The Educated Franchisee Insider Newsletter

The Educated Franchisee
The How-To Book for Choosing a Winning FranchiseOctober 2011
Author ImageGreetings!

This month I would like to provide an update regarding many of the exciting changes that are happening here at The Educated Franchisee.


First, The Franchisee Workbook is almost ready to go to print. Final approvals are occurring as I write this update and we expect to roll the printing presses within a month. The Franchisee Workbook has taken over 3 years to craft and provides a comprehensive set of exercises designed assist with the due diligence process. It will be an excellent addition to The Educated Franchisee suite of offerings.


Second, The Franchisee Resource Center, a complete rework of our current website, is nearing completion. The new website has five times more information, reports, data and information than the current website. It will also include a variety of additional tools designed to support the franchise due diligence process. As soon as the new website is fully online, I will provide a full update and links.


Third, A Glossary of Franchise Terms is now complete. With the assistance of some of the finest legal minds in the country, this comprehensive glossary of franchise terms took over 9 months to create. The glossary offers accurate definitions to every relevant term in franchise. A Glossary of Franchise Terms will be available for free on our new website and can be found at the end of The Franchisee Workbook. If you would like a PFD version of the glossary sooner than that, just let me know and I can forward a copy directly to you.


Finally, at the request of many newsletter subscribers, we will be starting a Franchise Opportunity Bulletin within the next several months. This bulletin will highlight specific business opportunities that, we believe, deserve special attention. We are very much looking forward to this and believe that these very special opportunities will be particularly interesting to many of you.


That's it for this month. Enjoy the articles and have a great October.



Rick Bisio
Apple Image Citi Pledges $24 Billion In Small-Business Lending Over Three Years.

NEW YORK - Citigroup Inc. on Tuesday pledged $24 billion in loans to small business in the U.S. over the next three years, a sum that would significantly increase the bank's lending to such businesses.


The move comes at a time when banks are trying to repair an image tarnished by their role in the financial crisis and the massive government aid they received. They face criticism for cutting back on lending, while at the same time demand for loans, particularly from small businesses, remains tepid.


Go to American Banker, Click Here
Apple Image Keys to Structuring a Partnership Agreement

Partnership agreements are written documents that explicitly detail the relationship between the business partners and their individual obligations and contributions to the partnership. Since partnership agreements should cover all possible business situations that could arise during the partnership's life, the documents are often complex; legal counsel in drafting and reviewing the finished contract is generally recommended. If a partnership does not have a partnership agreement in place when it dissolves, the guidelines of the Uniform Partnership Act and various state laws will determine how the assets and debts of the partnership are distributed.







Apple Image Local Businessman Reinvents Career.

When Michael Grothe grew weary of commercial banking industry after 20 years, he turned his sights toward selling an innovative product.

When twenty years in the commercial banking industry began to take its toll on Bradenton resident, Michael Grothe, he knew it was time to make a drastic change.


"It's really quite simple - I got tired of it," Grothe said.


"I wasn't having fun. I didn't like my job. I knew I had to do something different."


Grothe made the decision to trade in his suit and tie for a new career...  

Go To Bradenton Patch, Click Here
Apple Image Every Job Requires an Entrepreneur 

In his speech before a joint session of Congress on Sept. 8, President Obama said, "Ultimately, our recovery will be driven not by Washington, but by our businesses and our workers."

He is right. We can spark an economic recovery by unleashing the job-creating power of business, especially small entrepreneurial businesses, which fuel economic and job growth quickly and efficiently. Indeed, it is the only way to pull ourselves out of this economic funk.  


What we can do-and absolutely must-is knock down all hurdles that create disincentives for investment in business.


Private enterprise works. I founded Charles Schwab in 1974, when America was confronting a crisis of confidence similar to today's. We had rapidly rising inflation and unemployment, economic growth grinding into negative territory, and paralyzed markets. The future looked pretty bleak.


Sound familiar?


Go to The Wall Street Journal, Click Here 


The Book
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There is a reality in life.  Greater knowledge drives better decisions and better decisions reduce business risk.  Franchising is all about risk reduction but not all franchises are low risk.  The Educated Franchisee is designed to empower you.  By following the advice and guidance presented in this book you will recognize high quality franchises and confidently pass over those that are not.

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Author - Rick Bisio