 This summer so far is full of promise! We've had some amazing fairytail endings for long-time feline resident, Bambini, and a very special kitten, Phoenix. And one month after a heartbreaking fire, the Berkeley East Bay Humane Society is slowly beginning to rebuild with help from their community partners.
As the summer heats up, we hope to greet you at our upcoming event or on a visit to our Adoption Center. We'd love to see you and we know our shelter animals would appreciate the visit!

Even though he spent his first days at
Pets Unlimited in a desktop crate while he got over his runny nose, Phoenix the kitten wiggled
his way into staff members' hearts. Brave as
can be, Phoenix didn't even have a problem getting along with the staff dogs
in his office!
Meanwhile, a family who had already adopted one of our shelter dogs, Columbia, started to think about adding a feline to their home. They were looking for a companion who could travel back and forth to their cabin in the mountains. Can you guess which adventurous kitten fit the bill?
Columbia and Phoenix became instant friends and they both enjoy
some of the same pastimes - namely watching squirrels and birds through the
window and walking outdoors on leash! What lucky kids to go on road trips to
enjoy both the city and the country, to have a furry pal right at home, and to
get such wonderful parents who care so much for their happiness!
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Volunteer... Bertha went home with a lucky volunteer!  | Who are our
volunteers? Well, we know that they are special people who selflessly offer up
many hours of their free time to give comfort to the many dogs and cats that
temporarily make their homes here. But demographically speaking, our volunteer
team is comprised of people of all ages from many different walks of life.
range in age from 12 to 78 years old. Included among their varied jobs are actor,
airline pilot, teacher, attorney, nurse, programmer, park ranger, sales
associate, executive-level manager, real estate broker, film/video curator,
musician, jewelry designer, hair stylist, nanny, social worker, graphic
designer, disaster recovery planner, housekeeper and writer. They represent
such companies as Williams-Sonoma, Chevron, Goldman, Sachs & Co., UCSF,
Genentech, Stanford, Asian Art
Museum, Bloomingdale's, Catholic Healthcare West,
Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, Morgan Stanley, the San Francisco
Symphony, and their own small businesses. In addition, we have a large
contingent of both unemployed and retired volunteers as well as students from
middle school through college. We are certainly grateful for the important work
they do here for the animals. Hats off to our volunteer team!
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Sweet Bambini originally came to Pets Unlimited
as a young cat in 1999 from San Francisco Animal Care and Control. She was treated in our Veterinary Center for injuries stemming from a high rise
fall before moving upstairs to our Adoption Center. She quickly found her forever home and Bambini lived a wonderfully happy and pampered life with her loving mom until
Christmas 2008 when she passed away.
After this sad event, Bambini
returned to our Adoption Center at a
challenging age for shelter cats. As an older gal, she spent nearly 17 months in our shelter until the
stars finally aligned for our special
tuxedo lady. A wonderful woman approached us who wanted to explore long-term foster care and with her extensive experience caring for special cats, it couldn't have been a better fit!
Bambini now enjoys long naps in
the sunshine, lots of lap time, and little breaks in her special
sleeping bag
"snuggie," which went home with her from the shelter. She
also has been reported to frolic (yes,
frolic!) after wand toys on a daily basis. Finally, the life our
older lady deserves!
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Donate... We hope you will share some summer fun with our shelter animals and bring home something sweet at our Second Annual 4th of July Bake Sale! We'll be selling our delicious
baked goods at this year's Fillmore
Jazz Festival, the largest free Jazz festival on the West Coast! Last year's inaugural event raised nearly $3,000 for our shelter animals - that's a lot of baked goods sold!
For more details, visit our online calendar.
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many of you may have heard, on May 20th Berkeley East Bay Humane
Society experienced a devastating fire that destroyed much of their building and
left them unable to care and provide treatment for many of their shelter
Pets Unlimited, in addition to many other Bay Area rescue
organizations, quickly stepped in to offer whatever assistance was needed. We
were able to provide a handful of critical surgeries to their homeless
shelter dogs, as well as a complex dental procedure. We are proud
that our state-of-the-art Veterinary Center was able to quickly accommodate
these animals, and that our charitable veterinary care programs were able to
cover the cost for our partner in need.
When these animals were finally ready to
move up to our Adoption Center, they quickly found their forever
homes! We will continue to provide ongoing assistance to Berkeley East Bay
Humane Society in any way they need during this challenging
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From all of us at Pets Unlimited, thank you for your support!
Warm Wishes,
Pets Unlimited Team