French Quarter Business Association
August 27th, 2010

Media Coverage Requested
Contacts:  Gene Sausse 504.723.8868
                           VC Gap Chair, FQBA Board 

                     Shelly Waguespack 504.289.5574
"Wiping the Slate Clean"
Another French Quarter Graffiti Cleanup 
WHAT: Community effort to combat graffiti
Saturday, August 28, 2010 
 Volunteer Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.
                Volunteer Check-in, 8:30 a.m.
                Clean-up begins, 9:00 a.m. 
                Clean-up ends, 11:30 p.m.

WHERE:  Breakfast hosted by PJ's Coffee Caf�, 300 Bourbon Street
              Check-in at NOPD's 8th District Courtyard, 334 Royal Street
New Orleans, LA-The French Quarter Business Association (FQBA), along with other prominent French Quarter groups, has implemented an effort dubbed Vieux Carre Graffiti Abatement Program or VC-GAP. 
With this initiative, FQBA has initiated a community and citywide feeling that the graffiti problem is not insurmountable.  This effort is not the guerilla tactics that were used in the past.  The graffiti problem is a real community issue that businesses, activists, residents and volunteers are willing to face head on. 
The VC-GAP effort is solely a community, business and citizen-based action plan to eradicate graffiti from the Vieux Carre.   The effort will hopefully have a ripple effect around the city.  It already has.  The second graffiti clean up is a response to the concerned citizens from the area who are willing to participate in a "hands-on" positive endeavor toward neighborhood beautification. 
Shelly Waguespack, FQBA President, comments "This graffiti effort is another important step to take charge of our community. Our businesses and our neighborhoods are drowning in unsightly graffiti. Even if your neighbor is not a member of FQBA or any other organization, defacing our property affects all of us.  Volunteer as a block captain and rally those businesses/residents to join together to clean up your space.  You can make a difference!" 
This is a call to action for anyone passionate about making the French Quarter a graffiti-free zone.  Businesses are invited and encouraged to actively participate.
PJ's Coffee Caf� and the Royal Sonesta Hotel are supporting this clean up effort.  PJ's is offering all volunteers with VC-GAP cleanup t-shirts, complimentary coffee and pastries from 7:30 - 8:30 am. at 300 Bourbon Street.
Volunteers will receive a VC-GAP t-shirt to wear on the 28th, while supplies last.  Volunteers will be instructed on removal technique.  Products will be provided.
To volunteer, contact the FQBA office at 504.309.1423 or email
For more information, please visit our website

The French Quarter Business Association is an organization of business owners and associates located in and around the French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana. Our purpose is to assist in the development and success of business in the Vieux Carre while protecting the integrity of this historic and cultural district.