this year's Bridge International Festival posted in the window of the Main Office this week! See your friends enjoying the variety of food and entertainment! Remember what a wonderful time we had visiting the cultures of so many Bridge families. See you next year!

Oh, What a Night! 
Bridge School's Spring Fling 2011 was an enormous hit.  636 people were fed scrumptious desserts and entertained.  This is a new attendance record for our Spring Fling social.  There were smiling faces and lively conversation going on everywhere.  There may have been snow on the ground, but there was a spring spirit in the air at 55 Middleby Road.
We extend a great big thank you to our more than 65 volunteers, including Bridge School parents, Lexington High School students, Senior Girl Scouts Troop 73709, and Clarke Middle School students.  They worked tirelessly to decorate and transform Bridge School into a party zone; scoop ice cream, serve desserts, monitor the halls, sell tickets, greet guests, assist with the movie room and activity tables, help with the recycling of trash, and clean up after the last guest's departure.  We hope that all volunteers enjoyed themselves as much as we enjoyed having them volunteer.
A special thank you to this year's Spring Fling committee, including co-chairs, Lisa Boehm and Ann Boese, and committee members, Muge Erkan, Cindy Kuechle, Pearl Riney, Jaskiran Geadhoke, and Monica Cantwell.  These women gave their hearts and souls to put on a spectacular evening for the Bridge community.
A special note of recognition to our local vendors who donated items to the Breakfast Basket - Peet's Coffee, Dunkin Donuts of Marrett Road, Great Harvest Bread Company and Bruegger's Bagels.  In appreciation of their support of our school, please frequent these vendors and let them know that we thank them for their support.
Oh, what a night!  See you NEXT YEAR at Spring Fling.

Lost and Found

Now that winter is over (at least we hope it is), it's time to take stock and see what's missing of your child's winter gear and check the Lost and Found.  Items that are unclaimed for more than 5 weeks will be donated to charity at the end of each month. 

Also, as you pull out the spring jackets and rain boots, please remember to label your child's clothing and belongings with his/her last name.  It's worth your time.

2010-2011 PTA Executive Committee Members


Justine Wirtanen

Rebecca Reynolds Moore


Victoria Campos

Stephanie Mitzenmacher

Laura Schroeder

Cathy Smith

Guorong Zhu


Tricia Weisberg


Suzanne Lau

Bridge School Office Staff


Margaret Colella


John Harney


Marcia Cavatorta


Lucia Gates


Diane Celi