CTL Spring 2011 Newsletter
In This Issue
CTL Spring Workshop
Introducing Assess-It!
Exemplary Bb Course
Thank You Jeanie!
Android Cookbook
Blackboard Upgrade
Quick Links

CTL Homepage


DU CourseMedia

DU Portfolio

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We're Moving!   




In July 2011, CTL will be relocating to the first floor of Aspen Apartments located at 2222 S. High Street, just west of Cherrington Hall, between Evans Chapel and Johnson-McFarlane Hall.     


We will host our faculty technology lab and other support services at that new location during the 18-month renovation of Penrose Library.   


Summer Reading

Looking for books to add to your summer reading list? Consider these recommendations from the CTL staff.

How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching
A cognitive pscyhology approach to teaching, written by faculty from Carnegie Mellon University


Creating Significant Learning Experiences  

A thorough and practical guide to creating deep learning in college courses, by L. Dee Fink




Honor Code Surveys


Please assist the Honor Code Advisory Council (HCAC) and the Office of Citizenship & Community Standards (CCS) by providing your perspective about academic misconduct in the following two surveys.


Case study questions


Faculty survey



CTL Contacts

CTL Helpdesk

Academic Technology 

Alex Karklins
Kathy Keairns
DU CourseMedia
Alex Karklins
Jenn Light
DU Portfolio
Jenn Light
Carrie Lorenz
Clickers (Student-Response Systems)
Jenn Light

Alex Karklins 

Lecture Capture
Alex Karklins
Jane Maurer

Adobe Connect

Jenn Light 

Joseph Labrecque 
Faculty Technology Lab
Alex Karklins
Software Development Projects
Joseph Labrecque
Mobile Development
Joseph Labrecque
ECTD (Electronic Capstone, Theses and Dissertations)
Alex Martinez
Gary Taylor

UTS Help Desk

Teaching Resources

Bridget Arend
Kathy Keairns
Teaching Resources and Consultations
Julanna Gilbert
Bridget Arend
Teaching Online
Kathy Keairns
Bridget Arend
Funding Opportunities

Faculty Grants
Julanna Gilbert   
CTL Spring Workshop

Social Media Workshop

Social Media in the Classroom: Using Blogs, Twitter, and Video Essays to Enhance Learning 

Friday, April 29, 10-11:30am
CTL Classroom, Nagel Hall 102

Are you thinking about using social media in your teaching? Do you currently use social media in your teaching? Have you wondered how or why you would use social media for teaching? If you answered yes to these questions, please join us for a workshop to learn how social media is being used to facilitate student engagement and enhance learning. You will also learn about how DU is using social media to communicate with and engage the DU community.

- Lynn Schofield Clark, Assistant Professor, Media, Film & Journalism Studies; Director, Estlow Center
- Joe Kraus, Science & Engineering Librarian, Penrose Library
- Mike Rivera, Senior New Media Strategist, University Communications

Sign Up!

Introducing Assess-It! 


DU Portfolio has always hosted a behind-the-scenes program assessment function, allowing DU departments to collect and evaluate learning artifacts via a secure online system. After almost two years of conceptual planning, departmental meetings, focus groups, input from existing users, and close work with the Office of Academic Assessment, the CTL is in the final testing phase of its new software program, Assess-It!   




Much like the previous assessment program, "Assess-It! permits students to submit the usual artifacts of learning, such as papers and exams, but now students can submit a wider range of work, such as images, media and anything that can be digitized, including art, music, and even websites for the purposes of program assessment," says Janette Benson, director of the Office of Academic  Assessment. "We've worked diligently to make the new program very flexible, more intuitive and with a wider range of options that will make program assessment more meaningful, with the ultimate goal of increasing student learning and making teaching more effective." 


Look for Assess-It! to be launched in the coming months. Jenn Light and Carrie Lorenz will be available over the summer to meet with specific groups and orient them to the new system.   


DU Faculty Member Wins National Award!  


Congratulations to Mike Keables, a 2011 winner of the Blackboard Exemplary Course Program!


Mike Keables, Associate Dean of Natural Sciences & Mathematics and Associate Professor of Geography, began designing NATS 1201: Environmental Systems I, for the online environment through the CTL's Teaching Online Workshop in the Fall of 2009. "We were so impressed with Mike's course that we've used it as an example for other faculty members in our workshop. We are so glad that his hard work is being recognized nationally," says Kathy Keairns, Senior Instructional Design Coordinator at the CTL.  


Keables Bb Course 


The Blackboard Exemplary Course Program is a national program recognizing best practice in designing engaging online courses. Submitted courses are evaluated against a rubric by fellow instructors and course designers in the areas of Course Design, Interaction & Collaboration, Assessment, and Learner Support. Upon learning about this award, Mike expressed that, "Teaching online was something that I've always been interested in but had never really attempted. The Teaching Online Workshop offered by CTL provided me with an excellent foundation for what it takes to develop an effective online course. It also challenged me to think differently about how to present content and keep the students engaged in the learning process."


Mike's award will be officially announced at the Blackboard World Conference in Las Vegas this July. Read more about Mike's online teaching and learning experiences in the CTL Faculty Showcase


A Big Thank You to Jeanie Tischler! 


If you've ever received a CTL grant, borrowed equipment, or attended one of our workshops, you've likely interacted with Jeanie Tischler


Jeanie Tischler

For over 10 years, Jeanie has been the smiling face at the forefront of our work.  In mid-May, she will be moving to the school of Art and Art History, pursuing a long-held desire to work closely with the arts. 


The CTL staff would like to congratulate Jeanie on this new venture, and express that her always positive attitude and amazing organizational skills will be sorely missed!  


Learn How to Build Mobile Android Applications! 


The forthcoming book, Flash Development for Android Cookbook, written by the CTL's Joseph Labrecque, offers over 100 recipes to build exciting Android applications with Flash, Flex, and AIR. 


Flash Development for Android Cookbook

The book enables Flash developers to branch out into Android mobile applications through a set of essential, easily demonstrable recipes. The book will take you through the entire development workflow: from setting up a local development environment, to developing and testing your application, to compiling for distribution to the ever-growing Android Market.


Now available for pre-order from Amazon and Packt Publishing!   

Blackboard Upgrade Blackboard


The University of Denver will upgrade to Blackboard 9.1 in summer 2011.   


The differences between the current and new version of Blackboard are slight, however, many new and enhanced features will be available, including:     

  • Mash-ups - integrate content from YouTube, Flickr, and SlideShare into your courses
  • Tests - upload test questions using Microsoft Excel
  • Roster - quick-and-easy way to view a list of students enrolled in your course  
Visit the DU Blackboard Support Portfolio for training guides & video tutorials and stay tuned for more information about Blackboard 9.1.

Check out Blackboard at DU on Twitter for the latest Bb Updates!  Follow us on Twitter