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IPS Newsletter May 2010

In This Issue
New Website Launched
Article: Goal Setting
Featured Training Course
Quick Links
We are currently seeking expressions of interest for a suite of public course offerings.

Public courses can be run nationally and will commence based on interest received. There is absolutely no obligation to commence any course by completing an expression of interest application.

A list of available course offerings can be found on the application form, and details of each course at www.ipsgroup.com.au.

Click here for an expression of interest form.


Welcome to Infinity Performance Solutions May 2010 edition of our newsletter. It has been an extremely business time in the training environment so far this year and to date it appears this will only continue. I hope you are all experiencing a return to some form of normality in the business community. I know we at IPS have been working very hard to assist with developing individuals and teams for the coming challenges.

Please free free to check out our just released NEW WEBSITE at www.ipsgroup.com.au. Let us know what you think, and if there is anything you would like us to include to make your lives easier.

As always we encourage you to forward this newsletter (simply click the forward email link at the bottom of the newsletter) on to any of your contact who you feel may have an interest in receiving information from time to time from Infinity Performance Solutions or may value from one of training solutions.
Tony Pearson
Infinity Performance Solutions
New Website Launched: www.ipsgroup.com.au
Website snapshot
Infinity Performance Solutions has now released our new website at www.ipsgroup.com.au. The changes have been made based on feedback from our clients and focus on grouping the suites of training solutions into easy to navigate menus.

Infinity Performance Solutions suites of programs include our:
Additionally Infinity Performance Solutions offers the following services:
Nationally Recognised Qualification Training

Let us know if there are changes you would recommend.
Goal Setting
A critical skill for now!

All successful people set goals of one sort or another in both their personal and business lives. In a rapidly changing environment, the ability to identify objectives, determine priorities and take actions to achieve specific outcomes is vital.
Without this ability, you cannot communicate to your team members where they are headed or what is expected of them and you will not be able to balance the competing needs of tasks, team and the individuals you supervise.

Why set goals?
Having clearly defined goals helps you to focus on what is important.It also gives you a long-term vision that helps you prioritise activities and concentrate on the key 20% that produce 80% of results.
Personal goal setting and planning ultimately help you to achieve what you want to achieve, by identifying where you want to go and what steps will help you get there.
Goals also give you structure (reasons for doing certain things or not doing them). They provide clear criteria for you to make decisions. Therefore, any time spent in goal setting and planning will bring significant benefits. If you are supervising others you need to be able to identify the tasks and priorities that are of importance to both you and your team members.

Goals, values and priorities
One way to begin goal setting is to firstly think about your own values and priorities. Then identify the different roles you have in your life, such as partner, parent, child, manager, employee, friend, community member and so on. For each role you have, you can set personal goals and action plans and allocate time to ensure these goals are achieved.

Successful goal setting requires thought and consideration.

However, by putting some time into thinking about what you want to achieve in your life, both professionally and personally, and writing these hopes and aspirations down, you are much more likely to achieve them.

Tony Pearson
Director Infinity Performance Solutions
Tony can be contacted at Infinity Performance Solutions by phone, 0298631536 or by email, tony@ipsgroup.com.au.
Featured Training Course: Managing Behaviours
Program Overview

The 1 day Managing Behaviours seminar is designed to help you understand and address many of the leadership and management challenges of managing behaviours to produce consistency. That is the challenge of getting
your people doing what you want them to do, because they choose to do it!

This program has been developed for experienced managers and/or new mangers alike, HR professionals or any person responsible for the wellbeing and management of others in business and/or those looking to supplement fast tracking succession plans or development.

With changes in the global economy and our businesses refocusing on efficiency and productivity we can no longer be complacent about our leadership and the management of our teams.

Our Managing Behaviours Seminar provides the skills and development opportunity to develop current and future leaders to enhance your businesses ability to execute on your commitment to your customers.

Course content

The Australian Leadership Model  
  • How are we different
  • What does that mean for Leaders and Followers
  • Trust
  • Recognition
Behavioural Profiling

  • What Is Your Personal Style?
  • Behavioural Continuum for Strengths
  • Behavioural Continuum For People-Reading
  • Characteristics of Behavioural Style
  • Foundation of Understanding
  • Behavioural Styles
  • General Characteristics
  • How to Effectively Approach Others
  • Take Action!

High Performance Structure for Predictable Results

  • The high performance structure
  • Organisational alignment
  • Alignment to individuals
  • How to raise motivation and desire in the environment
  • What stops people from achieving and allows them to lose focus
  • Predictable results and behaviour.


  • Identify strategies to increase the predictability of behaviours in the organisation
  • Enhanced understanding of the Australian Leadership model and how we require different leadership
  • How to use behavioural profiling to better understand yourself and others behaviours
  • The organisational structure that enhances the predictability of behaviour.

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