Contacts: Gene Sausse 504.723.8868

                          VC Gap Chair, FQBA  Board


               Annie Flettrich 504.309.1423 


WHAT: Call for Volunteers for Graffiti Cleanup  

WHEN: Saturday, May 21st, 9 am check in

                        9:30 - 11:30 a.m. cleanup

WHERE: LaTrobe Park in the French Market, 1000 Decatur


May 13, 2011  New Orleans, LA- As many are aware, the French Quarter Business Association (FQBA), along with other prominent French Quarter groups have implemented an effort dubbed Vieux Carre Graffiti Abatement Program or VC-GAP. 


We need help!

This is our call to action to all those passionate about making the French Quarter graffiti free.  We are reaching out to concerned citizens willing to participate in a "hands-on" positive neighborhood beautification effort.  To get involved in this effort, please join us on Saturday, May 21st.   


How can you participate? 

There are opportunities as group leaders as well as hands on workers to participate in this community wide cleanup. 


How does it work?

Volunteers receive a work t-shirt (while supplies last) and all cleaning products and tools for the cleanup. With the tools and instructions in hand, volunteers spread out through the quarter and remove as many marks as possible. 


With this initiative the French Quarter community hopes to spark a neighborhood and city wide perspective that the graffiti problem is not as insurmountable as once presumed.  It is a real community issue that businesses, activists, residents and volunteers are willing to face head on.  Over one hundred volunteers took to the streets last summer on two separate cleanup days.  They not only removed unsightly graffiti, but also had an enjoyable time exploring the streets of our historic neighborhood with old friends and new friends.  They went with a passion to eradicate some of the unsightly marks that offend our visitors, businesses and residents. 


Our effort is solely a community action plan to eradicate graffiti from the Vieux Carre, and it will hopefully have a ripple effect around the city.  Donations to the effort are also graciously appreciated.  Everyone can help!    


To volunteer or donate contact the FQBA office at 504.309.1423 or email

For more information, please visit our website




The French Quarter Business Association is an organization of business owners and associates located in and around the French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana. Our purpose is to assist in the development and success of business in the Vieux Carre while protecting the integrity of this historic and cultural district.

French Quarter Business Association