Awareness News
Bazooka Proof   Vol 5, 2011
In This Issue
Feature Article
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Happy Day!


This newsletter is dedicated to Stacey - your wedding was wonderful and you were a stunning bride!! Thanks for including me on your special day.


Today I continue my conversation about Fear versus Freedom, hoping to take you from fear to freedom in your life!



To read part one of this two-part discussion, click here: Last Month's Newsletter 


First, more about fear...


The thing to remember about fear and freedom is that feelings attract. That's what the Law of Attraction is about. Your thoughts and beliefs create feelings, and feelings create your reality. So, if you feel freedom (or love, joy, gratitude, and the like), you will attract things that will create more of the same.


On the other hand, if you feel fear, you will draw to you the very thing you fear! It is a spiritual truth: you will continue to experience whatever it is you fear until you do not fear it anymore. This is because we are wired for bliss, joy and freedom. If we're not there yet, we have to grow out of the things that are in the way. In other words, we have to face the things we fear until we are strong enough to move beyond them.


This is especially true in relationships. Common relationship fears are of:

  • being rejected
  • being abandoned
  • being controlled
  • not measuring up, not being good enough
  • being a failure
  • not being accepted or valued
  • being "found out" as damaged or not lovable


Many people have at least one of these fears. The goal of overcoming them is to know yourself so well and so deeply that you love and accept all of you all of the time. Then, when you are in that powerful place, you will not be afraid of what someone else thinks, says, feels or does as it regards you. Bobby Drinnon calls that being bazooka-proof.




Being Bazooka-Proof is about as free as one human being can get: total and complete freedom, confidence, solidity of character, full self-realization, individuation, and an inner peace that can't be shaken.


This state of being comes from the Higher Self, that part of us that knows who we are, our purpose and our place in the world. It is the part that is connected with Spirit/Divinity/God, whatever you call that power greater than our human selves. It is a place of knowing and of true faith.


In BP-land, we stay calm and solid, no matter what happens in life. We are not dependent on others' acceptance, approval, moods, or behavior. We are not even impacted by our own negative thoughts and bad feelings. In fact, we hardly have them.


When BP, we do the right thing - even if we don't feel like it, even if it hurts, and no matter the consequences. We don't worry about things that are beyond our control, and we live in a state of detachment - not attached to outcomes, people, places or things. We thrive amidst the craziness and unrest that surrounds us. We are not controlled by fear, shame, guilt, obligation, or other such influences. We are free to live life on life's terms.


Two perfect stories of what it is to be Bazooka-Proof are found in Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth. "Is that so" can be found on p199 and "I don't mind what happens" is on p198. Highly recommended reading.


Becoming Bazooka-Proof is a process that requires awareness, persistence and determination. I hope you will choose to seek it for yourself.


I offer a Spiritual Self Assessment for those who want to know where they are on the path, how close they are to Bazooka-Proof. If you're interested, contact me


Upcoming Events



Redefining Your Higher Power
Recovery and Spirituality - a perfect companion to your 12-Step program 

Define and connect with your HP, the God of Your Understanding.  

October 2011: Six Tuesdays starting October 11 from 6:30 to 8:00pm
The Awareness Studio, 5825 Glenridge Drive, Sandy Springs
Tuition: $185
Referral bonus: $20 for every person you refer who registers for the program
For more information: Redefining Your Higher Power 

Love's Journey  
Helping you have a profoundly fulfilling love relationship by preparing your heart and soul.


Formerly known as Solo to Soulmate, Love's Journey is designed to support your success in  love relationships, whether you are single, married, or somewhere in between. This class has been expanded to include more material and is open to any woman who wants to attend.

Meets: Six Tuesdays starting on  January 10, 2012.
Location: 743 Virginia Ave NE, Atlanta GA, 30306
Referral bonus: $20 for every person you refer who registers for the program
For more information: Love's Journey  
This includes the six sessions and an individual session with me as a follow-up to the class.

Soulmate Journey - Full (contact me if  you are interested in a future class) 
A monthly gathering for graduates of Solo to Soulmate - to support your success on your dating and relationship journey.

Meets: Ten Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:00am, starting on October 15.  
Location: The Awareness Studio, 5825 Glenridge Drive, Sandy Springs
Tuition: $300

Making Sense of Men (an Understand Men event -- women only)
2 hours of powerful information that will help you dramatically improve your relationships with men.

NOTE: we are planning another event for sometime in October. If you're interested in attending, let me know.