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Winter 2010

Happy New Year from Pets Unlimited! We hope you enjoy our first newsletter of 2010!
TC McFluffers

Imagine our surprise when Pets Unlimited received a call from Berkeley Animal Shelter with an urgent adoption request. They asked that our critical needs Shelter and Adoption Center take in a one-eyed 8 year-old Chinese Crested who was in danger of euthanasia due to a fractured leg.


When we first met T.C. McFluffers, he was painfully shy and terrified of strangers and his new environment. In dire need of medical care, Pets Unlimited's state-of-the-art Veterinary Center was quick to respond by splinting his leg, resolving a painful skin infection, and giving him much-needed dental care. That left his behavioral therapy. This sensitive soul brought the entire Pets Unlimited team together in an attempt to teach little T.C. that people meant good things instead of neglect, pain, or abuse.


Now T.C. is finally making his journey home forever! He has a bright future ahead of him with a loving, patient mom and two small dog siblings. T.C. truly exemplifies what Pets Unlimited is all about - rehabilitating & rehoming the ever-deserving underdog!


In recent months, you may have seen some young faces around the Shelter and Adoption Center.  These volunteers are part of a carefully selected group that has been given the opportunity to work alongside our adult volunteers, helping to improve the lives of the dogs and cats at Pets Unlimited. 

There are several ways our young volunteers come to us. Most apply as individuals, working a two-hour weekly shift.  They have come from schools such as Cathedral School for Boys, The French American International School, The Hamlin School, Washington High School, Leadership High School, Star of the Sea School, and Katherine Delmar Burke School. Others come as interns, volunteering for up to 6 hours a week as part of City Arts and Technology High School's Workplace Learning Experience.  Still other young volunteers give their time as part of The Urban School of San Francisco's Service Learning component of their education.

No matter how they come to us, they bring a caring, loving attitude that brightens the lives of our shelter animals. Our young volunteers are an incredible addition to our volunteer team and we are thrilled to have them!

Black Kittens Not too long ago, Pets Unlimited was visiting the Fremont Animal Shelter on the lookout for dogs in need. At the end of our visit, five tiny black kittens came in to the shelter squirming and mewing in a cardboard box and we couldn't resist taking them back to San Francisco to start their new lives!

These kittens were barely four weeks old and had no idea that kitten food came in little tins let alone how to eat it. After several days with kitten-savvy staff members, they were eating on their own and were ready to move in with their first-time foster parent. This great foster mom took her commitment in stride and never stopped smiling, devoting her time to multiple messy feedings and lots of janitorial duties!

The fabulous five were kept healthy, growing and strong for over six weeks before returning to Pets Unlimited. In many shelters across the country kittens this young would not survive, but with the support of our wonderful staff members and foster parents, these quintuplets have already found their forever homes!
Choose our vet center

There are so many ways you can help Pets Unlimited and support our shelter animals as well as our charitable veterinary care programs.

  • Make a gift directly to our shelter animals! Our average annual cost last year to save the lives of one of our residents was $4,500. The more charitable support we receive, the more cats and dogs in need we can help.
  • Make a contribution designated to our Berrigan Fund that helps support the medical treatment of pets whose guardians cannot fully afford their care, or to our Darryl Tsujimoto Fund that continues the medical care for retired San Francisco police dogs.

  • Donate in honor or memory of a beloved pet, or in honor of a loved one or important event. Our Pet Tribute Mural is also a lovely way to acknowledge a beloved animal while helping support our shelter residents.

  • Clean out your closet and bring the items to Community Thrift Store and our shelter animals will receive 50% of the profits.

  • Our shelter animals also need your used cars. It's incredibly easy to donate your car, boat or truck to Pets Unlimited through our community partner, Car Donation Services, who will take care of everything for you!

Our Holistic Veterinary Medicine program is housed in Winnie's Center, a calming, spa-like facility on the lower level of our Fillmore street building. The program is led by staff veterinarian Dr. Randy Bowman in partnership with Dr. Rachel Feigenbaum.  For more information about their backgrounds and holistic approach to veterinary medicine, you can visit our website.

Choosing holistic veterinary care for your pet may provide you with more options for relieving pain and improving mobility, managing chronic respiratory problems, resolving recurring skin problems, supporting cancer treatment and enhancing the well-being of senior cats and dogs. 

To make an appointment for a holistic consultation with Dr. Bowman or Dr. Feigenbaum, please call our appointment line at 415-563-6700.

From all of us at Pets Unlimited, thank you for your support!
Warm Wishes,
Pets Unlimited Team
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