Write for You News & Notes Words Working for You
June/July 2007/Vol. 3, #4

Welcome to the latest issue of Write for You News & Notes, our monthly newsletter. Here you will find tips on writing, business, and life. If you have any writing questions or if you'd like to share any books or favorite links with our readers, send me an e-mail. And be sure to check our web site for ways that we can help you with your business.

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Nancy Passow

in this issue
  • Book of the Month . . . Summer Reading List 2007
  • 2007 Scripps National Spelling Bee
  • Summertime
  • Presenting . . . Nancy!

  • 2007 Scripps National Spelling Bee

    The 2007 Scripps National Spelling Bee finished on May 31.  The winning word was serrefine (a small forceps for clamping a blood vessel), spelled correctly in the 13th round by Evan M. O'Dorney, a 13-year-old speller from Danville, CA.  I couldn't even come close to correctly spelling many of the words in the final rounds.  How do these children prepare for the spelling bee?  The Scripps National Spelling Bee web site offers some great resources.  First is the Consolidated Word List.  Next is Merriam-Webster's  A Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms.  And finally there is Carolyn's Corner, posted from mid-September through May, where Carolyn Andrews, the Bee's word list manager and educational consultant, provides helpful tips for preparing for the Bee.  Happy spelling!

    water lily

    Yes, we are supposed to keep working during the summer (see Write for You News & Notes Vol. 1, #2, June 2005), but sometimes it's hard to do.  This has been a busy year -- teaching, multiple volunteer organizations, clients (remember them?), and let's not forget all of that family stuff.  I definitely needed some downtime.  Did you notice this is the June/July issue of the newsletter?  It was supposed to go out in June.  But I refuse to feel guilty and I won't beat myself up -- and you shouldn't either.  Instead, sing along with me (in your best Janis Joplin voice): "Summertime, And the livin' is easy;  Fish are jumpin' And the cotton is high" (George Gershwin's "Summertime" from Porgy & Bess) and go out and enjoy your summer!!   [The photo of the water lily was taken from my kayak with my new waterproof camera.]

    Presenting . . . Nancy!

    The RBWN Awards & Scholarship Dinner on June 14 was wonderful!!  It is so much fun to be fussed over!  Everyone had a great time and we raised money to support some very worthwhile causes.  Scholarships were presented to three young women graduating from Rockland County high schools.  And $1,000 was presented to People-to-People, a wonderful Rockland County organization helping everyday people survive.  The money will be used to send children to summer day camp, giving them somewhere to go while their moms are working.

    But that's not all that happened in June.  A week later, on June 21, was the NJAWBO Bergen Awards & Installation Dinner.  As the chapter's Nomination Chair, I was in charge of presenting awards, arranging the installation, etc., etc.  The events leading up to the dinner is another whole story -- to be shared another time.  Suffice it to say, I was "uninstalled", ending four busy but satisfying years on the NJAWBO Bergen Board.  They, however, did not allow me to leave quietly -- I was presented with a Teal Heart award, given to NJAWBO's members who have given service to their organization above and beyond the expected.  So -- thank you, thank you, NJAWBO Bergen!!

    Book of the Month . . . Summer Reading List 2007

    What's in your beach bag this summer?  Besides the ever present crossword puzzles, I usually have a few books.  The delightful series "Crime of Fashion Mysteries", by Ellen Byerrum, star Lacey Smithsonian, the reluctant fashion writer for Washington, DC's Eye Street Observer.  Lacey considers herself a real journalist and longs for a "serious" position at the newspaper.  Meanwhile she distributes wonderful fashion tips, writes about "Crimes of Fashion", solves mysteries, and sheds light on the strange workings of our Nation's capital.  The books in the series are Killer Hair, Designer Knock-off, Hostile Makeover, and Raiders of the Lost Corset, with new book, Grave Apparel coming in July.  The books are fun and well written, I like Lacey (after all, she's a writer!), and I enjoy recognizing places I know in the DC area (in Killer Hair, Lacey and a friend eat at a little Mexican restaurant I've been to with my daughter.)

    Another book I'll be reading this summer was suggested by Debra Barnett (Barnett Design Inc.):  "The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, an oldie and a goodie-- a great summer read. It's a classic, and as an added bonus, it provides good lessons on business, child raising, finance, negotiating and life in general!"

    Quote of the Month: "He who forgives ends the quarrel."  African Proverb

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