The Falls Church 
The Falls Church
February 22, 2012

Today begins our Lenten period of prayer and fasting that stretches all the way to Easter, April 8. A number of the most vexing questions about our future will probably be answered by Easter. This is to review a few things so that you can be informed as you pray. Please be praying daily for our church.

Next Wednesday, February 29, Judge Bellows meets with all parties to issue his final orders regarding all matters of real estate and personal property. Coming out of this meeting we should have a better idea of when we will have to vacate our property and how the monies we must pay the Diocese of Virginia will be calculated.


Today, our seven churches filed a motion asking that Judge Bellows reconsider that portion of his ruling that addresses the personal property (money) contributed by our donors before January 31, 2007. We are asking that the intentions expressed by our donors that their contributions not go to the benefit of the Episcopal Church or the Diocese of Virginia be honored by the Court. We believe that this is an important issue of religious freedom. We are grateful that the Virginia Attorney General has joined us in requesting that Judge Bellows reconsider his ruling on this important issue. The briefs are attached for those who want to see them.

One page cover 

CANA Motion for Partial Reconsideration of Personal Property Ruling

Letter to Clerk

Commonwealth's Motion in Support of Partial Reconsideration


Our intention is to move all staff offices to a convenient nearby office building later this spring, and to shift our Sunday worship services to nearby locations whenever it is required that we do so. Large weekday gatherings will meet in other church buildings nearby. Cornerstone and Crossroads will meet at Cherrydale Baptist beginning March 4. The 8 AM Sunday service will move to the chapel of Columbia Baptist Church, at the corner of East Columbia and North Washington Street, whenever we are required to move out.


We do not yet know where our larger Sunday morning worship services will meet. Two nearby locations would work well for us, and we are praying that conflicts in their availability and other challenges will be cleared up so that when we do have to move, we can. We hope to maintain the same worship schedule except for the Saturday evening service, which will most likely have to be cancelled.


Although we now find it helpful to refer to ourselves as "The Falls Church Anglican," this does not mean that a decision has been made to have this as our permanent name. We may very well be led to create a new name for our church and we don't yet know what it will be.


Our revamped website is now live at  Alll staff and ministry email addresses are changed to that address. For example, staff are now first initial last name @ The current address will also work for short term, but please change your contacts entries to reflect the new address. There is a lot of data moving from the old website to the new website, and it takes some time for everything to appear as it should. We all appreciate your patience as we work through any issues.

Regarding your financial gifts to the church, please know that your Vestry is as concerned to protect your tithes and offerings as you are. Currently, we are using them as they are received to support the day-to-day operations (such as staff salaries) and the ongoing ministries and missions of our church. We continue to evaluate the safety of your contributions on an almost daily basis, and we will immediately inform you if we conclude that there are any additional actions or changes that should be taken to better protect your gifts.


We especially need everyone to continue to support the on-going ministries and missions during this year of challenge and transition. We are currently assessing the additional costs to be associated with our upcoming changes.



Your regular offerings in the form of checks should be made to the order of "The Falls Church Anglican" and if they are sent by mail they should be addressed to "The Church at the Falls -- The Falls Church, PO Box 690, Falls Church, VA 22040."  


Thank you sincerely for your gifts and your encouraging words and prayers. As our Senior Warden reminded me just today, "Nothing is impossible with God. And we need to keep going forward together during this season of transition and great adventure."


John Yates