January 2012                                                                    

No. 25

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Dogs on beach
Winter fun at the beach or in the snow. This month, we've had the best of both worlds!

snow dog


2011 turned out to be quite the year.

Thanks to our volunteers, our transporters, our donators and our supporters we were able to find forever homes for 59 German Shorthaired Pointers. 59. That means 59 families opened their hearts and homes to these wonderful dogs to give them a new chance at a better life. It means that 59 GSPs have now found their forever homes. What better way to end the year than with a total like that.

The New Year kicked off with what rescue is designed to do. RESCUE.

Little Chance showed up in early January, thanks to a Good Samaritan neighbor who persevered, and an ACO not afraid to step in on what might have been a not-so-good situation.

THin Chance
6-month-old Chance, weighing 14 pounds.
When 6-month-old Chance was impounded, he weighed 14 pounds - obviously extremely emaciated. His owner said that he had bitten a child in the home and was banned to a crate in a outdoor shed. Good thing the January weather was mild because in colder weather with little protection and no body fat, little Chance might never have made it.

This rescue rallied the troops. Emails poured in, thank-yous were sent to the Good Samaritan and ACO, and long-distance love was poured on Chance.

Chance sweater
Chance feeling better, sporting a much-needed sweater and carrying a little more body weight.

The pup has gained some much needed weight and is starting to act like a puppy. He'll soon be moved into foster care and we'll continue to update everyone on his progress.

And while Chance is a major success story for rescue, the point of this is to say thank you. Thank you to those who look out for dogs in need and are brave enough to say something when they see mistreatment, thank you to those who choose to work with animals to make their plight better, thank you to those who foster, who transport, who donate, who care. Thank you to all, because with out "U" there can be no RESCUE.

Best wishes for a  very bright and happy New Year!

Celeste, Audrey, Wendy
and the gang at GSP Rescue NE


Preston/Detroit Dog Rescue update

You might recall that last May, a male GSP named Preston was found limping along the side of a highway in Detroit with a badly broken rear leg.

 Detroit Dog Rescue, a rescue that, at the time, had very little in terms of funding, came to his immediate aid, and Preston found himself featured (along with DDR) on  NBC's "Nightly News.''

Here's the (graphic) video that started it all ...
NBC Dogs Youtube.mp4 
NBC Dogs Youtube.mp4

 DDR, along with dozens of kind don
ors, including many from GSP Rescue NE, worked for months trying to get Preston back up to speed.

First, an update on Detroit Dog Rescue.

Thanks to the publicity about Preston and numerous other rescues of pitbulls and desperate dogs in Detroit that DDR has been involved in, they were the recipients of a huge stroke of well-deserved good luck last month. 


In late December 2011, DDR, co-founded by hip-hop artist Daniel "Hush" Carlisle of Grosse Pointe, MI, received $1.5 million in valued stock options from an anonymous donor. That's $1.5 MILLION. 


Carlisle and Monica Martino established the Detroit Dog Rescue with a mission to build a no-kill animal shelter and rescue more than 50,000 homeless dogs in the city.


They said the donation, made by a California woman who is suffering from a life-threatening illness, will help the organization's efforts to achieve that goal.


"I'm proud of this city, and profoundly grateful that this donation puts us on the right path to building a no-kill shelter here," Carlisle said in a press release.




$1.5 Million Donation To Detroit Dog Rescue 
$1.5 Million Donation
 To Detroit Dog Rescue

And now on to Preston. :-)

Preston eventually came under the direct care of GSP Rescue New England and eventually found his forever home with Janice and Jim Walsh in Massachusetts.

Janice writes:

Preston with Beth, the person who initially spotted him for the Walshes. 
The call came about 10:00 p.m. while we were at the Cape last August.  "I have just the boy for you," said my daughter-in-law, Beth.  "He's sweet, gorgeous, badly injured (so sad), a true rescue, just like Coco. Look at the video right away . . . he's wonderful."  (Coco is Jim and Beth's GSP rescue who we all loved madly. He and Conrad, their senior GSP, were our inspiration to adopt a German Shorthaired Pointer.)
Preston, post-surgery, with a bandage on his newly-repaired right rear leg. 

Once we saw Preston's video (it was hard to watch), we could not get him out of our minds.  Beth was right, he looked sweet and gentle, certainly a handsome fello
w, very badly injured, and in great need of our compassion and care.  It was love at first sight!
 But would we be chosen to foster/adopt our new found love?
Janice Walsh
 and Preston 
Thankfully, all of our wonderful screeners thought we were right for the job, but time was required before we would get him. There was the matter of transporting him from Detroit, plus he needed more surgery and aftercar
e, then he had to be quarantined before entering Massachusetts.

 Fortunately, the medical facility where he was staying, The Love Vet Center, was within driving distance
Jim Walsh and Preston.
from our home, so we were able to make regular "getting to know you" visits.  We
became best friends during that time. Finally, on a lovely, sunny day in October, Preston came home to us.    
Could we be any more relaxed?! 

Fast forward to January 2012:  What an amazing recovery!!!

At first we had to keep him quiet, leash walk him even in our backyard, no running of any kind, and meds, meds, meds to help him heal, but even Dr. Love was amazed at how well he progressed.  He is just a strong, healthy fellow. 
Preston moving along quite nicely on his repaired right rear leg, above. Below, a closeup of how well he's healed. 

Now we have this guy who runs, jumps, gets into mischief with his little sister, Chloe, hunts in the woods o
f our friend's property, has his favorite doggie buddies at the dog park, and is in general loved by all who meet him.  Such a wonderful, loving, obedient dog.  Our children, our grandchildren and even the neighborhood kids can't get enough of our boy, Preston. 
Preston's new BFFs, grandson Jack and Viszla-mix Chloe 

We continue to be careful of the amount of running Preston does (no more than two to three times a week), just to be on the safe side, but so far he's doing great.  He shows no signs of discomfort at all. We plan on continuing at that pace at least until spring/summer and then we will consider if he can tolerate more activity, because he sure does love to RUN.  Until that time, though, he appears very content and happy.  
How good does this boy look?

We would like to extend our appreciation to all involved in rescuing Preston.  Of course, the entire GSP NE Rescue organization, wonderful people all.  Those who found Preston, those who helped and cared for him, those who performed the surgery and provided the medical aftercare, to all of you we send our heartfelt thanks. 

Stylin' Mr. Preston.;-)

We now have this beautiful, wonderful companion, and Preston has this beautiful, wonderful life.  It doesn't get much better than that. Thank you, again. 
Warmest regards,  
Janice and Jim Walsh 

Tigger Update

 Several months ago, a GSP owner became homeless and asked for help with his dog, Tigger.  Arthur Berry, one of GSP Rescue New England's volunteers, opened up his home and welcomed Tigger in.  


The handsome Mr.Tigger 


Arthur reports that Tigger's owner was able to take Tigger back the week before Thanksgiving. However, the owner will soon be undergoing surgery, and Arthur, nice guy that he is, has agreed to take Tigger back for a few weeks while the owner recovers.


Arthur says, "I stopped by just before Christmas with a box of dog biscuits and you should have seen how excited Tigger was to see me, so I'm looking forward to having him for another visit."


Thanks to you, Arthur, for giving Tigger someone to count on and  a soft place to land. :-) 


Having Trouble Affording Veterinary Care?


Every day veterinarians see pet owners who are elderly, disabled or living on a fixed or low income. These individuals simply do not have the financial ability to pay the costs associated with their pets' medical needs.  


They love their pets as much as we do, and can be faced with extremely difficult, even unbearable, decisions regarding the future of their pets.  


Whatever the situation, one fact remains the same: When an ailing pet is unable to receive veterinary care, that pet suffers.  


To get help in your particular state, click here.  


The World According to GSPs

1  - If I like it, it's mine

Puppy toy
2 - If it's in my mouth, it's mine
3  - If I had it a little while ago, it's mine
4 - If I can take it from you, it's mine

5  - If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours
6  - If it looks like mine, it's mine
7  - If I saw it first, it's mine
8  - If it's edible, it's mine

9 - If you have something and put it down, it's mine

10 - If I chew up something, all the pieces are mine
11 - If I get tired of it, it's yours
12 - If I want it back, it's mine

Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.  :-)

Tax Deductions

  If you've ever fostered an animal or know anyone who has, you're probably aware of the expenses associated with it. Beside just opening your heart and home to an unfamiliar dog, you also usually have to provide food, gas used to transport the animal to vet appointments or potential adopter meetings, and all the supplies that come with taking care of an animal.


taxes"People have claimed these types of expenses before, thinking it makes sense because they're doing this service for a charitable organization, they should be able to recoup some of their out-of-pocket costs," said Rachel Hirschfeld, estate planner since 1999 and pet trust lawyer who created the Pet Protection Agreement found on LegalZoom.com


Hirschfeld has some tips for foster parents planning to claim deductions on their taxes.

  • Collect and retain all your receipts associated with foster pet purchases
  • Write a note on every receipt and be specific (ie if you go to a hardware store and buy cat litter or lights for the room the dogs are kept in, circle the items on the receipt and write a note about the purpose of the item)
  • Remember that as of right now, the only tax-deductible purchases are for foster pets, not resident pets.
28 GSPs To Show at Westminster

A field of 28 German Shorthaired Pointers will compete for Best In Show honors when Westminster Kennel Club holds its 136th annual AKC-sanctioned breed show on Feb. 13-14, 2012, at Madison Square Garden in New York City.


As has happened every year since 1877, entries from all over America and the rest of the world are once again heading to New York City for the world's most famous dog show. Westminster extends its reign as America's second longest continuously held sporting event, behind only the Kentucky Derby.


 Breeds and varieties in the Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding Groups will be benched and judged during the day on Monday, with Group competition that evening.  


German Shorthaired Pointer "Carlee," Best In Show winner in 2005 at Westminster 

On Tuesday, breeds and varieties in the Sporting, Working and Terrier Groups will be benched and judged. Judging of those Groups will take place on Tuesday night, with judging of Best In Show, featuring all seven of the Group winners, to be held Tuesday evening in the final event of the show.


Judging the Sporting group - of which German Shorthairs are a part - will be W. Terry Stacy of Chapel Hill, N.C.


The evening competition will be televised live each night beginning at 8 p.m. The first hour of Monday evening's show will air from 8-9 p.m.  on USA Network, and the final two hours will air from 9-11 p.m.  on CNBC.


 Tuesday's show will air in its entirety on USA Network from 8-11 p.m. 


For more information, go to www.westminsterkennelclub.org 


In This Issue

Quick Links


GSP Rescue New England now has a presence on Facebook. Go to: Facebook.com/GSPRescueNE

Look who's been adopted!

Several GSPs have found their forever homes!


They are: Dill, Scamp, Lucy, Faith, Levi and Dutch.


Hooray for the dogs!! Hooray for their new families!! :-)


Donations have been gratefully accepted this month from:

Thomas Barks III

Kath Cordeiro

Bill Crawford, in appreciation of Levi's transporters: Margery Harvey, Luann Kulbashian, Bruce Schwartzman and Marty Bernier.

Kathleen O'Shaughnessy, in memory of Riley

Catherine Parmentier

Karin Pomerantz

John Spooner

Janet M. Zwirko in memory of Peggy Gagnon, Howie Barrs, Caroline Denny and her dog Baron

M/M Ullrich

Lucy Grant-Ruanne

The Michaels Family

Susan Duclos

Anthony DiLorenzo

Gail Bartlett

Mary Motasky

Alan Goff

Brian Belanger


Thank you all for your generosity.

Thank you, donors!

For those who have graciously made donations to GSP Rescue NE and would like a receipt, please contact Celeste.


And, once again, a big THANK YOU to you all. :-)

2012 Calendars Available!


2012 Rescue calendar 


The 2012 GSP Rescue calendar is still available!


 Compiled by Mid-Atlantic GSP Rescue, this calendar features rescue GSPs from all over including some from New England. 


Cost is $10 plus $2.99 shipping.


 Order from our rescue store.


All proceeds go to helping our dogs. 


The Uncommon Pet

 Uncommon Pry

True pet lovers unite! A new breed of pet portraits and custom card designs created from your UPLOADED pet photos ... Affordable, high quality and as uncommon as your pets! Come by and visit us on Facebook, and don't forget to view our amazing designs @ www.theuncommonpet.com


Free first-aid class!


Vetcision logo

Basic first aid classes for pet owners, with an emphasis on what you should include in your pet's first-aid kit are held on the first Tuesday of each month at Vetcision, 293 Second Ave., Waltham, Mass.


 Classes alternate each month between basic first aid classes and other topics.


 Please call or email for details and to RSVP.


For more information, go to Vetcision.

Dog door discount!

 Hale Pet Door logo

GSP Rescue New England is listed among rescue groups and shelters that have participated in Hale Pet Door's Rescue Rewards program. 
The Rescue Rewards works this way:  When  customers let Hale know that they adopted a pet (either recently or in the past), they receive a 10 percent discount on the cost of their Hale Pet Door.  And then Hale makes a donation for that same 10 percent amount to the organization that the customer tells them about.


In 2010, Hale donated more than $20,000 to rescues and shelters all over the country.  

For more information on Hale pet doors, go to www.halepetdoor.com

Partners for Pets Program

 Bissell logo

Bissell's Partners for Pets program supports pet adoption and homeless pets. When you buy selected pet products on bissell.com, you save 10% (with free shipping) and BISSELL will donate 10% of your purchase price to a pet shelter of your choice. For more information, click here.

Use the code ADOPT at the BISSELL checkout to receive the discount. 

Click here

 to view eligible products.

COMEDY CORNER                                                      


Ultimate Dog Tease
Ultimate Dog Tease


 Laughing dog cartoon