Write for You in NJ News & Notes Words Working for You
August 2006/Vol. 2, #4

Welcome to the latest issue of Write for You in NJ News & Notes, our bimonthly newsletter. Here you will find tips on writing, business, and life. If you have any writing questions or if you'd like to share any books or favorite links with our readers, send me an e-mail. And be sure to check our web site for ways that we can help you with your business.

Nancy Passow

in this issue
  • Book of the Month . . . The Woman's Advantage
  • You Have 30 Seconds -- Talk!!
  • The Meaning of Success
  • Where's Nancy?

  • You Have 30 Seconds -- Talk!!

    Are your palms getting sweaty?  Is your mouth getting dry?  Does the thought of standing in front of a group to give your 30-second elevator speech leave you speechless?  All you need is some advanced preparation and you'll soon be sounding like a pro. 

    Start by asking yourself the following questions (courtesy of Andrea Nierenberg, the Queen of Networking):  What is unique about my business?  What benefits and solutions to problems do I provide?  How do I want to be remembered?  Try to answer each of these questions in one sentence.  Then pull all the sentences together in one short paragraph.  The answer to the last question is your "hook" or tag line–the one liner that summarizes what you do and leaves a lasting impression.  (It can also be used when you are giving a simple introduction–name, name of your business, tag line/hook.  But don't tell people it's your hook or tag line–just say it!)

    Be creative.  Don't start by saying hello or good afternoon.  Your opening line can be a question that will help to draw your audience in.  And don't forget to include your name and the name of your business.  It's good to incorporate them near the beginning of your introduction (but not as the opening line) and then repeat them at the end.

    Once you have your introduction written–practice it!  Initially you will feel like you're making a canned speech, but over time it will come out more naturally.  Remember to be enthusiastic and smile.  People will hear the energy and enthusiasm in your voice and respond.  And don't forget to breathe!

    The Meaning of Success

    What is success? I like Ralph Waldo Emerson's definition: "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

    Where's Nancy?

    Nancy will be speaking on "Press Release 101" at the NJAWBO Sussex-Warren chapter dinner meeting on Monday, September 11, 2006.  A press release is a simple and inexpensive method for marketing your business.  Learn the basics of creating a press release including what you should write about, when you should write it, and what to do with the press release once it's written.  We will also look at what should be included in a press kit to send to the media.

    The meeting is at 6:30 pm at Charlie Brown's Steakhouse, Hackettstown, NJ.  Cost is $28 for pre-registered members and $33 for non-members and members after the pre-registration date.  For additional information or to make reservations, contact (973) 940-9138 (hotline) or sussex-warren@njawbo.org.

    Book of the Month . . . The Woman's Advantage

    In her new book, The Woman's Advantage: 20 Women Entrepreneurs Show You What It Takes to Grow Your Business, Mary Cantando features women who started out small and are now the owners of multimillion and billion-dollar companies.  The book is divided into four sections (Position Your Business for Breakthroughs, Niche Your Business for Influence, Certify Your Business for Leverage, and Market Your Business for Growth), with five chapters in each section.  Mary discusses topics such as Organizing Your Business for Growth and Preparing for a Successful Sales Call, followed by the story of how one of the successful women entrepreneurs did just that.

    Quote of the Month:  "The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong." Laura Ingalls Wilder

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