thanksgivingfriendsin the spotlight
Autumn Update

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John Munson/Star Ledger photographer
  Star Ledger  profiles YCS intern

Read this heartwarming  story

thanksgiving feast
Just One Big Family
For the past 11 years, all the YCS programs in the southern part of the state have gathered for a home cooked  Thanksgiving meal.  This year nearly 200 children,  their families and staff celebrated the holiday and their friendships.
                           See Photo Album

It's New!

Dr. Helen May Strauss Clinic opens in Hudson County

Mental health outpatient services for infants, children and young adults is now available for residents of Hudson County at the new branch of the Dr. Helen May Strauss Clinic in Union City.  The clinic also provides alcohol and substance abuse counseling for families.
For more information, call  201-865-7450

Just for You

Check out our H.E.A.L. Newsletter for helpful tips to keep your holiday safe and sober.  There 's even some recipies for tasty alcohol-free drinks the whole family can enjoy.

Help Express Activate Learn

Produced by the YCS Dept. of Addiction Services

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In a season that is dedicated to giving thanks,
the YCS family has so very much to be grateful for. 
As we reflect back on the month of November, we'd like to share
with you some of the most memorable moments .

Festival of Flavors - A YCS Tradition                                 
Nearly 700 guests attended the 11th annual Festival of Flavors at the Park Ridge Marriott.  This important fundraiser has become a much anticipated annual tradition. Thanks to the generosity of local restaurants, gourmet food shops, Gary's Wine &  Marketplace and a tireless Festival committee that gathered hundreds of donations for our gift basket raffle and auction, this year's event was a resounding success. 
At a pre-eve
Richard Mingoiant celebration, YCS honored Sony Electronics. "For over a decade Sony has been a steadfast source of support and a champion of YCS ' mission to protect and care for New Jersey's most vulnerable children," said president, Richard Mingoia (pictured with Ed Wallace, VP of Sony Community Affairs.


                                                                                                                  See Photo Album

In the Spotlight lends YCS a "Helping Hand"

In the Spotlight dance school cast its beam on the children at YCS with a musical benefit at Bergen Academies,  in Hackensack.  Eighty plus students from the Waldwick studio performed tap, hip-hop, ballet and modern dance routines before a packed auditorium. The show also featured "So You Think You Can Dance" choreographer Gustavo Vargas, Victoria Canellas,  saxophonist Joe Adrignola, and dancer Jourdan Epstein.  Twenty-five children from the YCS Holley Center performed the show's final number to the cheers of a supportive audience. The event raised $50,000 for the therapeutic residence. 

In the Spotlight has been named one of the top 50 dance schools in the U.S. by Dance spirit magazine.  For the past 8 years, owners, Jane and Tom Karaty, have organized annual benefit performances for worthy charities.  This year, YCS was chosen for the healing work it does with children affected by trauma.
                                                                                      See Photo Album

Healing the Spirit of Children through Art Therapy
clinic conferenceThe Dr. Helen May Strauss Clinic hosted its first professional conference on the  benefits of art therapy for children affected by trauma.  Presenters, Samantha Commaratio and Saadia Parez, explained the unique challenges of helping children affected by trauma and domestic violence and the ways in which art, play, dance and sand therapies can significantly influence the development of the therapeutic relationship.  The presentations ended with a lively thought provoking question and answer session with the 85 participants.

Covers for a cause

Zebu Forno Caf�

2 E. Main St. Freehold, NJ 

Come and listen to some amazing local musicians perform classic hits from the 60's to contemporary music.  $10 donation requested. A hundred percent of all money raised from this event benefits a campaign to establish a year-round camp/retreat for children in YCS shelters, therapeutic group homes and foster care. For more information, call 732-462-0770 or online at 

Covers For a Cause is sponsored by Mens Division International (MDI) - a group of dedicated individuals who are committed to raising the funds for securing and maintaining a year-round camp/retreat for the children in the care of YCS.