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In This Issue
CTL Summer Institute Workshop
Online Courses for Undergrads
Coming Soon: Blackboard 9!
CTL Video Resources
COLTT Call for Proposals
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Attention iPad Users!
DU has installed the Blackboard Mobile Learn Application for iPad users. 

Adobe Education  Leader

Watch a YouTube video on the Blackboard Learn Mobile Application for more information.

The mobile application will be available in June 2010 for Blackberry, Android, and iPhone Users.

Congratulations to the CTL's Joseph Labrecque!
Adobe Education Leader
Joseph recently received the Adobe Education Leader Impact Award for his work with innovative educational technology applications!
CTL Contact List
CTL Helpdesk

Blackboard Training and Support
Jenn Light
Kathy Keairns

DU Portfolio
Jenn Light
Carrie Lorenz
Joseph Labrecque

Jenn Light
Alex Martinez
Joseph Labrecque

Clickers (Student Response Systems)
Jenn Light
Kathy Keairns

Grants and Funding Opportunities
Julanna Gilbert
Jeanie Tischler

Workshops and Seminars
Bridget Arend
Jenn Light
Kathy Keairns

Distance Learning Instructional Design
Kathy Keairns
Bridget Arend

Software Development Projects
Joseph Labrecque

Teaching Consultations
Julanna Gilbert
Bridget Arend

Electronic Capstones, Theses & Dissertations
Alex Martinez
Gary Taylor

Summer Institute Workshop

CTL Summer Instit
ute Workshop:
Excellent Teaching
for the 21st Century

The CTL is selecting faculty members for a special summer institute in which participants will work together to improve teaching through the integration of 21st century tools. Participants will explore how to take advantage of interactive technology tools, moving beyond using Blackboard simply as a one-way delivery mode for course materials. Participants will receive guidance and support over the summer as they develop course components to meet specified learning objectives.

Twenty-five faculty members will be selected for this special workshop and given a $1,500 stipend in recognition of the time and effort required to create truly effective course web-components. 

For more details, visit the CTL website
Proposals must be received by May 14.

Creating Online Courses for Undergraduate Students

During the 2009-10 academic year, 14 faculty members participated in a pilot project coordinated by the Provost's office and the CTL to explore the value of offering online courses to traditional undergraduate students.

Undergradute Student

Student feedback indicated that most students signed up for online courses because of schedule and time constraints, felt that they learned a great deal, and are interested in taking more online courses at DU (Read the related The Clarion article).
Participating faculty members felt that faculty development activities were necessary to learn how to teach online, that the initial creation of an online course was time-consuming, but that they would teach an online course again because of the generally positive outcomes they observed. "The interactive design generates constitutive and collaborative engagement for students and for faculty," commented one faculty member.

At the request of the Provost's office, the CTL is now expanding this initiative by providing funds for faculty members who would like to participate in development activities and create an online course this summer to be taught during the 2010-11 academic year.

Visit our website for program description, proposal requirements, and stipend information.
Proposals must be received by May 14, 2010.
Coming Soon: Blackboard 9!

DU will upgrade to a new version of Blackboard in the Summer 2010 quarter.  Blackboard will be UNAVAILABLE from 5:00pm on Friday, June 11 until no later than 8:00am on Sunday, June 13. Please plan accordingly. 

New features for Blackboard 9 include:
 - Drag and drop editing functions 
 - Class blogs and journals
 - Streamlined control panel for easier course customization

Removed features in Blackboard 9 include:
 - Digital Dropbox (use the Assignment tool instead)
 - Student Homepages
Get a head start on familiarizing yourself with Blackboard 9! Visit the DU Blackboard Support Portfolio for training guides and video tutorials. The portfolio also provides FAQs and answers about Blackboard. 

Bb 9 Preview

Email blackboard@du.edu if you would like access to the Blackboard 9 demo server. The CTL will also be offering two hands-on Blackboard workshops for faculty, staff and graduate teaching assistants.

Level I - Blackboard for Beginners Workshop
June 10, 10am-12pm
June 16, 10am-12pm

Level II - Blackboard 9 Overview
June 7, 1pm-3pm
June 11, 1pm-3pm
June 15, 2pm-4pm

Click for more details and to register

CTL Video Resources: Faculty Showcase

The Center for Teaching and Learning is interested in the ways in which faculty incorporate technology tools in their classrooms.  Recently, we profiled Jennifer Riley Campbell, Writing Program Lecturer who discusses student-produced video projects, and Lynn Schofield Clark, Assistant Professor in Media, Film and Journalism Studies, who discusses using blogs in the classroom. Click the links above to play their interviews.

CTL Interviews

Colorado Learning & Teaching with Technology Conference: 2010 Call for Proposals

The 13th Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology Conference (COLTT 2010) will be held on the CU-Boulder campus on August 11-12. This event focuses on recent innovations, current research, and hands-on technology workshops that explore learning, teaching, and technology. This is an excellent opportunity to learn and share your research and skills with a broad cross-section of your colleagues from across the state of Colorado.

Register or submit a proposal by May 10, 2010 at www.cu.edu/coltt