Joliet Montessori School News Brief
January 28, 2010
1600 Root Street
Crest Hill, IL  60403
(815) 741-4180
(815) 741-9753 fax

Quick Links
  Monthly calendars and calendar reminders will now be  posted on our website. 
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2010 - 2011 Registration Materials
All Registrations are due tomorrow, Fri, Jan 29.
 Open Registration for families outside the
 JMS community
begins on Sat, Feb 6.
Please call the office if you have any questions.
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Open House
Do you know anyone who is interested in learning more about Montessori or researching possible educational opportunities for their children?
On Sat, Feb 6, JMS will hold their annual Mid-Winter Open House.  Prospective parents can tour the school, meet the faculty and pick up admission materials. 
The Open House begins
 at 9:30 a.m. and reservations can be made by phoning the school.
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Extra-curricular Activities at JMS
Please submit registration forms for after-school classes as soon as possible, as some class sizes are limited.
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Music Concert

JMS Music students will be part of an orchestra and band concert at Lewis University, Oremus Fine Arts Building, 2nd floor, Ives Hall on Fri, Feb 5, 2010, at 6:30 p.m.
 Please join us for an enjoyable evening of music.
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Haiti Earthquake

Children in Suzannah Walter's and Ms. Viscovic's classes raised  $ 342.57 for Haitian earthquake victims.  It was donated to the American Red Cross.
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A View of the Montessori Classroom
"Choosing Work"
 All children are free to choose work within the framework of the lessons given.  This is to ensure that the children's work is ability appropriate and that they know how to use the materials.  The directors track the children's progress and presentations are made in time with the child's readiness.  This prevents frustration the children may encounter by choosing materials for which they are not ready.  They must also be able to handle themselves, the materials and each other with respect. 
JMS Spring Event - Sat, May 15
This year's Spring Event will feature an original adaptation of Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland, which is currently being written by the JMS adolescent class. 
Elementary and adolescent students interested in assisting with the JMS spring production, in any capacity, are asked to attend an informational meeting today, Thu, Jan 28, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Mr. Brandon's room.
Auditions for acting roles will be held on Thu, Feb 4, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Mr. Brandon's room.  February and March rehearsals will be on Thursdays at 3:30.  Additional rehearsals will be added during April and May.
Any parents wishing to help with the production are asked to call Lori at 815-919-4545, Jamie at 815-405-6728 or leave a message with the office.
Home and School Association  hsa
Valentine's Menu is available here.  Classroom celebrations will be held on Thu, Feb 11.  If your child will be sending in valentines, we ask that they be addressed generically, (i.e., "to my friend").  Please call the office if you have any questions. 
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Starting Feb 1, we will be collecting items for Morning Star Mission's Women and Family Recovery Center. We are asking that you bring the items to school through carpool. We will have a bin inside for collection and would love for the students to deposit the items in the bin as they come in the morning.
We will be collecting hard covered journals, regular sized shampoo, conditioner, razors, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, brushes, and hair bands such as scrunchees.
We will collect items up until Feb 23, when The Kozlowski Family has graciously volunteered to deliver the items to Morning Star Mission.
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Our next Coffee and Conversation will be on Wed, Feb 10, after morning carpool. We will be meeting at the Joliet Public Library Black Road Branch in their coffee shop.
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Join us for our Winter Sunday Afternoon Family Event at the Joliet Park District's Multi Purpose Center on Sun, Feb 21 from 2 - 4 p.m.  This event is designed to allow all of us to run off the winter energy we've been storing, while spending the afternoon with other JMS families.


Child care will not be provided. Please plan on staying at the event with your children. Please bring your own water. Food is not permitted in the gym area.


We are looking for a few volunteers to help with set up (arrive at 1:45 p.m. to make sure the space is ready for us with a mat section for toddlers and crawlers, and adequate sport balls and other equipment are ready) and clean up (stay until the area is cleaned up like the way we found it).


If you are able to help, contact Lauren DeKlerk at (815) 955-4087 or [email protected] by Feb 5.

Manna Update

The Manna Group is happy to announce the offering of the Costco Wholesale Membership Certificates.


Membership Certificates are available in a $50 denomination with a 25% sponsorship to your nonprofit organization.  This prepaid membership certificate entitles you to one year of membership to Costco Wholesale.  Membership Certificates can be redeemed at any U.S. Costco location to join, or upgrade your existing membershipVisit and click on services for further details on becoming a Costco member.

What else is new at Manna?  Check out their website:
Manna Order Schedule Change

Thank you to the families that have been participating in the Manna program.  However, due to a significant decrease in participation we will be placing Manna orders every two weeks versus once a week.  The school incurs a minimum fee, no matter the size of the order, so it must be worth our while to place the order. 
The next order will take place on Monday, Feb 1, and we will then begin an every two week schedule.  Since the week of Feb 15 is a short week for our school, we will pick back up on Feb 22. 
Please consider placing an order on the items you would already be buying like gas cards, grocery stores, etc.  Rebate checks will be issued at the end of the year.  If we don't see an increase in support, we may have to discontinue the program, so tell your friends and family and reap the financial benefits the JMS Manna program is offering. 

If you have any questions, please contact Sue Bebar, JMS Development and Marketing Director at 815.741.4180.   Thanks!

Thank You
To the Jones family for the gift certificate to "The Chalkboard" teacher's store in honor of their daughter's 4th birthday in Mrs. Renzi's class.
Handbook Corner 

Friendly Carpool Reminders


Please follow the designated carpool protocol.


During carpool, the staff is concentrating on the safety of our children.  Please do not give the attendants verbal messages. 


Please be patient; the safety of our children is our first priority.


In order to ensure the safety of our children and to facilitate traffic flow, the parking lot is closed during carpool.  If you have an emergency and must walk up, park on the north side of Root Street.  


Please help us be good neighbors.  Do not U-turn in our neighbor's driveways or on the streets surrounding the school.  While waiting on Imperial, please wait behind our school sign prior to turning the corner onto Root Street.  Do not wait at the stop sign.  This will allow neighborhood traffic to continue unimpeded.  Please follow all rules of the road as well as our carpool protocol.