Sacred Sound Tour
"The Song of Truth"
in the path of Mary Magdalene 
 Southern France  2010

Jan Cercone and friends

Sacred Sound Tour
"The Song of Truth"
to Southern France

  Discovering the path of your own truth

Jan and JaapThe Path of Truth, France

In the Footsteps of Mary Magdalene

Sacred Sound Healer Jan Cercone and local author,
tour leader Jaap Rameijer

Join us  May 21- May 30  2010
as we walk the path of truth of the
 Divine Feminine in Southern France, Cathar Country.

May 21  Arrive at the Marseille Airport, meet at Noon.
We will drive in two small buses (French roads are narrow) to St. Maximin-la-Ste-Baume. Check in the hotel.  Relax in this beautiful sacred village. We visit the Basilica and crypt where Mary Magdalene is said to be buried, share music and ceremony.  A Traditional French Dinner included at our hotel.

May 22 We will drive to the Hotellerie la Ste Baume at the foot of the Baume Massif. This hotel is run by nuns and has a lovely chapel.  We walk the sacred path, to the cave of Mary Magdalene. Lunch. Then in the afternoon drive back to St. Maximin la Ste Baume
. Perhaps pay another visit to the wonderful Basiclica. In the evening, a local French dinner together.
basilica france
May 23 We drive leisurely through the French countryside to Rennes Le Chateau and check into the beautiful Les Labadous Inn. This place is shrouded in mysteries, the Templars, Cathars, and the secrets of Mary Magdalene. Rennes-le-Chateau, was made famous by books as the Holy Blood and Holy Grail and the Da Vinci Code. Lunch en route, and then we rest upon arrival before a sound gathering and sumptuous dinner
(included) prepared by our hostess chef Joke.

May 24 We are off to the Gypsy festival of St. Sarah in the seaside village of Stes-Maries-de-laMer after our Les Labadous breakfast. (included) Enjoy the Pyrenees music, ceremony and joy of celebrating the the arrival of the three Maries to continue Christ's teachings here. We visit the crypt of Sara-la-Kali and have a local dinner before heading back to Les Labadous. A colorful and exciting day.

May 25 A morning hike to a sacred hilltop before breakfast to tone with the morning sun is optional. This is our day to visit
the Mary Magdelane Church, dedicated to her in 1053, the villa bethania and the Tour Magdala.We have lunch in the famed Sauniere garden.  Perhaps we can meet with Henry Lincoln... the true Da Vinci Code instigator. We will explore the Mystery of the "treasures" and the sacred geometry of the area and after lunch take a hike into the Mary Magdalene cave where she performed healings. (hike moderately steep) Dinner at Les Labadous (included) and a gathering for sacred sound before retiring.

May 26 We visit Limoux after a hearty breakfast and visit the Black Madonna at Notre Dame du Marceille. Our guide Jaap, a local beloved author, will take us to his favorite places like the Church of St. Martin and the Abbeys of Polycarpe and St. Hilaire. We'll have a picnic lunch together (included) Our late afternoon trip to the Cite, the Magical Castle town of Carcassone, a Unesco heritage, includes great shops and Dinner out.

May 27 Free morning to reflect, journal, take a walk, rest, after a Les Labadous leisurely breakfast (included) We pack up our belongings to Leave Les Labadous.  Our afternoon tour is to the stunningly dramatic Gorges de Galamus, Hermitage St. Antoine, (picnic lunch included) before heading off to Cucugnan with the pregnant Mary and the Cathar Castles of Queribus and Peyrepertuse. (moderate hike) Dinner out and we check into our new Inn, Les Angelots in Rennes-Les-Bains.
Jan and Henry lincoln
May 28 After breakfast at our Inn, (included) we take a walk to the Chair of the Devil,  the Isis spring, and Trembling Rocks.  Lunch at a local restaurant, and then a visit to Renes-Les-Bains. Bring your swimsuit for a dip in the warm pool or the Fontaine des Amours.  Perhaps time for a drive by the Holy Mountains, the Pech Bugarach and the Pech Cardou.  We can co-create a perfect afternoon. (am walk is moderate difficulty) Dinner together (included)  Evening Gathering for Sound and  sharing.

May 29 We head off to the deep caves of Perillos, where the Holy Family took refuge, and work with sound, ritual and our voices to heal and expand the truth in all dimensions. Some say that Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea are buried there. We visit Opoul and Tautavel if time, have lunch out, and then a final dinner together (included) before a good-bye ceremony. 

May 30 We prepare for our departure from the Marseille airport. We leave early to make all of our connections.

Fee:      Includes lodging, sites, most meals, tour guide/bus, (excludes shopping)
Does not Include;  your flight travel to France and return. Limited to 14.


Prepayment to Reserve:  $500 by  March 1, 2010
Song and Spirit Center 31 Commercial Blvd. Ste F  Novato, Ca. 94949
for information call Jan:  707-205-5068

Note, Meals included in the price are indicated, other meals are on our own, but will be taken together as a group This allows a built in flexibility to skip eating out at times or
eat nearby in a different restaurant. All breakfasts are included. Please note meals are group prepared and we will do our best to honor dietary requests to the best of our ability. French restaurants are different than American, wonderfully so!!
As we get to know each other and learn our travel style, we may substitute, or delete certain activities based on the group needs. This allows for a more personalized, responsive program while our outline shall serve to show you the most in the most graceful, joyful flow of time and activities.

Logistical information:  Travel agent who can meet or beat internet Airfare prices: 
Andy Anderson    510-289-1041  or 510-573-0254
Fax:  510-792-8576
Euros:  Make your exchanges at home for the best rates. Bring a few hundred Euros for your expanses, more for shopping!! 

Clothing:The weather can be a bit chilly, then afternoon warming. Ocassional rain. Bring layers. Bring good walking shoes, swimsuit. 

Prices are based on double (and a few triple rooms!)  The French way, and economical. Private rooms are limited, let me know. 
Jan and lyre
"The special weekend you so ably organized to
Mt. Shasta was one of the best personal growth trips I have ever been on. How good can it get - not only did I have fun, I also really enjoyed the magical crystal
bowl concert, the restorative morning at Stewart Mineral Springs, and, of course, all of your
inspiring rituals that led to great spiritual experiences. Thank you so much Jan,
sign me up for the next one.Sue H 10/10/09

I have heard her music-like some other realm...and when following her guided meditation recently I do believe I was "hit by lightning" or something similar was stimulated in my forebrain. She  uses quantum physics and the energy fields of our vibrations and frequencies to heal with sound.   I think you should all know about Jan Cercone and the work she does with sound at her Sound Healing Studio in Novato.
Clare Grinsell, Unity Church

Your guides:
Sacred Sound: Jan Cercone, RN, MA, CMP
 Jan is an improvisational vocalist, bringing heaven to earth in ceremony, concerts, opening events and deep shamanic ritual. Jan believes we are co-creating a new vision for earth; with intentional sound at the forefront of the transition for personal and planetary healing and ascension. Her channeled sung "light language" holds messages of peace and remembrance for each person's unique journey. Certified in teaching the Werbeck Spiritual Scientific Method of singing, (anthroposophical in origin) she can work with your voice therapeutically and artistically, in any style. As an RN and Certified Music Practitioner she offers healing sessions using her own pure voice and works with your voice to clear and harmonize all bodily systems. Her body, and yours become tuning forks for attunement, we bring light through together in joy, with tone, bowls and gongs. Your spiritual path is ignited. She was on the Music Care team at Palm Drive Hospital, worked with Hospice clients for six years, teaches at the Sound and Consciousness Institute in SF, provides workshops/inservices/clinics for medical staff on how to use music in health care settings. As a professional singer in SF and Sonoma County, she has recorded and worked with mainstream and visionary sound healers. Jan has taken intensives with all the sound healing leaders and is an Avatar master, holds a masters degree, a Public Health Nursing certificate, level three of the Person Centered Expressive Therapy Training, and has written an inspirational book, "Passion Healed me " and is an ordained Planetary Priestess. She produces visionary, educational events and is co-founder of the Sound Collective of Sonoma County, Founderof the Song and Spirit center and gives courses internationally on the healing power of sound through the voice.

On Site Tour Guide Jaap Remeijer lives in and co-owns the lovely Les Labadous in the middle of Rennes-Le-Chateau. He is a published author, with three books on the local area and has one of the largest slide collections of Mary Magdelene. He is truly devoted to the Sacred Divine Feminine and is deeply scholastic as well as a witty, entertaining lovely local guide. We are so fortunate to have Jaap with us.
Tour organized by Jan Cercone, Femke of Rhedae Travel, and Jaap

The truth was pushed out of Israel, and it lives on in the land of the Cathars, Southern France. We will stay at the beautiful Les Labadous,  home to Mary Magdlane energies