How Flexible is a Ski Fit?
Hi Ski Post, Is there a rule of thumb concerning when new skis would be appropriate based on weight change? for myself, I have lost about 15 pounds (185 to 170 pounds) since I purchased my current classic and skate skis a couple years ago. I anticipate keeping that weight off and may even lose some more. Everything else being equal (which they never are), does the loss make me 'new ski worthy'? Are there certain weights the ski manufacturers' target? For example do they try to make skis that will work for people in ranges from 120 to 150, 150 to 170, 170 to 190, etc? Thanks! GD Anchorage, Alaska
I think everyone is new ski worthy. So yes, you deserve new skis.
Skis are very flexible and very particular at the same time. Weight change, even up to 15 lbs, will not necessarily make your skis unusable but if you are particular about your skiing, a 15lb fluctuation will affect greatly the way the ski behaves. Just as you are likely changing some of your clothing. The exact answer on if you can still use the ski will be influenced not only by weight but also by any changes in your fitness, technique and aspirations.
Using Salomon's DNA MidFlex it's classic skis are recommended to be fit at � your body weight in KG + (2 to 8kg). For Skate fit Salomon recs a ski at � body weight + (20-30kg). So for you at 185lbs= 84kg/2m makes 42kg your � weight and + (2 to 8) = 44to50kg your classic fit and 42+ (20to30kg) = 62-72kg your skate fit. At 170lbs/2.2/2=your � weight=39 making a 41 to 47kg classic and a 59-69kg skate your fit. So if your skis were fit on the soft range when you were 186lbs (say 45 and 64) then they would still be within range but on the stiff side for you at 170lbs. But if your skis were on the stiff range when you were 186lbs they will be too stiff for you 170lbs.
If you bring your skis into AMH in Anchorage they will have you stand on a test board to calibrate how the ski fit for you. They can find out easily if the skis are now too stiff or within range for an all-around ski or a more particular snow type.
Then to start a new ski fit process you would first look for a new ski with a weight corridor that fits you. Skis are engineered to work for skiers within weight corridors based on a theoretical weight range of skiers much like shirts are made to fit our bodies. A Salomon Equipe 10 Classic Cold 206 comes in three weight corridors Soft, Medium & Hard. Soft skis are aimed at skiers between 143-165lbs, Medium 165-187lbs, Hard 187-209lbs. Salomon Equipe 10 Skate 192 soft 140-176lbs, hard 160-195lbs xhard 190-220lbs.
For you now at 170 lbs you would fit in a Salomon 206 cold medium in classic and a 192 hard in skate. So if you were purchasing new skis your retailer would start look at all their 206 mediums or 192 hard and then you could look at each ski's individual DNA to fine tune the selection for you. The weight corridor is like a selecting a shirt off the rack in small, medium or large. Using the Salomon skis DNA is like starting with a large but then tailoring for arm length, neck size, torso length, athletic cut, fabric, buttons... and more. Depending on your goals you may be very content with a well-made large that is not too big or too small or you may wish for custom tailoring with the ski DNA. You can read about more of the finest details on a classic skis individual DNA in last week's ski fit article below and linked to last week's complete article.
Some guidelines using the Salomon's DNA Ski ID are answered in last weeks Residual Camber linked article.

Residual Camber
The most important determining factor in kick has to do more with the shape of the wax pocket than the strength of the pocket.
When you put your full body weight through the ball of your foot, you compress the pocket completely in that location. In other words, the ski is closed - in contact with the snow - under the ball of your foot. But on most skis some of the pocket in front of the ball of the foot doesn't close all the way flat. I call this leftover shape in the pocket "residual camber". The shape and amount of residual camber in your wax pocket helps to determine the conditions in which your ski will perform optimally. Read the complete residual camber article here.
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USST Womens' Ski Speeds
 | USST Women's Ski Speeds |
November 20 - 24th 2012
West Yellowstone, MT.
Get a jump on the ski season at the West Yellowstone Ski Festival Clinics. An impressive group of coaches offer clinics for all levels (beginners to race oriented). These clinics combined with top notch trails and grooming are sure to put a smile on your face and set you up for a great xc ski season. Check out 2012 clinic offerings and register at
Boulder Mountain Tour & National Masters
January 26, 2013
Start Waxing
Applying N1 Glider
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The Gold Collection for Nordic Skiing.
Podiumwear Custom Sports Apparel has Unveiled a New Gold Line of Custom Nordic Apparel Including An Elite Race Suit with 27 Panels, Carbon Fabric, and 6-Color Option Flat-Stitch Technology, as well as a Soft Shell Jacket for Coaches
Training Programs and Camps
Eric Wolcott Clinic
Sept 29
The first dryland/roller ski clinic with CXC Elite Team skier Eric Wolcott is coming up soon on Saturday, September 29th at Bicycle Doctor Nordic Ski Shop. Other Saturday clinics include October 13 and November 11. Space will be limited. Details here |
Tad Elliott Birkie Champ's
Fast Performance Training Clinic
October 26-28, 2012; Hayward, WI
F.A.S.T. Performance Training is excited to present a Training Camp in cooperation with Tad Elliot and Matt Liebsch. This camp is designed to give citizen athletes the same opportunities and feelings of what these professional athletes go through in their daily training routines. Partial proceeds from this camp go to help support these two men in their quest to achieve their best at the International Level! Tad is a current member of the US Ski Team and Matt skis for XC United! This camp will focus on ski technique (video review), training workouts and drills, flexibility, injury prevention, and ski and waxing discussions. Get ready for your ski season and the Birkie by working and training with the two athletes that have dominated the event for the past few years!!
Bend Endurance Academy fall newsletter
Sisu Skiers Summer Training
Training Programs and Camps
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Nordic Job Openings
Summit Nordic
"The Summit Nordic Ski Club (SNSC) based out of Frisco, Colorado is looking for assistant coaches for the 2012-2013 winter. Come live in beautiful Summit County, Colorado, home to Breckenridge, Keystone, Arapahoe Basin, and Copper Mountain! Just 30 minutes from Vail! The Summit Nordic Ski Club is a fairly new club in an area rich with Nordic tradition. Our goals include raising both the visibility of cross country skiing in Summit County, as well as become one of the premier Nordic racing club in the country. At the 2012 USSA Junior Nationals, SNSC finished as the 5th male club of the week. Positions are part time to allow for side jobs and more importantly, lots of skiing! Please contact Head Coach Joe Howdyshell for more information."
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Cross-Country skiing's community lodge. Where knowledge and stories are shared. The goal of SkiPost is to make the sport of Cross-Country skiing easier and more enjoyable for all who choose to participate. If you have questions on Cross-Country Skiing email us and visit
Enjoy Winter,
Andrew Gerlach Director/Editor- SkiPost
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