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Write for You News & Notes Words Working for You
November 2011/Vol. 6, #11

Welcome to the latest issue of Write for You News & Notes with some words of wisdom on writing, business, and life. If you'd like to share any books or favorite links with our readers, send us an email. And be sure to check our website for ways that we can help you with your business. On paper or online, when you need words that work for you, I can write for you!

Nancy Passow

in this issue
  • Book of the Month . . . 18 Minutes
  • What Month is This?
  • Incomplete is Good
  • Social Media Marketing Solutions for You -- LinkedIn and Constant Contact

  • What Month is This?

    To quote the provost at Fairleigh Dickinson University (where I'm an adjunct professor), "it has certainly been an interesting semester so far. The October snowstorm is just the latest surprise" (we already had a delayed opening due to Hurricane Irene). For more on my reaction to "Snowtober", check out my blog, "Snow in October -- a View from the Trenches".

    And now it's almost December. Where did November go? Well, there was almost a week without power, then almost five days in Seattle (one of my favorite places to visit!), then Thanksgiving. Guess the year is over as I can't imagine that December will go by any slower.

    Incomplete is Good

    I've written a few times about perfection and how it shouldn't really be our goal. Little did I know that sometimes "incomplete" can actually be very good.

    In September, I was visiting friends in Oregon. I met a very nice couple who were telling us about their daughter-in-law. Due to a freak accident, she suffered a broken neck and paralysis. However, she does have movement in one hand/arm, which allows her to feed herself, operate her wheelchair, and accomplish other tasks. She is a nurse and is still able to visit schools and provide training to school nurses. Her condition is called Incomplete Quadriplegia.

    Now, I'm not advocating leaving things undone. But, here's another example where perfection is not only overrated, but undesirable. Sometimes, being incomplete is a very, very good thing!

    Social Media Marketing Solutions for You -- LinkedIn and Constant Contact

    Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Many people use LinkedIn to find a job, but you should also be using it as one of the marketing tools for your business. Not sure how to do that? I can review your LinkedIn profile and show you how to make it better. And if you aren't on LinkedIn yet, I can help you set-up your profile. Make an appointment today and let LinkedIn work for you!

    Are you interested in trying e-mail marketing? I am a Certified Constant Contact Expert and a Constant Contact Solution Provider. Which means I can help you with your e-mail marketing -- whether it's helping with set-up, writing the content, or doing something more advanced. I can even set up your contact lists, help you choose a template, and develop your e-mail schedule. To learn more, click here.

    E-mail marketing is a way to stay in front of your customers. Whether it's an e-letter (like this one), notice of a special event or sale, or just a holiday greeting, e-mail marketing should be a part of your marketing package. Let me help you get started.

    Constant Contact Star Logo

    Book of the Month . . . 18 Minutes
    Nice Girls Just Don't Get It

    Peter Bregman, management consultant and writer, is one of my favorite bloggers -- he writes really well and he always has interesting and important things to say. His new book, subtitled: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done, is even better. In this really easy to read book, Peter uses personal anecdotes and case studies to "gently show how busy people can cut through all the daily clutter and distractions and finally find a way to focus on those key items that are truly the top priorities in our lives."

    The book is broken into four parts: Part One: Pause, Hover Above Your World; Part Two: What is This Year About? Find Your Focus; Part Three: What is This Day About? Get the Right Things Done; Part Four: What is This Moment About? Mastering Distractions. You will hear more about this book come January as I lay out my plans for the year. In the meantime, buy it and read it!

    Quote of the Month: "Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshipped " -- Calvin Coolidge

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