Happy 2012! Living Light, Making Healthy Living Delicious!
Living Light International
Making Healthy Living Delicious!
January 2012
In This Issue
Living Light Cafe
Living Light Marketplace
This Month's Featured Recipe
The Living Light Difference
Testimonials for Living Light
Inspirational Quote
Find us on Facebook!
NEW! Two Pastry Arts Certifications for 2102
Master the Art of Teaching Raw Foods
FUNdamentals Travels to San Diego
Living Light Graduate Success Story: Jason Wrobel
2012 Hot Raw Chef Sweet Valentine Video Recipe Contest - Voting is Open!
RAWpalooza: Raw World Summit
December Employee of the Month: Martine Lussier
35TH Annual TOTAL HEALTH Convention and Exhibition
Product Spotlight: Divine Organics - Three delicious new food products
Light and Dark Green Juice
Recipes from Living Light: Brazil Almond Chai Tea
Let's Get Social!
Living Light Caf�


Biscotti Sale!

All 3 flavors of our famous Biscotti are on sale now through January 31








regularly $4.50  




regularly $7.95


Living Light Caf  

 707-964-2420 ext 22


Living Light Marketplace

Looking for more information on any of the topics pertaining to a raw vegan lifestyle?

  From recipes to race training, from spirulina to spirituality, from atoms of water to the zen of gardening, Living Light Marketplace has a wall of books to enlighten you! 

Living Light Book Store

Science, metaphysics, recipes, technology, gardening, foraging, lifestyle, and so much more. We feature new authors like Living Light graduates Judita Wignall and Michelle Irwin, and foundational classics from Ann Wigmore, T. Colin Campbell, and Viktoras Kulvinskas, as well as
videos and DVDs to support, inform and entertain.

for our bargains and best buys.
Living Light Marketplace.



This Month's Featured Recipe:

Almond Chai Tea
Almond Chai Tea

by Marine Lussier

The Living Light Difference:

The Living Light Difference  (click image to go to the video page)

Testimonials for Living Light Culinary Institute

Thanks to the great and very professional training I received at Living Light I was voted "Most popular Raw Food Chef" in Germany this year!


-Melanie, Berlin  


From September's Associate Chef and Instructor Training class:

"I feel confident that I have the skills to prepare raw food that looks and tastes cooked... I know the basics for preparing many types of raw dishes."  

-Victoria, FL

"The journey was just amazing! I've learned so much, but not only in class - with everyone! It is a life changing experience that brings you much more than what you think it would" 


-Christelle, FL

"I'm amazed at how much I've learned and how far I've come in three weeks!" 


-Eileen, MI

"I could not be happier about the staff and curriculum. It is very easy to learn here and I got exactly what I hoped for! If you have the resources, this is the perfect place to go."  


 -Becca, WA

"This is a definite "must attend" course if you want to elevate yourself to professional status as a chef in the raw food community. I feel so lucky to have been here. You all inspire me, beyond what we learn in the culinary studio.  


 -Janye, UK

"I have learned so many new skills and techniques. I feel very confident that when I go home I will be able to create some awesome nurturing food for myself, my family and my friends. This was an awesome program and i would highly recommend it to anyone who is seriously considering going from conventional food to raw food." 

-Su, CA



From the 2011 Advanced Raw Culinary Arts Instructor Training classes:

"I learned so much more about being a professional raw food instructor. The teaching materials are incredible."    


-Kang, Singapore

"A phenomenal class packed with invaluable tips, coaching and guides for making your mark as a raw food culinary instructor, author or coach." 


-Nadia, CA

"Perfect training for public speaking and demo presentation. Just what I needed - a detailed, informative introduction into social media"  


 -Hanna, Australia

"This class is a great accompaniment to the Associate Chef and Instructor training. I highly recommend taking it as soon as possible after the basic training."   


 -Kathi, FL

"This class is a must in addition to the Associate Chef class if you are serious about a career in teaching raw foods. Jennifer did an amazing job of teaching all aspects of both the chef training and the advanced instructor course." 

-Victoria, FL


"I came out of this class with a clear sense of what I want to do. I love speaking and communicating and want to focus on internet ventures and get into publishing. The class was incredibly valuable because it helped me chart my course and laid so many options on the table."    


-Allysia, Canada

"I feel like I've been to "finishing school." This class will take me to the next level in terms of organization and professionalism and was spot on for me." 


-Jayne, UK

Inspirational Quote

"Reality is like a bud that keeps opening. The petals keep revealing themselves. It's not as if that bud becomes something that it wasn't before. It just keeps showing its potential."


- Adyashanti    

  quoted in John McCabe's book,  

Igniting Your Life  





Cligence, customer reviewer on Amazon.com


"Igniting Your Life ignites a powder keg under your a**!


Igniting Your Life lays out gobs of truth (very safe for human consumption) especially needed in a society of celebrity worshiping, booze guzzling, boob toobers.  


This book expertly weaves a thorough line of quotations taken from many sources and intelligently ties them together into a comprehensive and most importantly workable philosophy towards living.


The book is not a "12 steps to" or "20 steps to" or gimmicky fake-n-bake program with the guy in his suit, arms crossed, huge permasmile on his face, that says, "I'm always this happy! Really."  


This book, as you read, opens up a doorway into another way of experiencing life. It explores. It nourishes. It inspires you to listen to the best of what it is that is inside you. Any sensitive person (and by that, I don't mean a cry baby) who has endeavored to do any serious thinking about life will laugh at seeing themselves in the writing in its pages.  


It has something very important to share with you."


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Cherie Soria

Cherie Soria
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Living Light Culinary Institute

Living Light Culinary Institute
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Living Light Cafe
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Living Light Marketplace
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Live Your Dreams This Year with Living Light!


appy New Year! Every year in January, many of us take stock of our lives, and evaluate our hopes, plans, and dreams for the New Year and beyond. At Living Light, we are constantly striving to improve our curriculum, listen to the requests we get from the public and our potential students, and offer new programs and certifications to help make dreams come true. No star is out of reach, is our motto. We do believe that anyone who has a sincere wish to make a difference in the world, and opt for optimum health and well being, can truly live their passion! We see evidence of it every day in our students. Check the story on Living Light graduate Jason Wrobel in this month's newsletter, and you'll see what we mean.

We are proud to be instrumental in helping many people realize their dreams and goals in ways they may not have imagined possible. We constantly see miracles in the lives of everyone who comes to our school. Our students' stories of how their paths led them to Living Light are varied and inspirational, and we are so grateful to know that we make a difference in so many lives.

This year, we've introduced several new course packages, to help you refine your goals and get the education you need to create the future of your dreams. And this month, we are introducing two new certifications: Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification offered four times in 2012 and Advanced Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification offered once in Fall 2012.

Our enrollment specialists are the experts to talk to - they'll help guide you to the program that best fits your goals. To get you started, we'll be taking FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods on the road throughout the year. Raw food chefs, Alicia Ojeda and Brenda Hinton, will be in San Diego January 28 to inspire and educate.

As usual, we've got several great events lined up already, including the Hot Raw Chef Video Recipe Contest. Cast your vote and you could win great prizes through February 2nd! RAWpalooza starts on Monday, January 23, with over 40 top speakers in the wellness field, including Cherie Soria and several Living Light grads. And Cherie will be a presenter again this year at the amazing Total Health Conference in Toronto April 20-24. Cherie also plans a 15-city tour across the US and Canada this year, so if you are interested in having Cherie visit your fair city, now is the time to speak up!


If you are juicing this month, you'll enjoy Dr. Karin Dina's raw green juice recipes, and to add a little spice to your life, our culinary programs manager Martine Lussier is offering her low-glycemic, gluten-free creamy delight: Brazil Almond Chai Tea. We hope your year is rich and sweet, and we'd love to help you make it so.


Hava a Bountiful New Year!

Kristin Suratt, PR Director and the entire Living Light Team


pastry banner
NEW! Two Pastry Arts Certifications 
For the 2012 school year, we have created eight packages
two new certifications
, focusing on pastry arts
. We at Living Light have discovered the best way to a cooked-food person's heart is dessert! If you are excited about expanding your gourmet raw culinary skills or becoming a raw food pastry chef, these two new certifications are right for you.

Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification

This enhanced culinary program focuses on raw vegan dessert production through a combination of theory, demonstration and practical hands-on training. Students learn the principles involved in the use of binders, thickeners, emulsifiers and gelling agents; how to choose the right sweeteners and fats for a variety of classic pastry recipes and discover the secrets of making exquisite raw desserts that taste even better than famous cooked desserts! They create a variety of professional looking and sublime tasting gourmet raw desserts that tantalize the palate without compromising health!

Take the entire 6-class certification or if you are already a Living Light Associate Chef and Instructor™ graduate, sign up for the new 4-day Pastry Arts-Unbaked™.
Keep reading for more details...

Earn your  Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification in 2012:
It's not too late...

Session 2:
Entire Series: February 4-February 29
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ only: February 26-29

Session 3:
Entire Series: March 3-March 28
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ only: March 25-28

Session 5:
Entire Series: May 19-June 13
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ only: June 10-13

Session 8:
Entire Series: September 1-26
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ only: September 23-26

Regular Price for this 6-course certification: $6,850
Discounted 10% off Introductory Rate*: $6,190 -A $660  savings  
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ only: $1,375

Pasty Arts-Unbaked Certification
FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods™   
Sharpen up Your Knife Skills!™  
Essentials of Raw Culinary Arts™   
Science of Raw Food Nutrition™ I  
Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef & Instructor Training™
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™    

*The introductory rate discount cannot be combined with an other discounts. Tuition prices for California Residents slightly higher ($2.50 - $17.50) depending on certification selection due to mandatory State STRF fees.

Advanced Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification
This advanced culinary program focuses on gourmet raw vegan dessert preparation and pastry arts recipe development through intensive, practical and comprehensive training. Once students understand the principles involved in the use of binders, thickeners, emulsifiers and gelling agents, know how to choose the right sweeteners and fats for any given dessert recipe through hands-on training and are confident in preparing a variety of classic pastry recipes, they are ready to create their own fabulous gourmet raw vegan dessert creations.

Living Light pastry chef instructors provide supportive and expert guidance in helping students develop their own recipes and translate favorite cooked desserts into raw vegan desserts.

Earn your Advanced Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification in 2012:
After completing your first 6 courses and earned your Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification, come back in November 2012 to take Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ Level II. Upon completion of this recipe development pastry arts course, you will earn the Advanced Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification.

Session 9:
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ Level II only:  November 17-November 20

Regular Price for this 7-course certification: $8,225
Discounted 10% off Introductory Rate*: $7427.50 -A $797.50 savings  
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ Level II only: $1,375

Advanced Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification
FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods™   
Sharpen up Your Knife Skills!™  
Essentials of Raw Culinary Arts™   
Science of Raw Food Nutrition™ I  
Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef & Instructor Training™  Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™  
Pastry Arts-Unbaked!™ Level II    

*The introductory rate discount cannot be combined with an other discounts. Tuition prices for California Residents slightly higher ($2.50 - $20.00) depending on certification selection due to mandatory State STRF fees.

Call 707-964-2420 to speak to an enrollment specialist for more information about these NEW certifications!

Check our school schedule for information about all of our packages, including the Associate Chef Package, Instructor-Focused Package, Gourmet Chef , Gourmet Plus, and Gourmet Completion Packages (for students who have already received their Associate Chef certification), and the Platinum and Nutrition Educator Packages.

The five-course Associate Chef Package completes the certification that is the foundation for all other culinary programs and provides a supportive environment for students to learn about raw food preparation from A to Z. This program develops confidence in basic chef skills, including flavor balancing and recipe development. This certification program is included in all of our advanced culinary packages.

The six-course Instructor-focused package is offered two times a year and includes both the Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef and Instructor Certification™ and the Advanced Raw Culinary Arts Instructor Training Certification™. In this career-focused program, you'll discover important tips and tools for becoming a raw food teacher whose services are in demand to an ever expanding audience of raw food enthusiasts. You will also learn how to market your classes using a number of practical skills that will help you create your own successful raw food business.

TiramisuThe seven-course Pastry-focused package is offered four times a year and is comprised of the Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef and Instructor Training Certification™, Essential Oils, and  Pastry Arts-Unbaked Certification. You will explore the fabulous world of raw desserts and advanced pastry artistry. Discover the secret of making exquisite dairy- and gluten-free raw vegan desserts that taste even better than famous cooked desserts. This package is for the student who wants to learn both gourmet raw vegan savory and sweet cuisine.

The eight-course Gourmet Chef package 
begins with the  Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef and Instructor Training Certification™, followed by three advanced culinary courses that expand on what you've learned, and provide you with extensive experience in flavor balancing, recipe development, food costing and catering. Students who complete this package will receive two certifications, including the Gourmet Raw Food Chef Certification™ and will be taken to the next level of confidence and expertise.

The eleven- to twelve-course Gourmet Plus package includes the Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef and Instructor Training Certification™, Gourmet Raw Food Chef Certification™ and more. When you choose the Gourmet Plus Package, you will explore gourmet raw vegan cuisine, recipe development, flavor balancing, catering, essential oils for both culinary and health enhancement and the art of creating gourmet raw desserts. And in the Fall expanded pastry session, Living Light pastry chef instructors provide you with supportive, expert guidance in helping you develop your own delicious dessert recipes.

Living Light students preparing a delicious catered dinner.
Living Light students preparing a delicious catered dinner.

If you are one who wants the very best, the Platinum Package gives you just about everything Living Light has to offer from the best raw vegan culinary education to instructor training to raw food nutrition. Students completing this package will graduate with the Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef and Instructor Training Certification™, Gourmet Raw Food Chef Certification™, Benefits of Raw Food Nutrition Educator Certification™ and Advanced Raw Food Nutrition Educator Certification™. It is the cr�me de la cr�me of our eight chef and nutrition program packages.

Are you a Living Light Associate Chef and Instructor graduate who would like to continue developing your culinary skills and receive your Gourmet Raw Food Chef Certification™? In this four- to five-course Gourmet Completion Plus package,  you will receive advanced gourmet instruction in recipe development, flavor balancing, catering, elegant entertaining, food costing and pastry arts. Upon completion of this package, you will graduate with a certification as a Gourmet Raw Food Chef.

Living Light has teamed up with Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C. to offer a comprehensive series of classes on the science of raw food nutrition. This five-course Nutrition Educator Package includes two certifications: Benefits of Raw Food Nutrition Educator Certification™ and Advanced Raw Food Nutrition Educator Certification™. This package is highly recommended for health educators and raw food chefs who plan to teach the benefits of raw and living foods with scientific-based knowledge and confidence.

Master the Art of Teaching Raw Foods 

Advanced Raw Culinary Arts Instructor Certification™ Series


Whether you are already a certified Living Light Chef, or are a complete beginner, you'll love our new Advanced Instructor Certification.

Take the entire 6-class series, or if you are already a Living Light Associate Chef and Instructor graduate, sign up for the new 5-day Advanced Raw Culinary Arts Instructor Training.  Keep reading for more details...


Earn your Advanced Instructor Certification in 2012:  


Entire Series: January 7-February 2 

Advanced Instructor Training only: January 29-February 2


Entire Series: June 16-July 12 

Advanced Instructor Training only: July 8-12


Advanced Raw Culinary Arts Instructor Certification™ Series  


Regular Price for this 6-course certification: $6,690

Discounted 10% off Introductory Rate: $6,021 -A $669 savings  

Advanced Instructor Training only: $1,575 


Advanced Raw Culinary Arts Instructor Training Certification™

FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods™   

Sharpen up Your Knife Skills!™  

Essentials of Raw Culinary Arts™   

Science of Raw Food Nutrition I  

Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef and Instructor Training™  

Advanced Raw Culinary Arts Instructor Training™    


Click here to read a detailed description of this new advanced series! 


FUNdamentals Travels to San Diego, January 28 

Two dynamic raw food chefs - Alicia Ojeda and Brenda Hinton -
are teaming up this January to teach FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods™ in San Diego on January 28.

Alicia Ojeda
Alicia Ojeda
Date: Saturday, January 28, 2012
Time: 9:00 AM−5:30 PM
Venue: Santa Clara Recreational Center
Address: 1008 Santa Clara Place, San Diego, CA 92109
Tuition: $375 Includes a delicious organic raw vegan buffet lunch
Required Text: Angel Foods: Healthy Recipes for Heavenly Bodies by Cherie Soria

To register: Call 707-964-2420 or 800-816-2319,
or visit our website: RawFoodChef.com

Over the years, many of you have asked for Living Light classes in your communities.

Brenda Hinton
Brenda Hinton
2012 is t
he year! We'll be taking FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods™ all over the United States, and to Canada, Asia, and the South Pacific! Now is the time to begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle. Since 1998, Living Light Culinary Institute has been widely recognized as the top raw vegan training program in the world. Literally thousands of people from over 50 countries on 6 continents have already taken this flagship introduction to raw living foods.

FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods™ is a one-day intensive course providing comprehensive instruction in raw food cuisine - it's the foundation of all of our curriculum at Living Light, and it is the first class in our Associate Chef and Instructor Certification. Successful completion of the class is the prerequisite for continuing with any of the classes in our chef training series. And the best news is that the class is open to all - novice to professional chef.

More FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods™ On the Road Classes:
  • April 14:  FUNdamentals in Vancouver
  • April 28:  FUNdamentals in Toronto
  • May 5:  FUNdamentals in Seattle
We'd love to bring FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods™ to YOUR community. Some of the cities we are looking at are:

New York, Boston, Miami, Washington DC, Dallas, Chicago, Denver, San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Las Vegas, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Portland, Oregon.

If you live in areas near any of these locations, and are interested in helping us set up classes and talks there, please let us know as soon as possible. Cherie Soria will give talks and demos in many of the areas, so if you'd like to be a host or facilitator, please write to Karen@rawfoodchef.com. Or, if you'd like to host Drs. Rick and Karin Dina for a one-day class on Science of Raw Food Nutrition, please contact Karen@rawfoodchef.com
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Living Light Graduate Success Story: Jason Wrobel

Jason WrobelJason Wrobel was an early Associate Chef and Instructor Graduate from Living Light. He received his certification in November, 2005, and has been a very busy person since then!

A native of Detroit, Michigan, Jason still enjoys visiting his hometown, and finds an interesting culture developing there, with many transplants from San Francisco, Brooklyn, and other urban centers, relocating to Detroit to purchase affordable buildings, warehouses, art galleries, and other real estate and start conscious, creative businesses.

"I still teach raw foods classes there at least a couple of times a year, and enjoy eating at restaurants that use produce from urban organic farms," Jason says. "DetroitEvolution.com is a great website to check out. There is a big demand in Detroit, Edmonton, and other smaller markets - they are chomping at the bit and hungry for knowledge about raw food!"

When Jason first arrived as a student at Living Light, he considered himself sort of a "soup and salad chef." He liked to eat simple, healthy food, but his principle interest in attending the school was to expand his skills and creativity, learn recipe development, knife skills, flavor balancing, and raw food nutrition.

"I came away from the school feeling totally empowered," he says. "The curriculum at Living Light offers such a wide swath of comprehensive information. I left the school armed with a whole new skill set, and I was ready to move into my career as a raw chef."  Click to read more... 


Hot Raw Chef Sweet Valentine Video Recipe contest2012 Hot Raw Chef
Sweet Valentine Video Recipe Contest

Voting is Open!
Choose your favorite Hot Raw Chef and be entered to win valuable prizes, just for voting. When you vote, your name will automatically be entered into a FREE DRAWING to win Green Star Elite Juicer (a $539 value). It's a top of the line juicer that we recommend to all of our students at Living Light. Second and third raffle winners picked from the drawing will receive a Tribest Personal Blender 300 XL, valued at $99 each! AND, that's not all! 48 other lucky voters will each win a trio of great organic food items donated by Divine Organics: A 7-ounce bag of raw, organic, sun-dried, low-glycemic White Mulberries, a 6-ounce bag of finely ground, organic Almond Flour and a 6-ounce bag of raw organic Polynesian Pili Nuts. This special gift is valued at $29.98 (shipping not included).

And, every voter will receive a free Hot Raw Chef™ Sweet Valentine eBook of all of the delicious low-glycemic, gluten-free recipes prepared by each of the contestants. Sweet!

We'd like to thank our very generous sponsor Tribest for donating these wonderful prizes. If you'd like to be eligible to win a juicer or blender, just click here to vote for YOUR favorite Hot Raw Chef™. It's lots of fun.

Or, go to www.HotRawChef.com and vote anytime until February 2nd.

Your votes count for 20% of the overall score for the Grand Prize winner and 100% of the Peoples' Choice Award winner.

Tribest logo
We are very grateful to Tribest, this year's generous platinum sponsor for our Hot Raw Chef™ Sweet Valentine Video Recipe Contest, and many thanks also to our contributing sponsor Divine Organics. We are proud to have two such wonderful companies as our sponsors and supporters.
Divine Organics logo  
RAWpalooza Banner RAWpalooza
2012 Raw World Summit hosted by Steve Prussack of Raw Vegan Radio
A Free Online Event

Cherie will be a featured speaker at this world class online event, along with Living Light graduates Jennifer Cornbleet, Judita Wignall, Sergei and Victoria Boutenko, Jason Wrobel, and Vesanto Melina. Other presenters (more than 40 in all!) will include Dr. Will Tuttle, Dr. Doug Graham, Paul Nison, Brenda Davis, Karen Knowler, and Jameth Sheridan along with many other notable speakers. The event begins January 23, and lasts for a full week. You'll receive up-to-the-minute, cutting edge information and insights from leaders in wellness, raw food nutrition and conscious evolution, who will provide information based on the latest research to help us all create sustainable, healthy, and conscious solutions for planetary healing. Don't miss this great free event!

Click here to sign up.
December Employee of the Month: Martine Lussier

Martine LussierWe are honored once again to recognize Living Light Culinary Programs manager, Martine Lussier, as our Employee of the Month. Martine was born in Montreal, Canada and is a certified Living Light Professional Raw Food Chef, consummate instructor and manager

Martine's culinary team describes her as extremely organized, talented, compassionate, funny and great leader. They say not only does she keep everything running smoothly when things get crazy but she also maintains a good, professional attitude even when the going gets tough.

Martine is dedicated to the raw food lifestyle and is highly regarded by her friends and colleagues at Living Light, as well as by the students. Martine is hard-working, focused, creative, and determined. She says she loves working at Living Light because of the wonderful friendships, teamwork and support we receive from one another. She says it feels like we are truly a family.

Besides developing new recipes and reading, Martine enjoys watching hockey, surfing, exploring the sand dunes near her house and looking for sand dollars. She is a brown belt in karate, a champion outrigger canoe paddler, loves to dance, and is a huge fan of the all-female Led Zeppelin tribute band, Zepparella. Her goals include sharing and learning from others, developing good relationships, and being happy and healthy.

Martine is always there to help whoever is in need. She continues to be greatly appreciated by management and staff and is an incredible gift to Living Light International.
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TOTAL HEALTH Convention and Exhibition
Cherie Soria will be a key presenter at the 35th Annual TOTAL HEALTH Convention and Exhibition in Toronto, Canada, April 20-21
Cherie Soria

TOTAL HEALTH is considered North America's premier natural health show. Total Health brings cutting edge knowledge to the public by the leading innovators in the natural health field. Speakers will focus on creating good health and preventing disease using natural methods: good nutrition, living foods, herbs, natural supplements, diverse healing modalities, energy medicine, organic gardening, traditional farming, agricultural biodiversity, healthy homes, ecologically based communities, renewable energy source and preserving a healthy environment for our children. We as consumers must choose foods and medicines which do no harm to people, animals or our planet.

Other focal points of the show include the health effects of the electromagnetic fields created by cell towers, cell phones and WiFi and how to safely use this technology. The central Gourmet Organic Cafe and relaxing Spa Oasis provide delicious food, massage and an invigorating and uplifting atmosphere.

Cherie will offer a 3-hour special workshop on Saturday from 7-9 pm entitled, Raw Food for Health, Beauty and Longevity. Cherie will share some of her health, beauty and longevity secrets and show you how to make amazingly delicious foods that will support a long and healthy life.


Hot Raw Chef Product Spotlight: Divine Organics
Divine Organics logo


Three delicious new food products
you will want to try

At Living Light, our goal is to help you make healthy living delicious! We have fun trying out new products that are both tasty and health promoting. We'd like to introduce you to three products imported by one of our favorite companies, Divine Organics and Royal Himalayan. I have known the owner of these companies for nearly a decade now, and I know I can trust him to supply me with the very best products money can buy.
Living Light Culinary Institute and Divine Organics Products
Living Light Culinary Institute and Divine Organics Products
The three new products I love (and know you will, too) are White Mulberries, Polynesian Pili Nuts, and Almond Flour.

White MulberriesRoyal Himalayan organic, sundried, White Mulberries are pure, raw YUMMY-NESS! They're also a good source of Vitamins E, K, as well as Folate, Selenium, Beta Carotene and other important antioxidants. They're naturally sweet and delicious, and I appreciate that they are also low on the glycemic index, so I can enjoy them straight out of the bag or soaked and added to smoothies, fruit salads, breakfast cereal, and granola - even sweet sauces and chutneys. White Mulberries can also be used in raw snack foods like cookies, pie crusts, and cakes. Just put them in a spice grinder and grind them into a fine meal.

For a quick treat at home, I like to combine ground White Mulberries with soaked, peeled, ground Pili Nuts. To bind it together I add a very small amount (a tablespoon or so) of finely shredded apple or Irish moss gel, if I have some on hand. Then I form the mixture into a ball and eat it right away, or flatten it into a cookie and dehydrate it for a few hours or a full day - until it is just the right crispness. Sometimes I add a little naturally sweet mesquite flour to the mixture or some white almond flour and a little vanilla or carob and OMG! It's almost too easy to make to taste this good.

Pili NutsPolynesian Pili Nuts are one of my favorite new products by Divine Organics. The Pili Nut is a delicious exotic nut kernel from a sustainable evergreen tree that is grown on islands where there is tropical or subtropical climate. This is a lovely rich nut that is popular in Southeast Asian cuisine and has a flavor that reminds me of a combination of pine nuts, pecans, and brazil nuts. Nutritionally, Pili Nuts are high in calcium, phosphorus, fats, proteins, and B vitamins. They are delicious made into a milk or cream to use in cream sauces, poured over cereal, or added to fresh smoothies, soups, ice creams, and desserts. They can be used in pesto, made into pates and dips, added to salads, dressings, rice, and even pasta. If you soak Pili Nuts for a few hours, you can use a rough kitchen towel to wipe away the skin or just peel them using your fingers to separate the skin from beautiful tender white nut. I enjoy eating them this way but with or without the skin, they are delicious.

Almond FlourAn ingredient we have been using at Living Light for over a decade in bread, burgers, and desserts is almond flour. We always made our own flour from almonds by hot soaking and peeling them, then dehydrating them and finally grinding them into a fine meal. But I have never had almond flour as delicious and convenient as the one we now purchase from Divine Organics. This Almond Flour is made from certified organic, sweet almonds that are peeled, dried, and then ground into a perfect, fine powder. The flour is naturally gluten-free and low-glycemic, so it's a perfect ingredient to use for gluten-free and low-glycemic diets. Almond flour has a nutty, sweet taste that works wonders in raw burgers, breads, and desserts. It's so versatile really - the sky's the limit.

Almonds have long been considered the queen of nuts, since they are less acidic than many other nuts, and they are high in mono-unsaturated fats, which have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Almonds are also an excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, copper and iron. These nutrients are reported to have a positive impact on a healthy complexion, good digestion, and healthy blood sugar levels. Divine Organics Almond Flour is one of my favorite new products. If you haven't tried it yet, I encourage you to do so! I know you'll enjoy all three of these excellent ingredients. We offer these and hundreds of other great products in Living Light Marketplace.

And don't forget, you can win a free gift bag of all three of these wonderful products just for voting for your favorite chef in the 2012 Sweet Valentine Video Recipe Contest!
green juiceLight and Dark Green Juice
By Dr. Karin Dina, D.C. 

We hope that you had a joyful and healthy holiday season!
January is a formative month of the year for Rick and me. It is a time to regroup and set our sights on the coming year. It is also a time when we sit down and ask ourselves some necessary questions: how have we progressed toward reaching our personal and professional goals and what do we want to achieve in the coming year. One of our simpler goals for this year is to enjoy more green juice. I enjoy developing new green juice recipes and am continually amazed at the nutrient content of even the simplest of green juices.

Here is a green juice recipe for people who enjoy a lighter flavored green juice:
  • 5 stalks of celery (12" long)
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • 1 medium cucumber, 8" long
This recipe makes about 2 cups of juice. The ingredients for this juice contain 198 mg of calcium, 2 mg of iron, 1 mg of zinc, and 81 mg of magnesium.

For people who enjoy the flavor of dandelion greens, here is a dark green juice recipe:
  • 5 stalks of celery (12" long)
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • 1 medium cucumber, 8" long
  • 3 cups fris�e greens (curly endive)
  • 5 cups dandelion greens
This recipe makes about 3 cups of juice. The ingredients in this juice contain 790 mg of calcium, almost 12 mg of iron, 3.4 mg of zinc, and almost 203 mg of magnesium. As one can see, the dandelion greens and fris�e greens contribute quite a bit of calcium and iron to this juice when compared to the light green juice recipe. These numbers are impressive when compared to the adult daily values for these nutrients!

We wish you much health and happiness in 2012. Cheers!

For more information about Rick and Karin Dina, D.C. and their Science of Raw Food Nutrition series of classes at Living Light, click here.


recipeRecipes from Living Light    


Brazil Almond Chai Tea

 By Martine Lussier  


This is a perfect beverage to savor and enjoy anytime of the year.

Almond Chai TeaBecause stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, it is attractive as a natural sweetener to people on low sugar diet.

� cup almonds, soaked 8 hours, rinsed and drained
� cup brazil nuts, soaked 8 hours, rinsed and drained
3 cinnamon sticks
32 cardamom pods
32 whole cloves
� cup unperfumed loose black tea leaves
4 drops Stevia
3 drops Thieves Young Living Essential oil

1. Using a high speed blender, make the nut milk by adding the soaked almond and brazil nuts to 3 cups filtered water.
2. Strain the nut milk using a nut milk bag. Transfer to a glass half gallon jar.  Keep the nut pulp for further uses.
3. Using a tea pot, boil 1 cup water and pour over the unperfumed loose black tea leaves. Let sit for 60 minutes and strain. Add to the nut milk.
4. Meanwhile, add cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods and cloves to the nut milk.
5. Have the spices secured into a cheesecloth and let seep for 2 hours.
6. Remove the spices and add Thieves and Stevia. Stir well and enjoy!
Drink as is or warm. Will keep for about 4-5 days in your refrigerator. 

Let's Get Social
In 2012, So Many Great Ways to Keep in Touch with Living Light!

We just love all of our students and fans from around the world, and we' re always excited about connecting with people who want to learn more about the raw food lifestyle, and our comprehensive courses and certification programs at Living Light. We also enjoy getting to know more about people who live in our local community.

We're investing more time and energy in social media each year, because we know it's a great way to stay in touch!

FAN us on Facebook:
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You'll get the latest updates, recipes, tips, and details about each of our four businesses.

Visit our Blogs:
We've been blogging for several years now. On RawFoodChef, bloggers Kristin and Mary Elizabeth share unique insights, humor, AND lots of great information about Living Light. Two other blogs we know you'll enjoy are The Chef Experience, and our brand new blog for 2012, Food for Thought, featuring our own Cherie Soria (we're super excited to see what she has to say - stay tuned for the live link!) She'll be tweeting tips and tricks this year, too: Follow Cherie on Twitter!

Be sure to connect with Cherie on Linkedin, too. Isn't it nice how we can all keep in touch in all of these new and exciting ways?


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Living Light International

Living Light International, LLC
email: info@RawFoodChef.com
phone: 707-964-2420 or 800-816-2319
web: RawFoodChef.com