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A to Z's of Rollerskiing
by GearWest.com
Highlights of article below
Complete article including great deals on the gear
you need at This link
You should roller ski because roller skiing;
Is the dry-land activity most similar to on-snow skiing
Builds and maintains Nordic specific strength, coordination and balance
Is one of the best full body workouts
Provides a low impact cross training alternative to running
Develops upper body strength, where running and cycling do not
Maintains and develops skills in the summer so you are ready on the first days of winter
Allows you to roll through summer
Is fun and easy
Skate or Classic? Read More
As with on-snow skiing you should ideally practice both Skate and Classic roller skiing but either is better than none. Skate roller skiing is the first choice for many skiers because it feels so much like on snow skating. Read more ... Classic rollersking is fun because you have perfect "klister" kick at each stride. Read More ...Combi skis, though not ideal, allow you to practice both techniques with one pair of skis. Read More...
Which wheel speed? Read about wheel speed
What else will I need to start Rollerskiing? Read here...
Boots - Most people use their winter boots for rollerskiing. But ..Read More..., Bindings- Matches your boot but with rollerkiing you do have options.
Poles - Most people use their winter poles for rollerskiing But Read more... Ferrels - Replace your winter pole baskets with rollerski specific pole ferrels. Sharpen your Ferrules tip to limit pole slippage. See how
Helmets: Yes because you must prepare for the unexpected and uncontrollable. Gloves Pads?..Visibility Apparel; you are proud to be training make sure everyone sees you so they do not hit you.
First Timer Rollerski Tips; Start on flat terrain, practice in an empty parking lot, choose smooth asphalt vs. chip seal.
Check out the Gear West Rollerski Tour
June 11 & 17, July 16 & 30, Aug 13 & 29 GearWest Rollerski Tour
Start rollerskiing today and be ahead for your friends next winter.
Ready, set, go Rollerskiing!
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