Bi Monthly GUIDE


Upcoming Events
Psychic Self - Defense
Raffle Tickets
Feng Shui for homes and offices
Paranormal Dowsing Dialogues
The Truth About Halloween
Honoring the Dead!
Aquarian Trivia
The World of CHi
A Creative Journaling Workshop
Dowsing Dialogues
Intro to Astrology
Discover Your Inner Pivotal Point
Church Ghost tour
The Astrology of $$$
Essential Oils Class
The Secret of Happiness
Private taekwon-do Lessons
Psychic Readings

Quick Links

Contact Us
804 353 5575

3519 Ellwood Ave
Richmond, Virginia 23221

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Psychic Self - Defense, with John J. Oliver

Friday, October 30, 7:00 -9:00PM  

john5Learn powerful mental and magical techniques for psychic self-defense.  In this class you will  learn how to be a "black belt" on the astral plane protecting yourself from psychic attack, curses, and negative energies.  You will also learn how to clear your house of unwanted energy that may be holding you back.
$50 pre-registered by Oct. 25, $65 after.


Benefit with The Baby Girl Project

Saturday, November 7, 10 - 6PM

Over 40 local and out of state Readers and Healers are donating their time and talents on this day. We will have Psychics, Mediums, Tarot Readers, Intuitives, Astrologers, Clairvoyants, Palmists, Energy Healers, Reiki, Massage, Past-Life Regression, Healing Touch, Shiatsu, Chakra Balancing, and much more..

The Aquarian Bookshop and The Baby Girl Project are once again sponsoring a festival to benefit Free the Children. We are working together to build schools in Kenya to educate children, especially little girls.  We have raised nearly $250,000  and have built thirteen schools in Kenya so far! Our eleven previous festivals have been a great success and we expect this one to be even more successful! 100% of the proceeds go to our schools in Kenya. It's a fun day so come and join the celebration!

$15 - 15min

1 for $2 or 3 for $5
FUNDRAISER ~ Free The Children/Baby Girl Project

Mini Lap Top, Digital Camera, Amazon kindle, GPS Navigation System, Amazon Kindle, Other Electronics, Massage, Energy Work, Readings, Art, Gift Certificates, Gifts and more...
Festival: Saturday, November 7, 2009, 10AM - 6PM. Raffle drawing at 6PM. You do not need to be present to win, we will notify you by phone.


Monday, October 26, 6 - 7PM

Negative Energies in homes and offices with Robyn Bentley
Robyn Bentley USE this pic Learn how negative energies form in homes and office buildings, the impact they can have on your emotional and physical health, your business and staff, and how they can be easily neutralized. Robyn Bentley is the author of Creating A Haven: Simple Steps For A Healthy and Nurturing Home. Find out more about Robyn at
FREE, registration required

Tuesday, October 27, 7 - 9PM

Special Paranormal Dowsing Dialogs with Mito
pendulum2 Come rock the pendulum with your higher self and spirit guides and ponder inviting some ghosts of your past/ lives in this extra paranormal peek into "what was and what can now be".  All kind, wise," higher vibration"spirit guides are welcome to attend.
FREE, Donation to the Baby Girl Project suggested.

Wednesday, October 28, 6 - 8PM
Church Hill Tunnel Anniversary Tour with Elizabeth Bissette
October 2 is the 84th anniversary of the Church Hill Tunnel disaster, when workers were trapped in a grisly railroad cave-in. Screams, a lonesome whistle and other sounds are often heard at this time and sometimes a man is seen clawing his way out of long gone rubble. Join us at the Aquarian at 6pm for a brief history of the site and a discussion about ghost hunting then visit the site of the disaster, where we'll explore with a pendulum, ouija and tarot cards. This tour is probably too frightening for children under 12. There will be a post-ghost tour dinner at Poe's Pub. $10

Thursday, October 29, 6-7:30PM
A Witch's World -- The Truth About Halloween
with Sage Nightstar
witchhalloweenWiccan Grand Priestess, Sage NightStar, will present, share and enlighten participants about the sacredness and significance of the Wiccan high holiday, Halloween, and give insight, meaning, explanation, and background to legends and main stream celebrations, traditions and commercialism, while answering questions about living life as a modern day Witch and the Wiccan religion.  Sage has been a Witch and Wiccan for 15 years in this lifetime.  $10

Friday, October 30, 7:00 -9:00PM
Psychic Self - Defense with John J. Oliver

Saturday, October 31, starts at 7PM
"Honoring the Dead" at
Samhain with psychic medium John J Oliver
samhain Samhain is the holiday which coincides with our culture's Halloween.  It is the Celtic New Year where the last harvest of the year is celebrated and winter is welcomed.  At Samhain the "door" or the "veil" between the world of the living and the dead is more open than at any other day of the year.  During this evening join John as he honors the spirits of the dead.  Please bring photographs and/or wear the jewelry of loved-ones that have crossed over.  We will also do a wealth and prosperity ritual to invite success for all present during the next year.  Come prepared to meditate and to participate in sacred ritual. At Samhain it is traditional to dress up as what you are trying to become or manifest in the New Year.  $50, pre-register call 804.353.5575
$65 at the door.

Sunday, November 1, 11AM - 6PM
Gathering of Angels with Jerhoam

angelJerhoam is one of the most shocking teachers you may ever encounter in a lifetime...Don't miss an afternoon that may change your life!
"If you could see the real magnificence of your Being you would not hold onto what you are not." 
~ Jerhoam

A gathering of angels is most precious time to open oneself to the subtle realms of peace, kindness and love. An Angel is a most spectacular and grand being of magnanimous consciousness. Magnanimous refers to the quality of the consciousness, but in relationship between the physical plane and the angelic kingdom we are also referring to size for in a comparison the wing span, so to speak of an angel is so immense that we recommend a gathering of humans to hold the space for one magnanimous angelic presence. This program is an opportunity for entities to resonate their own subtle energies to the energies of angels. 
Angels have the purpose of holding space, of holding energy. 
 Angels create the subtle music of the soul.
For this reason angels have been associated in mythology and in theology with playing harps and singing into eternity. This music co-reference is a metaphor for the music of the soul that is invoked by the Presence of an angel. It is very simple to attract an angel, but it is very easy to frighten an angel away. Let us gather together to invoke the angels of all phylums and of all kingdoms to serve your spiritual practice and to serve the spiritual practice of your beloveds. The opening of a heart is a trumpet onto angels.
So be it.

Join us for an enchanted afternoon with Jerhoam.
Who is Jerhoam?  Jerhoam is a Consciousness that speaks through an oracle in the tradition of many oracles throughout history.  Jerhoam is so many things and any description of him could never do the experience of him justice. Technically, he is a State of Consciousness. When he brings his teachings to us, he uses the mind and body of his human oracle, John J. Oliver to express his intentions. He says that he is an Intention beyond human language that is then expressed through the oracle for our understanding. Jerhoam walked on the earth in physical form, "Thousands of years before the Great Pyramid was built," as he states. He was a teacher of a Great School of Ancient Wisdom. There, he initiated many into the deeper Mysteries of Life. He says that he returns at this time to reunite with some previous students from the School and to initiate many new students on the path to greater Enlightenment.
He is a rich source of insight, knowledge, wisdom, and love. He describes life as a "party," the celebration in which we are all invited to partake. Jerhoam radiates the very best of humanity and brings us "reminder notices" of our own power, Light, and inner strength. He is a messenger and a friend whose message is simple yet powerful. He encourages us to heal our fears, share our joy, awaken our laughter, and embrace our Higher Calling this lifetime.
This is a one day program with Jerhoam  - open to the public -  $125 if registered by October 26, 7PM. $175 after.  

Aquarian Trivia!
Dear Friends.
Recently, a group of Aquarians saved the life of an animal. This scared and tortured spirit had been literally saved from under the butcher's knife.

What is the animal's name and which animal sanctuary was it brought to? Please watch the video below and email us at: [email protected] and the first person with the correct answer will win one 1/2h reading from our on staff psychics.

Whether you are moved by animals, the cause for their rights or just the story of a journey, I hope you take a moment to view this documentary.  If it touches you, please pass it on.  Many thanks.


Dear Friends.
The answer to the previous Aquarian Trivia is Sunflower Priestess and Congratulations to Kathy Brown for her swift and correct reply.

Sunflower Priestess is the Bodhisattva of laughter and happiness. She is also the P.R. person for the Aquarian Bookshop. She has been seen all around the world and recently she called in the Lemurians by blowing the trumpet at our annual Mayan Fire Ceremony Last Week.

Saturday, October 24 and November 21, 10:30 - 11:30AM
The World of Chi with Lili J. Simons
LiliSimons This is an introduction into some of the basic principles of Asian medicine based on Taoism where vibrant chi  is the foundation to our health and well being.  You will be able to experience chi and get an understanding of how chi is applied to Asian body work which are Shiatsu and Chi Organ Massage as well as Chi Kung. Lili Just Simons a Healing Tao Chi Kung and Tai Chi Instructor and a certified Shiatsu Therapist with almost 30 years of experience.   Lili is a student of Taoist Master Mantac Chia and has her own private practice Divine Therapy here in Richmond, FREE, to register call 804-257-5573    


Saturday, October 24, 1-3PM

Becoming Who You Really Are: A Creative Journaling Workshop
with Kanta Bosniak
KantaBosniakBecome who you really are by using your "problems" as catalysts for personal and spiritual growth. We will use writing and drawing exercises and guided visualizations as gentle but powerful process tools in this experiential, hands-on workshop. What to bring: Whatever issue you'd like to work on! Please bring a journal book, notebook or sketchbook. If you have colored pencils, bring them. If not, they will be supplied.   Check out Kanta's website at Booksigning to follow at 3:30pm.  $25, register 610-927-7733

Wednesday, November 4 & Tuesday November 24, 7 - 9PM
Dowsing Dialogues with Mito

Pendulum crystal
 "Looking at the mirror" discussions with group work using the pendulum.
FREE, Donation to the Baby Girl Project suggested, call 405-2302 to register by 11/3

4 Wednesdays, Nov 11 & 18 and December 2 & 9.
Introduction to Astrology with Susan Hughes

astrology1Come and explore the ancient art and science of the stars. You will learn a lot about yourself; your destiny, your gifts, your challenges and your soul's purpose in this lifetime. You will also come to a deeper understanding of others and the basic skills of chart interpretation. Bring your chart or send your birth information.  

4 Wednesdays (skipping Thanksgiving week).

Nov 11    The Elements and Qualities of Astrology        
Nov 18    The Psychology of the Sun Signs                 
Dec 2    The Meaning of the Planets                          
Dec 9    The Houses of the Horoscope

All classes are from 6:30-8:30pm and will be at the Aquarian. Entire four week course $70, Individual class $20.  E-mail Susan at [email protected] or call 804-285-8053 to register. Must register one day in advance.


Thursday, November 12, 6:45-9:45PM
Discover Your Inner Pivot Point with Carol Lepiere
lotusYou will become aware of the needs for an inner pivot point and the importance of knowing who you are and being in touch with your true feelings.  It presents deeper techniques on how to discern where negative thoughts and feelings are coming from, and creates an awareness of the need to know how to set your boundaries.  When you are on your pivot point you are able to tap the answers within you and have inner security as you take initiative and move forward in life.  $45 Presented by IPM  & ALC  facilitators, Carol Lepiere and Michelle Kahil  Please confirm registration - call Carol Lepiere 932-8154 or [email protected]


Friday, November 13, 6-8PM
Monumental Church Ghost Tour with Elizabeth Bissette

ghostchurch On December 26, 1811 over 600 people who were attending a play met with a dreadful accident.  A horrific fire broke out and in the ensuing panic almost everyone died a grisly death.  Monumental church was built in the center of the portico where a tomb contains the remains of those who perished there.   Their names of the victims are carved into the walls.
Meet me at the Aquarian to discuss the history of the site at 6pm and then we'll visit Monumental Church for pendulum ghost Q & A.  Post-ghost hang out at Penny Lane Pub for tarot readings! $10 adults, $5 children, please RSVP via e-mail - [email protected]


Saturday, November 14, 1-4PM
Money, The Economy & You: The Astrology of $$$$ with Cheryl Hopkins

CherylHopkinsCrisis or opportunity; prosperity is reflected, astrologically, through the 2nd, 8th, and 10th houses. So what does it say about our nation's economy and what does that mean for you? What is your prosperity potential in these changing times? Bring your astrological charts or send the date, place and time (verified by your birth certificate, if possible) of your birth to [email protected]. $20, to register call 804-306-9055  


Thursday, November 19, 6-7PM
Effective Pain Management with Essential Oils with Lynn Murray
essentialoilsEssential oils have a myriad applications for health, beauty and well being. Besides being used in massage and for skin care, they are easily applied as first aid remedies.  The anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties are helpful for flu and sinusitis prevention and general strengthening of the immune system.   Join Lynn for great lecture on pain management with a wealth of new information from the recent International Conference on Aromatherapy. FREE



Tuesday, November 17, 5:30-7PM
Wizarding 101: Sit for a spell... and a laugh!; with Lary Voltz
Larry Volz 2
Come enjoy a magical blend of sleight of hand, therapeutic hypnosis and ancient magic as Dr. Larry Volz teaches you spells for happiness and prosperity.  You'll learn techniques that unceremoniously rip apart the veil separating modern science and the wisdom of the ancients.  This is real, practical, reliable, scientifically proven and spiritually profound "neuro-magic" taught in a genuinely fun atmosphere.  
$35 at the door or $30 if registered by 11/16, call. 804-519-4045

with Theresa Alford

taekwondologo The benefits of regular taekown-do practice include physical fitness, stress relief, self-defense, weight loss, self-confidence and mental strength.  This one-to-one class allows you to go at the pace you need to build up your practice.    Cost:  $60 per hour for 1 adult or $75 per hour for 2 adults.  $20 for each additional person.  $65 per hour for up to 2 girls ages 8 through 14.  Call Theresa Alford at 804.347.8888 to schedule a one hour class.


NEW Power Crystals in store now. 

Come in and get your new favorite specimens of Larimar, Azeztulite, Healer's Gold, Nirvana Quartz, Siberian Blue Quartz, Aqua Lemuria, Satyaloka Azeztulite, Mystic Merlinite, Seraphinite, Rosophia, Himalaya Gold Azeztulite and much, much more....


Saturday, October 24, 3:30-4:30PM
Surviving Cancer and Other Tough Stuff by Kanta Bosniak
survivingcancer "This fresh, juicy, beautiful book takes the reader on a transformational healing adventure. Rich in practical, no-nonsense information as well as gentle, expertly guided inner exploration, the book is a factual, funny, and wise companion. Illustrated with Kanta's own delightful, whimsical drawings and with candid stories from her own journey. Kanta has the amazing ability to bring subjects as raw and terrifying as cancer, divorce, loss, and childhood distress into a warm nest of sacred space, where there is deep nourishment for our relationship with ourselves and with life."


Stones and the New Consciousness : Healing, Awakening and Co-creating with Crystals, Minerals and Gems by Robert Simmons
stonesofthenewconsciousness Stones of the New Consciousness begins with a new approach to meditation with stones, and to the possibility of conscious relationship with the spiritual beings who express themselves in our world as crystals and minerals. This beautifully designed book examines the most important stones that help accelerate and enhance human evolution. Each entry is illustrated with color photos of exceptional examples. The stones include Moldavite, the extraterrestrial amorphous crystal; Nuummite, the oldest gemstone on Earth; and Circle Stones, the highly energetic Flint found in crop circle formations. Other featured rarities include Nirvana Quartz from the Himalayas and high-vibrational Natrolite from the emerald mines of Russia.





MoBulifantMaureen has an extensive background in transformational psychic and magical arts. When she was a resident in London she taught yoga in a local college for many hours per day.  Maureen is an intuitive consultant with a vast array of knowledge in the subtle aspects of human transformation. She has been a prime student in a Mystery School for over 20 years and she continues these studies to this day. Her powers as a psychic are unmatched by anyone on the planet at this time, as she is on a mission from God.
Sunday, November 8, 12 -5PM, 1 hour $90, half hour $50, call 353-5575 to book your spot now.
MaryDMary Duty is an 88 year old psychic and has been giving professional psychic  readings for 65 years. She was cited as one of the 75 top examples of psychic phenomena in the United States by the parapsychology research of JB Rhine at Duke University. Today Mary is the Grand Mother of the Appalachian Cherokee Nation.  She has presented many lectures and seminars over the years on the subjects of psychic phenomena and the paranormal. To register call the Aquarian: 804 353 5575.

Saturday, October 31, 1/2h - $99

in store or by phone
Mini (12-15min) $20, 1/2h $35, 1H $60

BarbaraEvansBarbara can  help you tap into your relationships, money & carrier needs. Through her extensive experience in esotherics she can help you gain insight into the whys and wherefores by reading your energy and the energy of the important people & places in your life.

Barbara Evans is a certified Healer and Massage Therapist who studied at the  A.R.E. Virginia Beach. Also, experienced with Numerology, Healing & Prayer or
Animal Communication.  Often through the perspectives of individuals overcoming challenging times she has learned that the answers we seek are within each of us.
Ginger Ginger Vere has worked as a psychic consultant for over 20 years. During this time she has conducted seminars across the US and Europe traveling as a medium and intuitive healer. Ginger  has assisted in investigations and has trained the Secret Service through remote viewing and site readings and the importance.
Ginger resides in the Richmond area, where she offers a variety of professional metaphysical services to a diverse clientele. She offers:  psychic readings, dream interpretation, reiki and intuitive diagnosis, past life readings, prophecy and prognosticating, animal readings; and house and historical property readings and clearings.
SusanHughesPic Susan has counseled and lectured in the Metaphysical Field since 1992. She is a gifted intuitive and uses her higher guidance to assist others with current problems and situations. She is a Professional Astrologer with over 20 years of practice. She also uses Psychometry, Tarot, Kinesiology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation and Past Life Readings in her intuitive consultations.

She has a Master's Degree in Counseling from the Medical College of Virginia and is a Reiki Master & certified Results Kinesiologist. She has been a student in a modern Mystery School for over 16 years.


Copyright c Aquarian Media LLC     3519 Ellwood Avenue, Richmond, VA, 23221,