MT Transition Listserv 
Transition Tidbits
Good afternoon, Listserv members! We have a few transition tidbits to share with you today:
(1) Updated Training Calendar:
The Rural Institute Transition Projects is pleased to offer an additional Social Security web conference this project year. "Social Security Part 3" will be held on February 9, 2010, from 1:00-2:30 Mountain Time. Topics to be covered include benefits analysis and overpayments. Watch for the flier and registration information in January. An updated training calendar will be posted to the Transition Projects web site  in the next few days.
(2) MT-TIRC Advisory Board T-Shirt Sales:
The MT-TIRC Advisory Board is selling T-shirts to raise money so the board can continue to function after the MT-TIRC grant ends on September 30, 2010. The T-shirts share information about the Emerging Leader project, which is one of the MT-TIRC activities. The goal of this activity is to highlight stories of young people with developmental disabilities and ongoing support needs who live, learn, work and/or play inclusively in their communities. 

T-shirts are $15 each and are available in sizes small through extra-extra large.   Youth from the board and students working with the MT-TIRC project are selling the shirts, overseeing their packaging and shipping, and handling the accounting responsibilities for the sales.
For more information or to order shirts,  contact Ellen Condon at (406) 243-4134 or by email at: or
Kim Brown at (406) 243-4852 or by email at:
(3) Living Real Lives: Tools for Self-Direction Webinar:
By:       Kathie Snow
Date:    Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Time:    1:00 - 4:00 pm Central Time
Fee:      $30 per site
Abstract:  The services and assistance provided to children and adults with disabilities can lead to a life of  dependency and hopelessness in the Disability World and other unintended, negative consequences. But this can change: children and adults with disabilities can enjoy real lives-self-directed lives-and achieve the lives of their dreams when they have three important tools for success. Everyone has the right to live a real life included in the real world!
This session is appropriate for advocates, people with disabilities, family members, human service professionals including direct support  professionals, educators, and other individuals involved in efforts to  influence public attitudes, values, policies, and practices to improve opportunities and quality of life for people with disabilities.
Presenter: Kathie Snow is the parent of two young adults, one of whom has a disability diagnosis. She combines her earlier career in the media with personal experiences in the disability arena to ignite positive and long-lasting change.

Brochure available online at:

(Please note: the Transition Projects at the University of Montana Rural Institute shares information and resources our listserv members may find of interest.  We do not endorse the web sites or workshop contents or their providers, and we assume no responsibility for the validity of information provided on sites or in sessions not hosted by our agency.)

Kim Brown
MT Transition Listserv