Relationship Concepts Newsletter
Barriers to Intimacy January-February 2009
In This Issue
Barriers to Intimacy
Upcoming Classes
Radio Show Appearances
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I hope your year is off to a great start!
In this era of great change, our relationships are more important than ever. Here's a great way to make yours stronger, better, more connected.
Wishing for you a year of many blessings,
Barriers to Intimacy 



The basis of the word "intimacy" is that of making oneself known. I have heard it described as "into-me-see". (Love it!) Pia Mellody, in her books Facing Codependency and Facing Love Addiction, defines intimacy as "when one person shares his or her reality with the other, and the other comprehends it without judging or trying to change it."
We all want to be known in a deep, enduring way and be loved in the space of that knowing. In my opinion, this is a basic human drive and need, which is one of the reasons there is so much desire in our hearts for that unique love relationship.
True interpersonal connection happens on several levels -- physical, sexual, emotional, intellectual. It includes acceptance, understanding, validation, empathy, and listening. Who wouldn't want that, eh? It's a requirement for long-lasting, soul-satisfying love relationships. 

And many of us need help in this department.



Even though as human beings we hunger for closeness, we erect barriers to it. To help you remove those barriers and experience more intimacy, I want to share with you some of the clever ways we humans masterfully avoid the very thing we want. You can find more information about these in the books mentioned above.
Boundaries are necessary in all relationships. They help us know where we end and another begins. Healthy boundaries make it safe to be intimate. Walls, however, are boundaries gone bad. Intimacy can be a scary adventure, and if we haven't been taught how to have strong, respectful boundaries, we'll put up walls instead.
Some examples:
--Strong emotions, such as anger and fear
People who are quick to anger put up a very unpleasant force shield that most of us will do anything to avoid. Those who come from a place of fear are either in a constant attempt to hide out or they cause others around them to treat them with "kid gloves", thereby avoiding any real or lasting contact.
This kind of wall comes usually in the form of someone who doesn't say much, or someone who does not disclose. If you keep your conversations on a surface level, such as weather, sports and business, no one can get to know the real you. Sometimes silence is a mark of passive-aggression, sometimes it's a way of life. Beware the withholder.
The opposite of silence is constant chatter, and someone who uses this kind of wall has a difficult time listening. They tend to dominate conversations without letting others chime in. Have you ever known anyone who wouldn't let you get a word in edgewise? How close did you feel to that person?
--Artificial maturity, arrogance
Some people walk around like a bastion of strength, remaining calm at all times, never showing emotion. It's almost impossible to get through to folks like that, no matter how hard you try.
Some of us have been taught to be genteel and nice at all times. In many cases, this means we don't tell the truth when it isn't pretty. This kind of nicey-nicey lacks authenticity. A wall of pleasantness is a very effective way to avoid conflict and make things look good, but not an effective way to nurture love.
Probably the biggest wall there is, addiction keeps people from being present, awake and aware to themselves and others. As you may already know, it's a formidable "Great Wall of China" in which the only relationship is between the user and their drug of choice.
Distractions are mini-walls, little everyday things we do that sometimes get in the way. In general, there is nothing wrong with these activities, however, they are things that can be used to create distance and hold intimacy at bay.
In today's society, we're admired for how much we can get done, and there's a lot to do. Some people use their schedule to create a distraction from and distance in their relationships.
--TV, radio
These things are so commonplace today that we don't even notice them anymore. And what we really don't notice is how distracting they are, how much they keep us from getting close to each other. Television, radio, and other background noise (loud music at restaurants, for example) are auditory and energetic drains on our psyches, bodies and emotional connections. Yes, go have your fun, watch your show, blast your favorite songs. And yes, balance that with quiet "together time".
--Hobbies, sports
Ever heard the term "golf widow"? That's what I'm talking about. It's not the fact that you have a sport or hobby, it's whether or not you use it to avoid intimate contact.




Do any of the above sound familiar? Are there more you could add to the list? I hope you can see that there are a variety of ways we humans keep from being known. Quite often, we're not even aware that we're doing it.
--How do you feel about getting close to others? Is it scary in any way? Why?
--What are you most afraid someone will find out?
--Are you comfortable with letting people get to know all of you, not just the good stuff?
--Are you willing to see that you might be putting up walls? Are you aware of the barriers that others erect? How does that feel?
--What would friends, family, coworkers say about you, regarding boundaries, walls and distractions?
The key to change is your ability to notice. First, awareness, then action. What can you do to create more intimacy in your life?


Parting Thought


"Ah, look at all the lonely people...." goes the Beatle's song. So many are very lonely, even in a room full of others. The answer is learning how to be safe and allowing intimacy to unfold.

Upcoming Classes

Solo to Soulmate
Unlock the mystery of finding True Love!

Is your love life cause for celebration? Would you like it to be?  

March 2009
: Four Tuesdays, March 3, 10, 17, 24
Location: In-home, Dunwoody
 NOTE: Can't make this classes?
Consider hosting your own Solo to Soulmate! Hostesses get one month of free coaching! Call for details.
Soulmate 2: The Journey
A monthly gathering of Solo to Soulmate graduates - for support on your dating and relationship journey.
Meets: The second Monday of every month, 7:00 to 9:00pm, starting February 9, 2009
Location: 5825 Glenridge Drive, Sandy Springs 
Singles Social Series
An opportunity to connect with like-minded singles through a series of unique social events. For more information, contact Marie Pijanowski at the Center for Social Connections, [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, February 25 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm 
Fast Forward Process - The Road to Gold
For entrepreneurs, small business owners, independent contractors, sales representatives. Ensure your success with a powerful vision and a plan for the coming year. Co-lead with Linda Zuk. 
Date: Friday, April 24 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Location: Sandy Springs area
The Power of Personal Brand
Want more sales, a better job, a promotion, deeper relationships? Learn to use your personal brand!
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009 from 10am to 1:00pm
Location: Emory Lifelong Learning Center, Briarcliff Campus
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009 - time TBD
Location: Emory Lifelong Learning Center, Alpharetta Campus

Upcoming Radio Shows
I'm on again! Below is information on how and when to listen in. Feel free to call in!! The show will be recorded.
Exploring the Conscious Life
Tuesday, March 31 at 9:00pm Eastern